3. TV and Radio

Satire has died while audiences are 'distracted' by Great British Bake Off,
Rory Bremner says

Rory Bremner laments the death of satire, saying television viewers are
"distracted" by the "bread and circus" of the Great British Bake Off and

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Political satire on television is dying while audiences are distracted
by the “bread and circuses” of the Great British Bake Off, the comedian
Rory Bremner has said.

Bremner, the comedian, said “bland politicians”, “supine commissioners”
and “the descent into farce of the British establishment” has seen the
demise of innovative satire.

Arguing the modern world required more “analysis and insight than

25 Feb 2014

“We should rediscover our tradition of satire. Of speaking truth unto
power. Or, at least, blowing raspberries unto it. It’s a question of
political will.

Comparing television today with that of 30 years ago, Bremner there are
few programmes regularly satirising the establishment.

In an article discussing “Who killed satire?”, published in the October
issue of the magazine, Bremner said: “Well, in true Agatha Christie
style, I suggest there are a number of suspects.


Saying the BBC and ITV were failing to commission new satire because
they are “nervous of causing offence,” he suggested the comedy cynicism
of his generation was now moving into different medium

“Everyone is a satirist these days,” he said. “The airwaves and
newspaper columns are awash with cynical characterisations of
politicians, Twitter and other social media full of abuse of public