Beeb should hire Bouncy Rusty if it insists on outdoing satire with its right-on weather recruiting

The broadcaster skirted close to the parody of comedy spoof W1A by advertising for a weather forecaster whose only qualification is disability, impairment or restriction

Reuters Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Beyond a joke: Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize despite his role in Vietnam and Cambodia

Satire is a risky business. What may seem hilarious and far fetched can fall flat when the joke is overtaken by events.

Reality has this annoying habit of ­proving time and again to be a whole lot funnier – or sicker – than anything the most gifted comedy scriptwriter could come up with.

American comedian Tom Lehrer said satire died in 1973, when the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger – who had ­masterminded the saturation bombing of Cambodia that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Old Tom, who’s still going strong at 87, might have allowed himself a quiet chuckle over the UK’s former PM Tony Blair ­deciding to quit his role as Middle East peace envoy, after eight fruitless years, on one of those days when the region was engulfed in flames again.

Israel launched waves of air strikes against Gaza in retaliation for rocket ­attacks on its territory.

Islamic State maniacs publicly executed 20 captives at Palmyra in Syria. And Saudi jets killed at least 80 insurgents in the bloodiest bombings yet in the war in Yemen.

Time to go, Tone. Job done. Well, sort of. You didn’t bring much peace to anyone.

But, hey, you tried.

PA Tony Blair
Job done?: Tony Blair has stood down as Middle East peace envoy

Meanwhile, a story which would be any satirist’s dream was unfolding at home.

The BBC had advertised for a new weather forecaster who needed only one qualification.

Never mind degrees in ­geography, meteorology, ­astrophysics or any of that ­boring scientific stuff.

Because the Beeb was ­“actively seeking to improve onscreen diversity” the ­successful applicant would need to be disabled, impaired or somehow restricted.

Bizarrely, this came ­close to a recent storyline in the BBC’s own comedy spoof of itself, W1A, where TV news bosses were determined to employ a Muslim with a beard as ­television’s “most culturally inclusive weather forecaster”.

As it happens, the Beeb was way behind the curve here (that’s how ­executives talk on W1A).

Twenty years ago, the saucy pay channel L!VE TV ­featured a regular slot entitled Britain’s Bounciest Weather, where a dwarf actor – Rusty Goffe – presented forecasts while bouncing on a trampoline.

The further north his ­forecasts went, the higher Rusty was obliged to bounce.

Once when striving to point to the Scottish Highlands he fell off his ­trampoline and ­disappeared from view.

As far as I know, Rusty – who played an Oompa-Loompa in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and appeared in at least one of the Star Wars films – is still around.

I do hope he goes for that job at the Beeb.

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