#RSS 2.0 Mudra Healing WordPress.com Mudra Healing Mudra Healing ____________________ Go! * Home * About _________________________________________________________________ Chin Mudra This activates air element – one of the five elements, inside you. It is connected with Heart Chakra. Chant the bija mantra ‘Om Yum Namaha’ when you do the Mudra. How to do Chin Mudra On both hands, index finger touching the thumb, keep the other three fingers straight. Can keep the eyes closed — not necessary though. Watch the breath. Preferably keep the back straight or move around if you are feeling lethargic. Advantages of doing Chin Mudra * For Lower Back Pain, do Chin Mudra and chant “Wung R Hong”. * Chin Mudra brings down the stress level. Therefore, do Chin Mudra until tension comes down to zero. * This is also called as Gyan Mudra as it is normally used during meditation by keeping your hands on your lap, with the palm of the hands facing the sky. You can put Chin Mudra while chanting mantras. * Chant EEJO while doing Chin Mudra. After eating food, if Belching happens, then it means the Apanan – a type of prana that is supposed to flow down, is coming up. It will also bring down your head aches – which could be happening due to too much worry and thinking. You will get better relief by doing this Mudra and chanting the Chinese mantra. * How to remove congestion from the pranic body? If the congestion is more, Chin Mudra is the most effective way to remove the congestion. Chin Mudra will activate the Apana Vaayu which goes down. You have to do inhaling and exhaling with Chin Mudra. * This Mudra releases the excess energy from us. For example, your excess anger will come down. * Kindles yellow energy inside you. Mars is activated. A 20 year old girl accidently falls in love with a person of 40 years. May be it is infatuation. This Mudra controls the infatuation. If they don’t want to do the Mudra, give them gem remedy Coral. If its infatuation, they will separate and if it is true love they will marry. Infatuation is excess of un-channelled energy. This Mudra helps to prevent misconduct between male and female. Good for Lethargy * When you feel sleepy after lunch. * Mentally stressed out in the evening as too many thoughts in the mind. * Not able to get from bed in the morning. Chin Mudra boosts your energy and thus activity. When the mind has gone overboard, it can normalize. The Chin Mudra helps to boost activity during the day. * Affirmations to remove lethargy “I release my desire to sleep” “I release my resistance to get up and do the work. (Desire and resistance work in opposite directions) Add comment December 25, 2009 Fulfilment at Your Finger Tips The Mudra healing has been combined with ‘Living with Awareness’ techniques here, to achieve any goal or objective. To understand how our mind works against our own goals and objectives, please read the following posts: http://healbyrule.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/i-am-the-hero-and-the-villain-in-the-movie-life-directed-by-me/ http://healbyrule.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/dress-up-as-married/ Three Steps to Fulfilment If you have a desire that’s not fulfilled (let us say you want to be an actor), then do the following: 1. Do the Acceptance Mudra and affirm, “I accept myself totally. I release my desire to be an actor”. If you want to reduce your weight then affirm, “I accept myself totally. I release my desire to reduce my weight”. Or you affirmation could be, “I I accept myself totally. I release my desire to look attractive”. Thus release all your desires to loose your weight. Why should I release my desires? Even desires are a form of resistance to achieve our goals and objectives. To see how to do acceptance Mudra: http://healbymudra.wordpress.com/2009/08/02/acceptance-mudra/ 2. Do Jupiter Mudra and affirm, “I release my resistance to become an actor”. If you have a desire that is unfulfilled, it means there is a resistance inside you. To reduce your weight, affirm, “I release my resistance to reduce my weight”. Sometimes we want something consciously, but unconsciously we will be resisting that. This is called psychological reversal. To see how to do Jupiter Mudra: http://healbymudra.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/jupiter-mudra/ 3. Do Movement Mudra and affirm, “I have become an actor”, “I have started to act in so and so film” as though the desire has happened already. To see how to do Movement Mudra: http://healbymudra.