OUT News Transgender man files discrimination suit after Maryland hospital cancels hysterectomy -- By Tim Fitzsimons A transgender man is suing the University of Maryland Medical System in federal court, claiming his rights were violated when his gender-affirming surgery was canceled by one of the hospital system's -- unconstitutional application of Catholic religious doctrine,” the suit states. “When they canceled Mr. Hammons’ medically necessary surgery, Defendants thus treated Mr. Hammons — as a man who is transgender — differently from nontransgender patients who require medically necessary hysterectomies for other medical conditions.” -- NBC OUT NBC OUTDem AGs sue Trump admin. to stop reversal of trans protections Michael Schwartzberg, director of communications for the University of -- NBC OUT NBC OUTTransgender Facebook content dominated by right-wing sources, study finds -- Block said that Hammons' lawsuit “raises all the same fact patterns about sex discrimination against transgender patients in the context of transition-related surgery at hospitals, but it also has this added feature where it’s not just a private religious hospital but part of the University of Maryland hospital system." -- Even after the Bostock decision, the Trump administration is continuing its effort to reverse Obama-era transgender protections in health care. In June, days before that case was decided, the Department of Health and Human Services issued the final version of a rule that explicitly strips transgender protections from the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination language. -- pay Chase Strangio, ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice, said the legal interpretation advanced through years of Trump administration policies — that sex discrimination bans in various laws do not prohibit -- precedent-setting finding central to the Bostock decision: “It is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that individual based on sex.“