Search Search Plan to bring people back from the dead by freezing their brains and then resurrecting them with artificial intelligence The company is developing techniques to take people's brains out and freeze them until they are ready / Getty Artificial intelligence and apps would watch people during their lives — and then use that to bring them back to life 6169789578 Click to follow The Independent Tech A company claims that it is developing technology to bring people back from the dead. Humai says that it is developing technology that would allow brains to be frozen and have their information stored, bringing people back using artificial intelligence. The technology could be available to the public within the next 30 years, the company claimed. -- Once the techniques were sufficiently advanced, the frozen brain would then be taken out of its freezer and put into a new body, allowing the person to be brought back to life. Before the person dies, the company would use artificial intelligence to study the conversational style and behaviour of their customers. That would then be fed into the chip so that the person that was being re-animated would be preserved. -- This is inaccurate, the reason being that these images are not to scale. “We’re using artificial intelligence and nanotechnology to store data of conversational styles, behavioural patterns, thought processes and information about how your body functions from the inside-out,” the site reads. “This data will be coded into multiple sensor technologies, which will be built into an artificial body with the brain of a deceased human. -- ” The company has five people working together to create the technology, it claims. That includes people working on artificial intelligence, “bionics and sensors” and nanotechnology. Comments Most Popular Video Sponsored Features We use cookies to enhance your visit to our site and to bring you advertisements that might interest you.