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/movement-mudra/ At least spend 5-15 minutes in each Mudra, in the order mentioned. Do them twice a day. Add comment November 24, 2009 Movement Mudra * To move forward in life. * To feel fresh, especially if you are not a morning person, do this Mudra. * If you are stuck up in a traffic. * After 8th month of pregnancy is over, do this Mudra. Movement of the child will be smooth. Natural movement of foetus will happen and there will be an easy delivery. Index and middle fingers touches the thumb. Beat the Traffic – a Case History Tom is not a morning person. He works for a software company. Timings are flexible. So he can afford to go late to office. Due to some work pressure, though suddenly he had to go early to office. This he found it very difficult to do, even after setting up an alarm. So after waking up, and until he got up from bed, he started doing Movement Mudra or otherwise called as a Kubera Mudra. After a couple of weeks, he was able to get up early without an alarm. Unfortunately, the morning hour’s traffic was too much for him to handle. He started doing this Mudra, whenever he had to wait for the signal or when the traffic stops. Surprisingly he found that he could beat the traffic somehow. Within a couple of months, he was asked to vacate his house. He found a house, which was closer to his office. He thinks there is a connection between this change and the movement Mudra, as he started reaching his office early without any effort whatsoever. Add comment November 24, 2009 Jupiter Mudra Also called as Aakaash (space) Mudra. Keyword for this Mudra is “expand”. * This Mudra activates Jupiter inside you and brings abundance in your life. * It will expand your horizon and get wider views of life and you will become a good judge of the life’s events. * The teacher in you will be activated too. * Person who is mean minded and selfish will become broad minded and selfless. * This generates blue energy and thus activates throat Chakra. Chant Bija Mantra “Om Hum Namaha” while doing this Mudra. Touch the middle finger with thumb on both the hands 1 comment November 24, 2009 Acceptance Mudra (From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop) It helps us to accept our live situations as it is. There are two rules in the world: You don’t get what you desire and you will get what you don’t desire. Chant the mantra Om Rum Namaha while doing the Acceptance Mudra (right hand – thumb touching index and middle fingers, and left hand touching middle and ring fingers — check the pictures at the end of the article). When we were seven years old, we fought over a broken pencil and got emotional. After two years, it was not as important as it was when it happened. Every time something happen, we make it either as a big problem or a small problem by categorizing. Every problem is same – no big or small. Rama taught this Mudra to Lakshmana, who wanted to kill their father Dasaratha. Rama consoled his brother that whatever happens is right and therefore one has to accept what happens. If any disappointment strikes you, think about Rama and his deportation to forest for fourteen long years, and do this Mudra. Then you will understand the meaning behind the incident that happens in your life. When we are angry we don’t want to forgive. It’s ok. Therefore, let it be with you for a while, be in the Mudra and then do the forgiving exercise. Digestion This Mudra helps your digestion. Before taking food, say in a buffet, do this Mudra. You will choose the right food. This will help to avoid our tendency to eat everything. Changes Will Happen Without our effort things happen. I didn’t put an intention to get the sweet today, yet I got some. See how much god is fulfilling our needs without intention. How they are happening and why they are happening – there are no known answers. The wisdom does not exist separately. Once you remove ignorance, wisdom shines through. Because of thought patterns and life reaction patterns, it’s shrouded. When the patterns and unwanted energies are cleared, wisdom becomes visible. Awareness removes ignorance. Once the cleansing is over, I will come to know I am a man of wisdom. It dispels the darkness which is like the clouds that covers the sun. Mentally accept whatever happens. Without acceptance our life is spoiled. If we accept ourselves totally, then things happen. We try to change without acceptance. Don’t change anything. Changes will happen automatically happen then. pushan left hand pushan right hand 10 comments August 2, 2009 Manage Confrontation (From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop) My husband keeps fighting with me, says a lady. Our normal reaction is to express our anger, which we think is a natural and the right thing to do. Anger will produce only anger. How to break the cycle? Do Safe and Secure Mudra (on both hands, touch little and ring fingers with thumb). Our anger will come down along with opposite person’s anger. Any financial problem – this Mudra will remove it. To sleep like a child, this Mudra will help. With this Mudra – chant the names of the flowers – Beech, Walnut, Willow, Agrimony, Chicory, and Cherry Plum. This will heal the conflict situation. Alternatively, along with Mudra, chant “Bow Concede Together Divine” Switch Words. When you want to avoid conflict, visualize Green colour. Think about green colour and visualize nature before going to the place where you expect conflict. 