Encodage utilisé (INPUT) : UTF-8 Forme recherchée : spring _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Ligne n°35 : Generally speaking, good spring water is better tasting. Distilled water, especially non-aerated tastes flat. * Ligne n°177 : Spring water can have many meaning depending on who is using the term. it is suppose to be water taken from a surface water source or "spring". The quality can vary, but what is bottled has been purified by some method. Some "spring" water has been found to be tap water that has been purified, but that type of false advertising has decreased. * Ligne n°178 : As far as what is better for a baby, ask your doctor. They should be your only authority. I would favor spring. * Ligne n°179 : Sources: http://experts.about.com/q/Water-Quality-2463/distilled-water-vs-spring.htm * Ligne n°199 : "Is poland spring water really from poland spring?" (2 answers) * Ligne n°200 : "Are there any dangers associated with only drinking distilled water instead of purified/spring H20?" (5 answers) * Ligne n°202 : "Does anyone need to know where one can obtain the tastiest, healthiest natural mountain spring water in Western Canada?" (0 answers)