;; Keyboard Macro Editor. Press C-c C-c to finish; press C-x k RET to cancel. ;; Original keys: M-x search-forward-r RET ^ ^ DEL 12[0-0 DEL 9][0-9] RET C-a C-SPC C-s 2*DEL 12 C-e M-w C-x o C-y RET C-x o Command: last-kbd-macro Key: none Macro: M-x ;; execute-extended-command search-forward-r ;; self-insert-command * 16 RET ;; newline ^ ^ ;; self-insert-command * 2 DEL ;; delete-backward-char 12[0-0 ;; self-insert-command * 6 DEL ;; delete-backward-char 9][0-9] ;; self-insert-command * 7 RET ;; newline C-a ;; move-beginning-of-line C-SPC ;; set-mark-command C-s ;; isearch-forward 2*DEL ;; delete-backward-char 12 ;; self-insert-command * 2 C-e ;; move-end-of-line M-w ;; kill-ring-save C-x o ;; other-window C-y ;; yank RET ;; newline C-x o ;; other-window