NYC moviegoers flock to see ‘The Interview’

New York moviegoers said screw you to North Korea, as they turned out to see the formerly nixed Sony film “The Interview” at three independent theaters in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.

The James Franco/Seth Rogen film, which angered North Korea for its depiction of a hit job on the nation’s leader, piqued city movegoers’ interest after weeks of controversy.

“I really want to see this,” Brooklyn resident Arthur Boujenah told the Post outside Williamsburg Cinemas, where operators said all three showings of the film were mostly sold out before lunch.

“I just love that because of this, Seth Rogen is more talked about than the president and more important than any other world leader,” the 28-year-old added.

Jamila Hammami, 27, — also a Brooklynite — said she really isn’t a big fan of movies, but she bought a ticket anyway just “to see what all the fuss is about.”

Even out-of-towner Pam Silverthorn, 49, decided to toss her plans aside for friends who “needed a good laugh” this Christmas.

“I saw the review — it looked hilarious,” she said before walking in to the Brooklyn movie house. “I heard it’s only playing in a few theaters, but it’s everywhere now!”

The crowds also showed at Cinema Village in Manhattan, where massive lines formed outside leading up to showtime.

“The fundamental thing is that we’re here to celebrate human expression,” moviegoer Willie Jasso told ABC Channel 7 outside the Greenwich Village theater.

“The absurdity of it all, I find it as funny as i hope to find the movie,” Nick Ratner added as he stood in line.

When the credits rolled at Williamsburg Cinemas after their first showing at 12:10 pm, Ratner’s expectations of the film were surprisingly proven true — despite loads of scathing reviews from people who streamed the movie on Wednesday.

“It was better than I thought it would be,” said Michael Birnkrantz, 22. “I thought it was very funny. No movie should ever get pulled because it pissed off a dictator.”

Queens resident Melvin Shieh also enjoyed the Sony Entertainment production and felt there was more than meets the eye to its storyline.

“A movie like that usually skims surface of political issues,” the 22-year-old told the Post. “But this went a little bit deeper and that made it funnier.”

Manhattan moviegoer Skye Akiyama said the movie lived up to the hype and kept her laughing, but she thought it could have been more serious in the end.

“I love how it made fun of Americans at the same time as North Korea,” said the 30-year-old. “But I wish the movie didn’t have to be so stupid to make people care about these issues.”

Folks have flocked to social media this week to express why they were going to be watching “The Interview” — alleging that they were doing it for “America.”

Brooklyn resident Brett Caeser, 25, let the patriotic punches fly as he left Williamsburg Cinemas.

“It’s a big F U to the North Koreans,” he said proudly. “It’s really empowering for the public to have the opportunity to see this movie.”

But Caeser wasn’t going to take the North Korea satire as serious as the communist state did when they allegedly hacked into Sony emails and aired their dirty laundry for all to see.

“They did a really good job of portraying James Franco as a stupid American,” he said.

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