(BUTTON) US administration erases transgender and nonbinary health protections Written by Maria Cohut, Ph.D. on June 17, 2020 — Fact checked by -- Care Act, in a move that leaves room for healthcare providers to discriminate on the basis of gender identity. a man holding up his hand with the transgender flag on it Share on PinterestNew ruling affecting the Affordable Care Act removes protection against discrimination for transgender and nonbinary people. On Friday, June 12, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology.” This move is heavily criticized by transgender and human rights activists, who flag it as one step further down a slippery slope toward curtailing basic human rights in the U.S. Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality — a nonprofit social equality organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. — has slammed the ruling, noting that: -- “Even as the death toll and catastrophe of the COVID-19 pandemic grows and people take to the streets, the Trump administration remains focused on denying equal access to healthcare to transgender people. […] The new rules released [on June 12] are hateful and cruel and will keep people from being able to get the care they need -- In the official release, the HHS claim that the rule will save $2.9 billion over 5 years, chiefly by avoiding the distribution of additional informational material translated into several languages. “Now more than ever, Americans do not want billions of dollars in -- According to data from the Williams Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, an estimated 1.4 million U.S. adults identify as transgender, and it is possible that the actual number is even greater. A review published in 2017 in the journal Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity shows that according to existing research, transgender people are often likely to miss out on healthcare due to widespread stigma and discrimination. Transgender and gender nonconforming individuals — particularly adolescents and young adults — also have a high risk of developing depression and anxiety and of attempting suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) have pointed out that for transgender individuals, “Transphobia and discrimination are major barriers to healthcare access and can result in increased risk of health concerns unrelated to gender or sexuality.” -- Education in 2019 showed that among a cohort of 223 U.S. healthcare providers, 108 (48.4%) reported having no formal education regarding transgender healthcare. Despite this, 111 (49.7%) of the respondents said that they had at least one transgender individual under their professional care. The researchers who conducted the survey and analysis expressed concern that transphobia is likely a crucial stumbling block in U.S. healthcare. The new rule affecting the Affordable Care Act could further cut off transgender and gender-nonconforming people from accessing the care that they need. -- Medically reviewed by Alan Carter, PharmD Testosterone supplements may include injectable treatments or those that are transdermal, meaning people apply them to the skin. Learn more about… READ MORE