to be prepared by washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after visiting a playground and avoid touching your face. Social-distancing guidelines remain in place at all county parks, meaning park goers should maintain at least six feet of distance from others and will need to wear a mask when around others from outside of the home. Masks are required in social settings for park visitors above the age of five, and are highly recommended for those between the ages of two and four. Park users are expected to follow social-distancing and safety protocols including: * Do not use parks or trails if you are exhibiting symptoms. -- * Share the trail and warn other trail users of your presence and as you pass. * Observe CDC’s minimum recommended physical distancing of six feet from other persons not from your household at all times. * If you are not able to maintain social-distancing guidelines while visiting a county park, please go home and try to come again at another time.