Are we too politically correct? Equality film gives satirical version of the future

The short clip addresses issues including racism and sexism in the "future" and has gained a wide range of differing opinions from viewers


A short film created by YouTube users takes a unique look at the future by satirising political correctness.

Created by Neel Kolhatkar, 20, and titled #Equality, tackles a number of different issues including racism and sexism.

The clip appears to be set some time in the distant future, where men are not allowed to argue with women, and everyone is called "Number One", rather than having a name.

In a 'twist', the futuristic satire is then revealed to actually be a projection of what life will be like in 2016.

Futuristic: The short film takes a satirical look at political correctness

Neel, an Australian actor and comedian who also stars in the short film, uploaded the video to YouTube on January 18, where the three minute 42 second footage has already had 230,302 views.

On his Facebook page, Neel said: "This is pretty different to what I usually do, it's a short film I made.

"Big thanks to Conceptional Media for producing as well as Josh Wade for co-starring."

Commenters below the video had a wide range of divided opinions.

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