#alternate alternate alternate alternate [view-mobile-icon.png] View mobile site January 13, 2016 Huffpost WorldPost Edition: U.S. (BUTTON) Show/Hide + عربي (Arabic) AR + Australia AU + Brasil BR -- * No, Arab Gulf Countries Are Not Taking in Refugees Posted: 10/13/2015 11:49 am EDT Updated: 10/13/2015 11:59 am EDT + + Share + Tweet + -- and the UAE). The international community has questioned the GCC countries' contribution to resolving the Syrian refugee crisis in countless social media posts and discussions. According to a 2014 report entitled "Left Out In The Cold" by human rights organization Amnesty International, the GCC had not officially resettled a single Syrian refugee since the crisis began in 2011. Similar reports began circulating the web last month, and some countries in the region took exception to allegations that they were not pulling their weight. The Saudi Press Agency, citing a source in -- The reason it's difficult to establish just how many refugees are being hosted by countries in the GCC is because they do not officially recognize incoming asylum-seekers as refugees. Since the GCC is not a signatory of the United Nations' 1951 Refugee Convention, they are not bound by law to provide these people with the standard treatment and rights typically afforded those seeking refuge in a new country. Admittedly, while the Arab states of the GCC might not have officially -- The problem is that being an official refugee and being a guest of a GCC work-sponsorship program are not one and the same. The most significant difference is that official refugees in countries that have agreed to the 1951 Refugee Convention are eligible to become citizens after a certain period of time. In addition, under Saudi Arabia's work sponsorship system, most migrants are not allowed to change jobs or exit the country without -- + About Our Ads + Contact Us + Archive Copyright ©2016 TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. "The Huffington Post" is a registered trademark of TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. All rights reserved. 2016© Part of HPMG News Use this form to alert a HuffPost editor about a factual or typographical error in this story.