Parenting >> blog >> Parenting >> Teen Speak - Teens Share Why They Teen Speak - Teens Share Why They Resort To Lying Teen Speak Teens Share Why They Resort To Lying Welcome to a teen’s world – the wobbly world of an individual who is no following parents’ instructions, teens are driven into tricky could be anything. And teenagers are no different. Read on to find out some of the reasons that teenagers gave us when we asked them what Why Do Teenagers Resort To Lying? So, what makes a teen lie? We can always theorize over the possible causes, but then we thought, why not hear it from the teens themselves. So we spoke to teenaged children from across the country and got these * Best Christmas Gifts Ideas For Your Teen * This Summer Vacation Watch These Movies Your Teen have to lie to him, though!" How do you think it impacts a teenager Khwaish from Gurgaon is a level headed teenager who would prefer to our teens’ growth by burdening them with responsibilities they are from talking about sex with our teens? Doesn’t it make them more 9-year-old Arjun is yet to turn a teen, but is learning that lying few things as well when they were teens. They can’t understand * TeenSpeak: Teens share why some children take extreme steps on not * Is Your Teen Lying? Know Why. * Healthy snack ideas for your teen * Is Your Teen Rude & Back-Talking To You Have you been in a situation where you have confronted your teenaged Beautifully written! Teenage is the age when an adolescent is already A really good article fr all the parents parenting teens! I wouldnt say Very well written article... I just discussed it with my teenage communication channels open with our teens. I can co-relate these incidents to my teenage even though my mother was live my childhood and teenage once again with my son. How much ever you best.. Few days back I met these lovely teenaged girls who are being A big thank for such a nice article, as my kids are in teens. its a eye blessing to the parents of the teenagers... thank you neetu!! An eye opener ... Never thought these points before blaming the teens now that next time when I will find any teen or kid lying... will try How To Cope With Teen Disobedience? How To Cope With Teen Disobedience? In the Midst of Teenagers Argument In the Midst of Teenagers Argument