[p?c1=2&c2=6035250&cv=2.0&cj=1&cs_ucfr=0&comscorekw=Brexit%2CStudents%2 CHigher+education+policy%2CEuropean+Union%2CPhilosophy%2CBoris+Johnson% 2CHigher+education%2CEducation+policy%2CEurope%2CPolitics%2CUK+news%2CW -- * Global development OpinionBrexit I was an early Erasmus scholar, and I grieve for what British students have -- Julian Baggini My time in Europe transformed my outlook; those who think Brexit is all about trade deals ignore what else was at stake University students -- into a purely transactional one. To the mercantilist Brexiteers, any losses incurred are mere trifles. Take the end of the Erasmus scheme, which enabled students to spend time in other member states’ universities. Compared with fish quotas -- protection, aid to development areas and vocational training”. The tragedy of the Brexit saga is that the case for the cultural value of EU membership was barely even made, for fear it would only fan the flames of nationalist antipathy to Europe. But since it was always a -- Thanks to Covid, the neighbours haven’t been round for Christmas this year, and thanks to Brexit, in future we’ll be spending less quality time with our European neighbours too. The walls are going up again and no amount of trade windows can compensate for that. -- the World Thinks Topics * Brexit * Opinion