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Teenagers murdered two men in ‘grotesque’ attacks

Harry Reekie and Steven Mitchell were murdered a few streets apart in Bathgate, West Lothian
Andy Barr/The Times
  • Bathgate
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    Harry Reekie and Steven Mitchell were murdered a few streets apart in Bathgate, West Lothian Andy Barr/The Times

Two teenagers have been convicted of murdering two men in the space of 36 hours in separate “grotesque” attacks.

Andrew Moran and Paul Erskine, both now 19, bound, robbed and stabbed Harry Reekie, 65, at his home in Bathgate, West Lothian, on September 16 last year.

They then killed Steven Mitchell, 31, with a knife and a hammer on September 17, at a house a few streets from Mr Reekie’s home. The motive behind his murder remains unclear.

Mr Reekie was able to identify his attackers to police before he died on January 4, having been unable to recover from

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