Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : source _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°32 : The greatest source of project risk is uncertainty, generated from a number of sources, such as a limited understanding of business requirements, variable product capabilities, or a poor track record of implementation. * Ligne n°34 : In the context of limited budgets and timetables, organisations must identify the most uncertain aspects of a CMS project, and concentrate management efforts on them. This makes the most effective use of available resources, reduces project risks, and maximises overall outcomes. * Ligne n°36 : The starting point for improving the management of CMS projects is to recognise the sources of uncertainty, and how these affect project outcomes. Future articles will then explore how best to manage these uncertainties. * Ligne n°40 : Common sources of CMS uncertainty include: * Ligne n°120 : + Open-source content management systems