Friday 22 January 2016


Google Glass 'could breach Data Protection Act'

The UK's data privacy watchdog says there is an 'important debate' to be had around the privacy implications of wearable technology

Google glass
Glass isn't really up to much Photo: Getty Images

The UK's data privacy watchdog has warned that Google Glass and other wearable technology could breach the Data Protection Act in some circumstances.

Google Glass went on sale in the UK for the first time this week, priced at £1,000. Anyone over the age of 18 can now purchase the headset, although Google said that it remains a prototype product.

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) published a blog today, stating that wearable technology must operate in compliance with the law and consumers’ personal information must be looked after.

"If you are using a wearable technology for your own use then you are unlikely to be breaching the Act. This is because the Act includes an exemption for the collection of personal information for domestic purposes," said Andrew Paterson, senior technology officer for the ICO.

"But if you were to one day decide that you’d like to start using this information for other purposes outside of your personal use, for example to support a local campaign or to start a business, then this exemption would no longer apply."

Paterson added that organisations' use of wearable technology to process personal information will almost always be bound by the Act, meaning they must process the information collected by these devices in compliance with the legislation.

"This includes making sure that people are being informed about how their details are being collected and used, only collecting information that is relevant, adequate and not excessive and ensuring that any information that needs to be collected is kept securely and deleted once it is no longer required," he said.

If the wearable technology is able to capture video or pictures (like Google Glass) then organisations must also address the issues raised in the ICO's CCTV Code of Practice.

Responding to the ICO's warning, a Google spokesperson said: "We designed Glass with privacy in mind. The fact that Glass is worn above the eyes and the screen lights up whenever it’s activated clearly signals it’s in use and makes it a fairly lousy surveillance device.”

The news comes after some bar owners in San Francisco banned Google Glass from their premises due to customers’ concerns over being filmed without their knowledge. The headset is also banned in many cinemas, strip clubs, casinos, restaurants, hospitals, sports grounds and banks.

In response to the backlash, Google has issued an etiquette guide, urging users to be respectful and polite while wearing the headset and not to be 'Glassholes'.

However, a survey by the Centre for Creative and Social Technology (CAST) at Goldsmiths, University of London and website hosting company Rackspace last year found that one in five people in the UK wanted to ban Google Glass.

Half of respondents to the survey cited privacy concerns as the main barrier to purchasing wearable devices such as Google Glass, with 61 per cent agreeing that such devices should be subject to regulation.

Meanwhile, the popularity of smart fitness bands that can track heart rate, running speed and location continues to grow. Google announced the launch of its new Android operating system for wearables yesterday, and Apple is rumoured to be working on its own iWatch.

Consulting firm Deloitte predicts that around 10 million wearable devices, including smart glasses, fitness bands and watches, will be sold in 2014.

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