Search Search Artificial intelligence gets a lot of bad press, but it will solve the planet’s hardest problems Filmmakers have stoked human fears of AI technology in movies like ‘Ex Machina’, but big data could be a force for good According to the ‘digital prophet’ Kevin Kelly, we’re on the verge of a brave new future, where computing will solve all the planet’s ills. And he’s not alone 6169789578 Click to follow The Independent Tech As you’re choking down your latest serving of Trump Clinton Brexit Racism Terrorism Wealth Gap Climate Change Casserole, you could use some good news. -- What we’re going to experience in the next decade, from 2017 to 2027, will make that stuff seem as ho-hum as a wall socket. Artificial intelligence gets a lot of bad press. Yes, it’s probably going to wipe out certain jobs and professions, as always happens with progress. -- Despite headlines about a recent self-driving fatality, AI driving should eventually nearly eliminate accidents. “It is hard to imagine anything that would ‘change everything’ as much as cheap, powerful, ubiquitous artificial intelligence,” Kelly writes. “It is the ur-force in our future.