What is Spring Water? Spring water is water that is harvested from a natural spring. Unlike impurities, natural spring water is considered to contain a beneficial recent years, spring water has become available in a number of Part of the attraction of spring water is that it is often water that of spring water note that the liquid has a naturally refreshing taste Many people assume that spring water and mineral water are the same. the natural taste of water, spring water is a much more attractive The use of spring water has become common in many households. Users of the water note that using spring water to brew coffee or tea will spring water for cooking and drinking purposes and use water from city Once available only in health food stores, spring water is now found in one brand of spring water, as do convenience stores and large discount bottled spring water for consumers who wish to refrain from coffee and How Do I Choose the Best Spring Water? How Do I Choose Between Distilled Water and Spring Water? What Is a Spring House? Post 5 how do you care for a spring or spring house? Post 4 @ Glasshouse- Spring water flows to the surface from rock to the surface. An artesian spring is different from your standard spring. Artesian springs are formed when an aquifer is trapped between When an artesian spring is formed it is because a fault has caused the spring is located below the potential water table (an imaginary horizontal line that originates at the recharge area), than the spring is a surface spring. If it is above the potential water table it becomes an underground artesian spring. Post 3 So how exactly does spring water flow to the surface? Also, what is an artesian spring? I always hear about artesian well or spring Post 2 Spring water is defined as where water flows on to the surface