After Native American actors walked off the set of Adam Sandler's Netflix comedy TheRidiculous Six in April, citing the movie's "offensive and stereotypical" script, the star is finally speaking about the controversy.

"It's a pro-Indian movie," Sandler said about The Ridiculous Six to Screen Crush in a new interview. According to Sandler, TheRidiculous Six doesn't mock Native American culture, and while he did not get a chance to talk to the actors who walked off set, Sandler claimed he talked to other Native Americans on set to clear the air.

"I talked to some of the actors on the set who were there and let them know that the intention of the movie is 100% to just make a funny movie," Sandler said. "It's really about American Indians being good to my character and about their family and just being good people. There's no mocking of American Indians at all in the movie."

"Hopefully when people see it — whoever was offended on set and walked out, I hope they realize that, and that's it," he said. "It was kinda taken out of context."

According to Indian Country Today, the Native American actors walked off the Ridiculous Six set to protest potential offenses in the script, including women named Beaver's Breath and No Bra, a scene where an Apache woman urinates while smoking a peace pipe and feathers inappropriately positioned on a teepee.

"The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of -- but in on -- the joke," said Netflix in a statement after the actors' April walkout.

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