#alternate alternate alternate alternate [view-mobile-icon.png] View mobile site January 13, 2016 Huffpost WorldPost Edition: U.S. (BUTTON) Show/Hide + عربي (Arabic) AR + Australia AU + Brasil BR -- * Image for In Huge Win For Elephants, Hong Kong Finally Vows To 'Phase Out' Ivory Sales In Huge Win For Elephants, Hong Kong Finally Vows To 'Phase Out' Ivory Sales * Image for Explosion Near Pakistan Polio Eradication Center Kills At Least 15 Explosion Near Pakistan Polio Eradication Center Kills At Least 15 * Image for In Dangerous Gamble, the Obama Administration Is Abandoning Decades-Old Mideast Alliances In Dangerous Gamble, the Obama Administration Is Abandoning Decades-Old Mideast Alliances * Image for Iran Frees 10 Detained U.S. Sailors Iran Frees 10 Detained U.S. Sailors * Image for El Chapo Reportedly Tried To Trademark His Name While In Prison El Chapo Reportedly Tried To Trademark His Name While In Prison -- * In Berlin, Tango Community Embraces Refugees Posted: 10/17/2015 7:56 am EDT Updated: 10/17/2015 12:59 pm EDT + + Share + Tweet + -- tunes of melancholic Tango music are thickening the air with remembrances of past sorrows. A group of students is exploring the intricate myths of the infamous Tango embrace. Around 10pm the hall begins to fill with new arrivals. Still dripping from the rain outside, people enter the space in a festive mood: some greeting each other with familiar hugs, some humming Tango melodies. At first sight an outsider could only assume they're coming for the next class. At second thought though 10pm on a Thursday night seems like an odd time to start a dancing class. Nou Tango school, Source: Ishka Michoka -- how residents of the German capital have taken it upon themselves to welcome the tens of thousands arriving into the city. "We had just gotten back from a holiday trip and put our three kids to bed when my phone rang at 10 pm" says Thomas Rieser, Nou's owner. There was an emergency situation in front of the local asylum agency. Despite hiring 100 extra staff over the last weeks the agency simply could not cope with the continuous demand: since January 2015 30,000 refugees have arrived in Berlin. On 26 August 2015, when Rieser received the call, around 150 refugees hadn't been able to register and were facing a night in the streets. An employee of Moabit hilft randomly searched for dancing schools in Berlin to ask if they could accommodate these people that same or the following nights. -- front of them. And at the end of the day they thank us for giving them the opportunity to participate." In the meantime the Tango refugee support community has grown to more than 1,000 people who are supporting Moabit hilft in one way or another. In a press release from October 8th, 2015 Moabit hilft accused the local refugee agency of covering up an internal breakdown of the public asylum system, resulting in Refugees waiting up to 57 days for a first official registration. In response, the volunteers of Moabit hilf and associated groups are working voluntarily seven days a week and up 15 hours a day to provide private accommodations, food, clothes and medical support for the unregistered refugees who otherwise would be left alone in the streets. Follow Pro Journo on Twitter: www.twitter.com/projourno -- + About Our Ads + Contact Us + Archive Copyright ©2016 TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. "The Huffington Post" is a registered trademark of TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. All rights reserved. 2016© Part of HPMG News Use this form to alert a HuffPost editor about a factual or typographical error in this story.