What is a Spring Chicken? Agriculturally speaking, there really is a creature known as a spring primarily for eating, a spring chicken is a very young bird with a high ratio of white to dark meat. The meat of a spring chicken is said to be market in the spring was prized for its youth and fresher flavor. Metaphorically speaking, a spring chicken could represent a person in the prime of his or her youth. A spring chicken may be a little naive student may be described as a spring chicken by others who envy his or It is often more common to see the negative form: "no spring chicken," performance, citing the fact that he or she is no longer a spring criticism of younger people. Being considered a spring chicken by an calling it spring chicken, although modern advances in poultry farming the original spring chicken so prized can now be duplicated all year incubators, which means a "spring chicken" under the age of 10 months should be ready for market at any time of the year, not just the spring wonderful spring chicken salad. I did a quick Google search for spring chicken recipes and was I