Want to know if your other half's cheating? Of course there's an app for that
Why trust your loved ones when you can stalk them using a smartphone app? (Picture: stryjekk)

Got serious trust issues?

Well, don’t worry, there’s a new breed of app that lets you track your other half and find out exactly what they’re up to.

Take smartphone app Flexispy. It comes with the reassuring strapline: ‘Many spouses cheat. They all use cell (mobile) phones. Their cell phone will tell you what they won’t.’ Just. Wow.

The app lets you read their text messages, keep tabs on their location at all times (no more ‘shady’ solo trips to Burger King), and lets you listen to phone conversations as they happen. In fact, you can even record their surroundings to make absolutely sure they’re up to no good.

The sales pitch does allow for a little ‘innocent before proven guilty’ though. Apparently, ‘your spouse may be not be cheating, but it’s the “not knowing” that is the problem — it’s the “not knowing” that creates nagging suspicions and uncertainty that ruin your mind and your relationship.’

For insecure partners everywhere (Picture: Flexispy)

While Flexispy’s creators stress that it’s completely illegal to use the app without the subject’s consent, critics call this type of technology a ‘stalker’s app’, arguing it could be used as another form of control in domestic abuse situations.

However, human rights solicitor Simon McKay told The Times the app was only as malevolent as its user: ‘It’s perfectly permissible to use this kind of software for ensuring your children are safe, or for any other benign purpose, where the motivation is lawful and in good faith,’ he points out.

The app can indeed be used to see where your children are at all times and, if you’re worried, keep track of what they’re up to on social media sites like Snapchat.

However, in the wrong hands, many still believe this type of spy software raises serious ethical and legal questions.

And, y’know, if you feel the need to spend between $149 (£95) and $349 (£223) a year to snoop on your partner, *perhaps* your relationship’s already doomed?

MORE: Why do men cheat? How to tell if you should end it or not