Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°44 : Several relevant sources of capital are available to a startup in * Ligne n°62 : This section describes the various sources from which startups may * Ligne n°64 : sources will generally tend to invest in the company's equity. In * Ligne n°68 : The main sources of finance which are available to startups are * Ligne n°80 : another important source of financing for startups--both directly, by * Ligne n°86 : This is the first source of financing sought by most entrepreneurs * Ligne n°94 : for faithful but penniless entrepreneurs, are a common source of * Ligne n°120 : sources of financing. Angel associations may also be contacted for * Ligne n°138 : source for seed financing, but not for pre-seed financing. Moreover, * Ligne n°236 : The main source for mezzanine loans are commercial banks, * Ligne n°270 : cycle, the company may use other sources of debt financing. For * Ligne n°287 : writers. E-articles is a free information resource. If you suspect