#About.com 1. Home 2. Health 3. Health Topics A-Z [health_adam;kw=;site=adam;chan=health;pos=lb;sz=728x90;ord=1B1DGVe242 0kA1B5g] About.com Health Topics A-Z ____________________ (Submit) Search * Health Topics A-Z * Share * Discuss in our Forum From Apply Now, former About.com Guide About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board Filed In: 1. Health Topics A-Z ENCYCLOPEDIA INDEX Injury Disease Nutrition Poison Symptoms Surgery Test Special Topic A B C D F G H I K L M N P R S T V W Z Iron in diet Overview Food Sources Recommendations Side Effects Alternative Names: Diet - iron Food Sources: The best food sources of easily absorbed iron are animal products, which contain heme iron. Iron from vegetables, fruits, grains, and supplements (non-heme iron) is harder for the body to absorb. If you mix some lean meat, fish, or poultry with beans or dark leafy greens at a meal, you can improve absorption of vegetable sources of iron up to three times. Foods rich in vitamin C also increase iron absorption. Some foods decrease iron absorption. Commercial black or pekoe teas contain substances that bind to iron so it cannot be used by the body. Consider the amount of absorbable iron in a food, not just the total iron content. Iron sources that have high iron availability include the following: * Oysters * Liver * Lean red meat (especially beef) * Poultry, dark red meat * Tuna * Salmon * Iron-fortified cereals * Dried beans * Whole grains * Eggs (especially egg yolks) * Dried fruits * Dark leafy green vegetables Reasonable amounts of iron are also found in lamb, pork, and shellfish. Non-heme iron is found in the following: * Whole grains + wheat + millet + oats + brown rice * Legumes + lima beans + soybeans + dried beans and peas + kidney beans * Seeds + almonds + Brazil nuts * Dried fruits + prunes + raisins + apricots * Vegetables + broccoli + spinach + kale + collards + asparagus + dandelion greens adam.com Related Articles * Facts About Iron * Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in IBD * Nutrition Tips for Vegetarian Athletes * Facts About Iron * Iron Deficiency Anemia - How Should I Eat to Manage Iron Deficiency Anemia Explore Health Topics A-Z Must Reads * A.D.A.M. Illustrated Health Encyclopedia * In Depth Reports * Care Guides * Surgeries and Procedures Most Popular * Blackheads (comedones) * Blackheads (comedones) close-up * Blood smear * Peripheral artery disease * Blood in the semen By Category * Allergies * Arthritis * Asthma * Breast Cancer * Cancer * Deafness * Dermatology * Diabetes * Headaches * Heartburn * Heart Disease * Depression * IBS/Crohn's Disease * Mental Health * Men's Health * Nutrition * Senior Health * Stress * Weight Loss * Women's Health About.com Special Features Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Fitness Easy ways to keep yourself fit, happy, and healthy throughout the year. More Spotlight on Health: Schizophrenia Learn more about schizophrenia, a chronic (and surprisingly common) mental illness that's often misunderstood. More About.com Health Topics A-Z 1. Home 2. Health 3. Health Topics A-Z * Most Popular * Latest Articles * RSS Also from About.com: * Calorie Count Plus * UCompareHealthCare - Health Topics A-Z * Advertising Info * News & Events * Work at About * SiteMap * All Topics * * Help * User Agreement * Ethics Policy * Patent Info. * Privacy Policy * Your Ad Choices * Our Story * Write for About ©2011 About.com. All rights reserved. A part of The New York Times Company.