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What's the difference between a robot and artificial intelligence?

9 Answers
Matthew Bohrer
Matthew Bohrer, Assistant State's Attorney, Consultant, Programmer, etc.

Generally speaking, a robot is just a mechanical device which moves autonomously while following some sort of programming.  This can be something as simple as a machine that simply moves around randomly.

Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, has nothing to do with where the AI is.  It could be running in a robot, a fixed-in-location device, or anything else.  AI is about the programming of software which can either imitate true intelligence, or in fact possess it.  The definition of what makes an intelligence 'artificial' though is one of philosophy: after all, what's the difference between an intelligence running on silicon vs. our own brains?

Quora User
Quora User, Programming

Robotics is more like Mechanics thing and AI is the human like perception which is in code indeed.

However, for Robotics consists of Mechanical Engineering - which deals with creating the design and locomotion of the robot, motors, shafts, etc. and the Robots are used more for doing heavy physical work like manufacturing and assembling.

And, for AI which is inspired from Neuroscience/Human Brain, is a software which performs tasks more like in a Human way than hard-coding the instructions in the Computer’s memory.

AI also combines many other fields together like Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Mathematics, Biology to make the systems or we call them agents in AI, to work.

The core field of AI is Machine Learning/Deep Learning which uses Artificial Neural Networks to learn from Data/Experience and then perform new tasks based on the previous experience. It’s capable of forming new decisions which it has no knowledge before.

Just an example to make it more clear to you, let’s say, AI = Soul and Robots are the body.

Presently the Robots we have perform tasks which have already been programmed explicitly into them. They don’t make decisions on their own. Now, you’ve AI which can learn with time and experience. When you combine these two things i.e AI and Robot you get a complete working model of System which can do things in a Human way.

Also, if you want to make a career in AI you don’t actually need a degree. The web is so vast, it’s filled with all the stuff you need to get started. There are free courses on Coursera about Machine Learning and on Udacity about Deep Learning by Google.

One more thing I want to add is before you start working on AI, ask yourself why you want to go for this. What’s that problem which you want to solve and this is really important.

I wish you a very Good Luck!

Happy Learning!

AI is awesome!

Peter Charlot
Peter Charlot, 40 years of learning experience

Let us define our terms. When you say ‘artificial intelligence’ I assume you are referring to the common definition which is:

Courtesy of Oxford:

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

When you use the term ‘robotics’ this is define as:

Courtesy of Oxford:

The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.

Given a little pondering, both terms are defined the same way.

So, according to definition, there is no difference.

Yet, being the curmudgeon that I am, I don’t don’t except the names, ‘artificial intelligence,’ or ‘robotics.’ Nor do I accept the definitions by default..

Allow me, so humble I am, to offer two new terms and definitions.

Artificial Being

Artificial being includes all aspects of a living entity, not just intelligence.

Machina artificio-apiens

A term that uses the latin designation for an Artificial Being finding a place within our already designated taxonomic hierarchy (one of them anyway).

So according to this hierarchy the machine will become a member of the highest order of taxonomy. Life . Attempting to remain within this taxonomy would require a separate but equal taxonomic design. Since the current chart has only to do with biological life. So ‘Machina’ has no place until we get down to genus and species. What would all the intermediary layers in taxonomy contain. At this time nothing, but in time they may be filled with all kinds of machine, non biological, living beings. At the moment though the Genus of a consciousness robot would be Machina. The species would be artificio-sapiens. Put together we have Machina artifiico-sapiens. Technically the word hang around but it will not be a scientific category.

Quora User
Quora User, computer programmer with interests in technology and philosophy

Robots are hardware and artificial intelligence (AI) is software.

For robots, you would study some combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or computer science. But you should focus on the engineering.

For AI, you should study computer science. Hopefully, your school offers some type of major that focuses on an AI field such as machine learning.

There is a combination of robotics and AI in the form of learning robots. Robots should be as intelligent as possible to be effective, so they need AI. But AI is practiced on ordinary computers more often than on robots.

Jorge Murillo
Jorge Murillo, 16 years old, Aspie, INTP, delving into AI and Pen testing

The difference between a robot and an artificial intelligence is most well shown in their design and function. Robots usually focus primarily on the Physical world and navigating/performing physical tasks. An artificial intelligence would most likely present itself in software, and it focuses on controlling/navigating systems, performing computations on up to a theoretical level, along with analyzing information to have a specified result. A good example of an AI would be IBM’s Watson, and you see it analyze information through several different algorithms to create an accurate response. A good example of a robot would be something like wall-e.

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