Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°32 : The greatest source of project risk is uncertainty, generated from a number of sources, such as a limited understanding of business requirements, variable product capabilities, or a poor track record of implementation. * Ligne n°34 : In the context of limited budgets and timetables, organisations must identify the most uncertain aspects of a CMS project, and concentrate management efforts on them. This makes the most effective use of available resources, reduces project risks, and maximises overall outcomes. * Ligne n°36 : The starting point for improving the management of CMS projects is to recognise the sources of uncertainty, and how these affect project outcomes. Future articles will then explore how best to manage these uncertainties. * Ligne n°40 : Common sources of CMS uncertainty include: * Ligne n°120 : + Open-source content management systems Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°9 : http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/CBS.MUSIC.KTWVFM/post;tag=showprep;tag=wave%27ssourceofinspiration;tag=wave;tag=thewavemorningshowwithpatandkim;tile=1;pos=999;sz=970x100; * Ligne n°11 : http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/CBS.MUSIC.KTWVFM/post;tag=showprep;tag=wave%27ssourceofinspiration;tag=wave;tag=thewavemorningshowwithpatandkim;tag=atf;tile=2;pos=1;sz=728x90;dcopt=ist; * Ligne n°32 : Well, some days aren’t as teeming with much information on the web, so Sam has to resort to another source of inspiration on these “slow news days.” Today happens to be one of those days, so where does she turn to for show prep for Pat & Kim? Uhh, the answer may surprise you… * Ligne n°43 : IFRAME: http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://947thewave.radio.com/2010/10/15/the-source-of-inspiration-on-the-wave-morning-show-with-pat-kim/ &layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=130&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=20 * Ligne n°46 : Filed Under: show prep, WAVE's source of inspiration * Ligne n°87 : http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/CBS.MUSIC.KTWVFM/post;tag=showprep;tag=wave%27ssourceofinspiration;tag=wave;tag=thewavemorningshowwithpatandkim;tag=atf;tile=3;pos=2;sz=300x250,300x600; * Ligne n°170 : http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/CBS.MUSIC.KTWVFM/post;tag=showprep;tag=wave%27ssourceofinspiration;tag=wave;tag=thewavemorningshowwithpatandkim;tile=1;pos=1;sz=1x7; * Ligne n°172 : http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/CBS.MUSIC.KTWVFM/post;tag=showprep;tag=wave%27ssourceofinspiration;tag=wave;tag=thewavemorningshowwithpatandkim;tile=1;pos=1;sz=1x8; Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°25 : out the sources here for sources of decorating ideas and inspiration. * Ligne n°38 : start? Our sources of inspiration will guide you to ideas, pictures, * Ligne n°39 : and resources for beginning your decorating project. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°6 : An exploration of the nature and source of inspiration * Ligne n°803 : There is little question that Carl Gustav Jung spent his professional and personal life in search of inspiration, not only for himself, but for those he treated and taught. We are about to see a representation of the source of much of what he learned and transmitted to others. * Ligne n°875 : The author categorizes cultures, and thereby groups of nations, according to the dominant emotion that drives their relationships with the rest of the world. Hope, says Moïsi, characterizes China and India, the growing, optimistic nations of Asia. He posits that The United States and most of Europe are driven by fear, seeking to shore up power that has been diminished in recent decades as the world’s resources have become re-allocated toward more rapidly growing economies. He places Japan in this same realm, citing its long history of homogeneity and relative isolation. * Ligne n°965 : The idea of health care reform carries with it some inspirational values: fairness, compassion and progress toward creating opportunity for all based on basic human rights. It also suggests better stewardship of our resources; more money for exploration of new ways to contribute to the world or discover new frontiers. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°34 : Sri Lankan Jacqueline a source of inspiration: Bachchan * Ligne n°46 : 'Never throughout the making of the film did I ever notice a frown on her face. She was always with a beautiful smile and she mingled with everyone. She was a source of great inspiration in the sense of what being together is,' he said. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°78 : wisdom, dont let anything else but God be your source of wisdom. Ask * Ligne n°81 : life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power." Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°18 : source of spiritual wisdom. Beyond that lies the Absolute. