Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°96 : The technique works on the idea that we have our own source of knowing and wisdom that we can draw upon when facing a new situation, difficulty or doubt. My preference is to do a written dialogue, on paper or on the computer, because writing has a way of slowing down my mind so that I actually listen and receive, instead of trying to make things happen. However, I have found that I can also use the technique inwardly when out walking, when I have a question I am debating. It works. * Ligne n°288 : I love what you say here: "there is the next level of which Wisdom from the Supernatural Realm will be the only way out of a logjam and provide the best solution to an intractable problem or problems." This speaks to me of the resources of love that we can access way beyond our imaginations. * Ligne n°342 : Inner wisdom come from a heart that is pure the source for compassion, unselfishness. We reach this fountain of purity when we are free from our ego and sincere. Spontaneuos knowing (realization) that sprout from this source seeing things as they are the thusness of things. * Ligne n°443 : It can sound trite and Hallmark cardy, but for me, the ability to be present and in the NOW is the true source of wisdom. Walter is a great demonstration of this. Bless him and bless you for sharing him with us. * Ligne n°458 : Agreed - in the NOW is the true source of wisdom. Take a deep breath on that.