ADJ-NOM for $art in collection("[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $nextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[1] where $elt/a[4] = "ADJ" and $nextElt/a[4] = "NOUN" return string-join(($elt/a[2]/text(),$nextElt/a[2]/text())," ") NOM-ADJ for $art in collection("2[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $nextElt := $elt/following-sibling::item[1] where $elt/a[4] = "NOUN" and $nextElt/a[4] = "ADJ" return string-join(($elt/a[2]/text(),$nextElt/a[2]/text())," ") VERBE-DET-NOM for $art in collection("[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $firstnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[1] let $secondnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[2] where $elt/a[4]= "VERB" and $firstnextElt/a[4] = "DET" and $secondnextElt/a[4] = "NOUN" return concat($elt/a[2]/text(), " ",$firstnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$secondnextElt/a[2]/text()) NOM-PREP-NOM-PREP for $art in collection("[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $firstnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[1] let $secondnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[2] let $thirdnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[3] where $elt/a[4] = "NOUN" and $firstnextElt/a[4] = "ADP" and $secondnextElt/a[4] = "NOUN" and $thirdnextElt/a[4] = "ADP" return concat($elt/a[2]/text(), " ",$firstnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$secondnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$thirdnextElt/a[2]/text()) DET-ADJ-NOM for $art in collection("[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $firstnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[1] let $secondnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[2] where $elt/a[4] = "DET" and $firstnextElt/a[4] = "ADJ" and $secondnextElt/a[4] = "NOUN" return concat($elt/a[2]/text(), " ",$firstnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$secondnextElt/a[2]/text()) DET-PNOM-PREP-PNOM for $art in collection("[fichier converti xml UDpipe en sortie BAO2]")//p for $elt in $art/item let $firstnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[1] let $secondnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[2] let $thirdnextElt:= $elt/following-sibling::item[3] where $elt/a[4] = "DET" and $firstnextElt/a[4] = "PROPN" and $secondnextElt/a[4] = "ADP" and $thirdnextElt/a[4] = "PROPN" return concat($elt/a[2]/text(), " ",$firstnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$secondnextElt/a[2]/text(), " ",$thirdnextElt/a[2]/text())