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°96 : The technique works on the idea that we have our own source of knowing and wisdom that we can draw upon when facing a new situation, difficulty or doubt. My preference is to do a written dialogue, on paper or on the computer, because writing has a way of slowing down my mind so that I actually listen and receive, instead of trying to make things happen. However, I have found that I can also use the technique inwardly when out walking, when I have a question I am debating. It works. * Ligne n°288 : I love what you say here: "there is the next level of which Wisdom from the Supernatural Realm will be the only way out of a logjam and provide the best solution to an intractable problem or problems." This speaks to me of the resources of love that we can access way beyond our imaginations. * Ligne n°342 : Inner wisdom come from a heart that is pure the source for compassion, unselfishness. We reach this fountain of purity when we are free from our ego and sincere. Spontaneuos knowing (realization) that sprout from this source seeing things as they are the thusness of things. * Ligne n°443 : It can sound trite and Hallmark cardy, but for me, the ability to be present and in the NOW is the true source of wisdom. Walter is a great demonstration of this. Bless him and bless you for sharing him with us. * Ligne n°458 : Agreed - in the NOW is the true source of wisdom. Take a deep breath on that. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°101 : * Resources * Ligne n°136 : Do you sometimes feel jealous? Discover the source of jealousy and * Ligne n°140 : The Resource that you have requested is reserved for paid Supporting * Ligne n°163 : Village. Others look to the Village as a constant source of * Ligne n°245 : resources, including, various communications tools, forums, shopping * Ligne n°528 : World Wide Web sites or resources. Because IB has no control over such * Ligne n°529 : sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that IB is not * Ligne n°530 : responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, * Ligne n°533 : sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that IB shall * Ligne n°537 : through any such site or resource. * Ligne n°556 : attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a * Ligne n°776 : Resources | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°63 : source of suffering. * Ligne n°253 : Becoming aware of the actual feeling and the true source often * Ligne n°275 : the source of suffering. A tension is created in your consciousness * Ligne n°314 : fears for her home, fears that the source of biological or family * Ligne n°354 : the core. The core is the source -- the first illusion. The core has * Ligne n°469 : it's so hard to see. Thus, when jealousy presents the source of * Ligne n°520 : is an accession to nothingness, a return to the source. So here we * Ligne n°671 : "To cut right through fear of loss which is infantile in its source, Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°40 : think, and discern the source of jealousy. Once you discover why you Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°96 : source of such wisdom. * Ligne n°117 : Every religion agrees that there is a higher being, a source of all * Ligne n°129 : more aligned and in tune with source, with the higher you. * Ligne n°137 : ask the universe, the collective unconscious, the higher source for * Ligne n°142 : your higher self, to feel aligned with source. You will feel that you Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°88 : The Edgar Cayce readings emphasize the spiritual nature of humankind. However, because of the demands of life we frequently overlook the truest part of ourselves, which is our connection to spirit. Although we possess physical bodies and mental attitudes, ultimately our deepest connection is to our spiritual source. * Ligne n°90 : One of the most frequently mentioned concepts in the Edgar Cayce material is that Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder, and the Physical is the Result. In other words, spirit is the source of all life. The mind focuses that energy into creative (positive) or destructive (negative) avenues of expression. The impact of our choices will eventually find expression in the physical, affecting ourselves and our relationships with one another. * Ligne n°94 : In order to become more attuned to our spiritual source, for decades the Cayce readings emphasized the importance of meditation. Cayce believed that meditation was listening to God, while prayer was talking. The same year that the original Search for God program was started, Edgar Cayce began the Glad Helpers Healing Prayer Group, which is still active. Today, A.R.E. maintains an active Prayer Services department, offering individuals the opportunity to pray or to be prayed for. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°19 : Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, nervousness, or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can add to the distress you feel. * Ligne n°76 : The most effective solution is to find and address the source of your stress or anxiety. This can be difficult, because the cause of the anxiety may not be conscious. A first step is to take an inventory of what you think might be making you "stressed out," trying to be as honest with yourself as possible: * Ligne n°106 : * You do not know the source or cause of your anxiety. Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°32 : The greatest source of project risk is uncertainty, generated from a number of sources, such as a limited understanding of business requirements, variable product capabilities, or a poor track record of implementation. * Ligne n°34 : In the context of limited budgets and timetables, organisations must identify the most uncertain aspects of a CMS project, and concentrate management efforts on them. This makes the most effective use of available resources, reduces project risks, and maximises overall outcomes. * Ligne n°36 : The starting point for improving the management of CMS projects is to recognise the sources of uncertainty, and how these affect project outcomes. Future articles will then explore how best to manage these uncertainties. * Ligne n°40 : Common sources of CMS uncertainty include: * Ligne n°120 : + Open-source content management systems