Arab Spring Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently * 10 Quotes on "Arab Spring," post-Iraq War + 10.1 Articles on Arab Spring, post-Iraq War view by Saudi women largely as a response to the Arab Spring spreading on the Arab Spring, the uprisings in Yemen began on January 27, Quotes on "Arab Spring," post-Iraq War spring? This time last year, as we faced the prospect of a series of welcome the Arab spring - about 160 of them, according to one news * "Guess who's flourishing in the Arab spring? ... While Washington the dawn of an Arab Spring -- the first bloom of democracy in Iraq, strategic aim is to quash the Arab Spring, which, if not stopped, Spring' Machiavelli-style." --Trish Schuh, The Arab American News, Articles on Arab Spring, post-Iraq War * "An Arab Spring?" Hoover Digest / Hoover Institution, Spring 2005: * "The Arab spring continues in Lebanon,", April 1, * "An Arab Spring?" The Weekly Standard (, July 4, * Jeff Jacoby, Editorial: "The Arab Spring," Boston Globe, March 10, * Issandr El Amrani, "Egypt, Lebanon, and the 'Arab Spring'," The * Michael Youlton, "Is Spring Banging at the Doors of the Arab * Tom Regan, "Will 'Arab spring' lead to 'summer of liberty'? Some * "'Arab Spring' of democracy owes thanks to George Bush," Sydney * Jefferson Morley, "Springtime for Hezbollah," Washington Post * Tom Engelhardt, "The Bush Administration's Afghan Spring. Drugs, * Mohamed, "The Arab Spring," From Cairo, With Love, April 8, 2005. * Philipp Heinz, "Egyptian professor: Arab Spring can bloom," UPI "Arab Spring" was a neocon forgery designed to destabilize the * Jesse Walker, "Arab Spring: Made in Washington?" Reason Onlilne, * Nouri Lumendifi, "Arab Spring? I think Not," The Moor Next Door, * "Nurturing the 'Arab Spring': Voices from the Region," United * "The Sources of the Arab Spring," Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs * Jon B. Alterman, "Arab Spring into Long, Hot Summer," Center for * Gilbert Achcar, "Arab spring: late and cold. The Arab world is in a victory shows that right-wing predictions of an 'Arab spring' were Stormy Arab Spring?" RUSI (Royal United Services Institute for Spring'. UN report ignites opposition's debate about whether Assad * Benjamin Balint and Daniel Doneson, "Israel and the Arab Spring," * dday, "What Arab Spring?" Daily Kos, December 27, 2005. * Editors, "Is it Arab Spring Again Already?" The Poor Man Institute, * Arab Spring Blogspot. 15. ↑ Byrony Jones,The Arab Spring: A Different Picture CNN News, Retrieved from ""