for $x in doc("sortieudpipe-slurp_3208.xml")/baseudpipe/p/item let $SkipLigne := " " return ( (:NOM ADJ:) if ($x/a[4]="NOUN" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="ADJ" ) then concat ( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2]," - NOM-ADJ" ) else(), (:ADJ NOM:) if ($x/a[4]="ADJ" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="NOUN" ) then concat ( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2]," - ADJ-NOM" ) else(), (:NOM VERBE ADV:) if($x/a[4]="NOUN" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="VERB" and $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[4]="ADV") then concat( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2] , " " , $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[2]," - NOM-VERBE-ADV") else(), (:VERBE DET NOM:) if($x/a[4]="VERB" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="DET" and $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[4]="NOUN") then concat( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2] , " " , $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[2]," - VERBE-DET-NOM") else(), (:NOM PREP NOM:) if($x/a[4]="NOUN" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="ADP" and $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[4]="NOUN") then concat( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2] , " " , $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[2] ," - NOM-PREP-NOM") else(), (:NOM PREP NOM PREP:) if($x/a[4]="NOUN" and $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[4]="ADP" and $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[4]="NOUN"and $x/following-sibling::*[3]/a[4]="ADP") then concat( $x/a[2] , " ", $x/following-sibling::*[1]/a[2] , " " , $x/following-sibling::*[2]/a[2] , " " , $x/following-sibling::*[3]/a[2] ," - NOM-PREP-NOM-PREP") else() )