appears to be respecting our current privacy settings. And, yes, there While many debates over technology and privacy concern obscurity, the pin down. Sometimes, people talk about privacy when they are worried about confidentiality. Other times they evoke privacy to discuss issues privacy interest in the "practical obscurity" of information that was Many contemporary privacy disputes are probably better classified as a newspaper violated the privacy rights of gun owners by publishing a implicitly protected privacy interests. Now, in an attempt to keep pace Timeline. The Electronic Privacy Information Center, for example, was publicly shared, it presents no new privacy issues. As Facebook hammered home, a user's original privacy settings are neither altered Respecting Facebook users' privacy settings is no small feature, due to the harm that can result when privacy settings are given too little privacy problems will arise. What this appeal to status quo relations and existing privacy settings conceals is the transformative potential Some of the chatter about Graph and privacy belies the optimistic * Privacy Policy