
In this rabbit hole of an August, politics is morphing into satire

Marina Hyde

into Wonderland

Noma Bar's illustration on politics and satire
‘With the best will in the world, I do not believe Corbyn is going to
stop the Tories being in power for 15 years. At least.’ Illustration:

game we loathe so much. The next, you’re being barred as a red Tory
from a club willing to accept Murdoch as a member. For lovers of
rolling auto-satire, this is certainly an exciting time to be alive.

In this fast-moving WTFscape, the only newspaper which is not cast as

headlined “Terrorists Destroy World Trade Centre”.

Given how many satires are set 20 minutes into the future, there is a
certainly a temptation to look at aspects of events in Greece and
wonder if they are some blacker forerunner to developments just around

as Tory or red Tory is the Morning Star

More satire back home, where to the delight of those who’d had enough
of people banging on about antisemites he may have associated with,
Jeremy Corbyn has chosen this moment to announce that he will apologise