Gone Girl review and trailer: Tense journey through the painful unravelling of love

5 / 5 stars
Gone Girl

AFTER watching Gone Girl you might never trust the person sitting opposite you again.

Gone Girl Ben Affleck is brilliant as the glib, bewildered Nick [20TH CENTURY FOX]

Director: David Fincher

Starring: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike

Cert 18, 148 mins

David Fincher’s expert adaptation of the Gillian Flynn page turner is a satisfying cat and mouse thriller that also serves as a clinical dissection of the games we play, the images we present to the world and the gap between carefully constructed fantasy and a complex, fallible reality. It is a thriller that constantly keeps you on your toes and then settles in the memory with a haunting aftertaste.

Fincher is the perfect ringmaster for a twisty, manipulative tale designed to confound your expectations and assumptions. If Alfred Hitchcock is the master of suspense then Fincher has become the master of cold, clammy dread in Seven, Zodiac and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. His films leave you double-checking locked doors, glancing under the bed and always turning on the light in a dark, threatening room.

Gone Girl starts with the stuff of a conventional mystery and then embroiders and embellishes it into something much more daring. On the day of their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) returns home to discover that his wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) is missing. There is evidence of a struggle. Everyone assumes the worse. Detective Rhonda Bates (Kim Dickens) and her partner Jim (Patrick Fugit) already seem to suspect that Nick is not the innocent, anxious husband that he appears to be. 

We are then transported back to the beginning of the Nick and Amy story as they meet at a swell New York party, banter and flirt and fall in love. As they go walking through the city clouds of icing sugar billow from a baker’s window and dust them with a sprinkling of magic. They are the perfect couple, full of hope and promise and ideal for each other. “We’re so cute I could punch us in the face,“ Amy tells Nick one anniversary.

The story of Amy and Nick is shaped by an America in crisis and a country losing its self-confidence. The bloom of being young, successful and in love starts to fade when the economy wobbles, jobs are lost and options are curtailed. They wind up back in Nick’s home town where he runs a bar with his twin sister Margot (Carrie Coon) and Amy has way too much time to figure out when it all started to turn sour.

Joining the dots between past and present becomes a large part of the pleasure in Gone Girl as we start to realise that this is a film in which everything is too good or too bad to be entirely true. There is some sharp satire on the feeding frenzy of a gleeful, self-righteous media who treat the disappearance of Amy as a meal to savour and regard Nick as a sitting target to judge and condemn.

Fincher injects some welcome elements of humour into the mix, mostly courtesy of lawyer Tanner Bolt (Tyler Perry), the “ Patron Saint Of Wife Killers” and the performance of Neil Patrick Harris as Amy’s ex-lover Desi. The film is beautifully cast throughout with Ben Affleck brilliant as the glib, bewildered Nick and Rosamund Pike giving the performance of her career as the implacable Amy, a woman of beguiling wit and poise whose Sphinx-like features conceal a bubbling cauldron of malice and disappointment. She has the manner of a spellbinding cobra waiting for the ideal moment to strike.

Gone Girl falters slightly in trying to find a perfect ending but it remains a tense, taut thriller and a bruising journey through the painful unravelling of love and marriage.