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old age
Main Entry:
old age
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: period of being elderly
Synonyms: advancing years, age, agedness, autumn of life, caducity, debility, declining years, decrepitude, dotage, elderliness, evening of life, feebleness, geriatrics, golden age, golden years, infirmity, latter part of animate life, longevity, oldness, retirement age, second childhood, senectitude, senescence, senility, seniority, winter of life, years
Antonyms: adolescence, childhood, infancy, youth
Main Entry: antiquity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: oldness
Synonyms: age, ancientness, antiqueness, archaicism, archaism, elderliness, hoariness, old age, venerableness
Antonyms: convention, modernity, newness
Main Entry: longevity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: long life
Synonyms: durability, endurance, lastingness, old age
Main Entry: senility
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: feebleness in old age
Synonyms: caducity, decrepitude, dotage, old age
Antonyms: prime of life
Main Entry: agedness
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: age
Synonyms: elderliness, golden years, old age, oldness, senectitude, senescence, seniority
Related Words
Main Entry: age
Part of Speech: noun, verb
gray, gray, time, advanced in life, advanced in years, aged, ancestral, anicular, anile, annotinous, annuated, antiquated, ayne, declining, decrepit, doited, effete, eigne, elder, eldest, epigonous, first, gerocomical, hoar, hoary, in years, insenescible, juvenescent, marked with a crow's foot, matronly, mellow, no chicken, of a certain age, old, old as Methuselah, older, oldest, past one's prime, patriarchal, quadragenarious, ripe, run to seed, senescent, senile, senior, silurian, stricken in years, superannuated, venerable, waning, wrinkled, years old
Main Entry: antiquity
Part of Speech: noun
time, Ogygian, aboriginal, after age, ancient, antediluvian, antemundane, antiquated, antique, archaic, behind the age, classic, crumbling, customary, diluvian, elder, eldest, exploded, first, fossil, fusty, gone by, gone out, immemorial, inusitate, inveterate, medieval, obsolete, of long standing, of other times, of the old school, old, old, old as Adam, old as Methuselah, old as history, old as the hills, palaeozoic, patriarchal, preadamite, preglacial, prehistoric, prerafaelite, prescriptive, prime, primeval, primigenous, primitive, primordial, primordinate, protogenal, relict, rococo, rooted, run out, secondhand, senile, stale, superannuated, venerable, vetust, whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary
Concept Thesaurus
Concept: Age.
Category: 2. RELATIVE TIME; Time with reference to succession
age; oldness; old age, advanced age, golden years; senility, senescence; years, anility, gray hairs, climacteric, grand climacteric, declining years, decrepitude, hoary age, caducity, superannuation; second childhood, second childishness; dotage; vale of years, decline of life, "sear and yellow leaf" [Macbeth]; threescore years and ten; green old age, ripe age; longevity; time of life., seniority, eldership; elders (veteran); firstling; doyen, father; primogeniture., [Science of old age] geriatrics, nostology.
be aged; grow old, get old; age; decline, wane, dodder; senesce.
aged; old; elderly, geriatric, senile; matronly, anile; in years; ripe, mellow, run to seed, declining, waning, past one's prime; gray, gray-headed; hoar, hoary; venerable, time-worn, antiquated, passe, effete, decrepit, superannuated; advanced in life, advanced in years; stricken in years; wrinkled, long in the tooth, marked with the crow's foot; having one foot in the grave; doting (imbecile); like the last of pea time., older, elder, oldest, eldest; senior; firstborn; ichiban, ichiro [Japanese]., turned of, years old; of a certain age, no spring chicken, old as Methuselah; ancestral; patriarchal (ancient); gerontic.
pro tem
"give me a staff of honor for my age" [Titus Andronicus]; bis pueri senes ["Old men are boys again" (Latin)]; peu de gens savent être vieux ["Few know how to be old" (French)]; plenus annis abiit plenus honoribus [Pliny the Younger. "Who has departed full in years has departed full in honors" (Latin)]; "old age is creeping on apace" [Byron]; "slow-consuming age"' [Gray]; "the hoary head is a crown of glory" [Proverbs xvi, [more]]; "the silver livery of advised age" [II Henry VI]; to grow old gracefully; "to vanish in the chinks
Antonyms: youth, adolescence
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