2 comments July 10, 2009 No Pain No Anger (Chris Alias Cgull) (Originally this article was published in the link: http://cgullworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/toothache-and-mudras.html) About a year ago, I suddenly developed toothache, before it came and went but I didn’t see the dentist then, I just postponed it. But this time it was plain unbearable. I tried using Anbesol, which is a pain reliever. It works effectively but not this time even though I applied more than prescribedJ. Therefore, I called the local dentists, with a hand in my face of course, who asked me to come after a week. It was just frustrating. I couldn’t hold this pain that long, had loads of work, if I take a break it will pile on me. So, I had to try something else, I asked my brother, whether he knew any Mudras for this tooth ache. He asked me to do Varun Mudra after consulting Naran S. Balakumar. My brother also gave me some more advice from Naran. Not only I should do this Varun Mudra but also I should get rid of anger. When I was in school, they used to call me “Short Temper”, yes direct name at thatJ, because I used to get upset even for small and trivial things. But in hindsight, I feel it was bad as it just drives them away like a fire. Who would want to stand next to a raging fire that is anger? Naran said if the right tooth portions ache then one is angry with a male, while the left tooth aches shows one is angry with a female. Most of the pain and illnesses are caused by emotions. Mind and body affect each other significantly. So, I stopped being angry totally and then I did this Varun Mudra. Varun Mudra Varun Mudra Little finger represents water. And only water can put out the fire. Therefore, touch the tip of the thumb with tip of the little finger. Water will increase in the body and bring down the fire in the body – I mean fever. This Mudra is basically used for reducing fever and colds, but it can also alleviate the pain. If you have fever you can also do this one. One of my friends did this few days ago, she said it worked. Varun Mudra: Touch the tip of the little finger with the tip of the thumb. Do this in both hands. It looked simple enough. So I did this for 10 to 15 minutes with normal breathing in and out. You won’t believe it. The pain was gone and it didn’t come back at all. Another friend tried this before and after she had a surgery, she said it worked. It can also control your anger. Handle Fire with Varun Mudra (Naran) How Varun Mudra reduces pain? Fire is red, fire is fever, fire is inflammation and fire is pain because inflammation is expressed as pain (inflammation is red). Fire is heat and inflammation is nothing but heat or pita. Water is cold and cooling. Fire also means anger. In a state of anger, one’s auric field becomes red and projects red. 75% of the body is water and when there is pain, the body is crying for water locally. When Varun Mudra is practised, water element is activated and the pain is reduced. In fact, it reduces anger also. When one is in a state of anger, the opposite person also will react in anger or at least seethe within, in anger. Anger influences anger. Therefore, if one is in a state of anger, the opposite person should be in safe and secure Mudra. http://healbymudra.wordpress.com/2009/04/01/safe-and-secure/ This Mudra will cool down one (by activating the water element) and stabilise the person (earth element) as well. Add comment July 3, 2009 Snoring Chris Are there any Mudras, Yoga exercise, or Reiki for curing the snoring problem? Naran S. Balakumar Snoring means less oxygen to the throat and head area. How one can increase oxygen to these areas through Mudras? * Adi Mudra can help. The thumb should touch the bottom of the little finger and closed by other fingers. Do it on both hands for 15 to 30 minutes a day. You can do it while walking or lying down or while watching TV. adi-mudra * Increasing the space element is important too. The space in the tongue area is less. Thumb touching the middle finger can help. Do this space Mudra after Adi Mudra. Instructions are the same. akash * While doing the Mudras, on Inhalation, chant PAHANG and on exhalation, chant HIPPIENG, within the mind. These two words increase the space in the neck area. * One has to check for Cervical Spondylosis. There may be a problem in the cervical area of the spine, for which doing Yogasanas can help. Please check with your local yoga expert. * Alternatively, visit a chiropractor and make the necessary correction. * Affirm, “I am at ease with all. I understand the value of relationship.” This affirmation will help. * Body care companies of Japan manufacture pillows that take care of snoring. There are good testimonials. Search for them on the web. Please come back with the company selected, I will direct whether that product is reliable or not. Good luck to your partner and your neighbors to Sleep Well J To know more about Mudras, please click the link: http://www.naranheal.com/mudras.php?cat_id=44 2 comments April 4, 2009 Safe and Secure pran-mudra This Mudra called as Pran or Prana Mudra. Do the Mudra, by touching the Thumb with the tips of Ring and Little fingers, on both hands. Do it for at least 10 minutes a day. For better results do it for 30-45 minutes. Ideal position is to sit erect. However, you could do it, lying down, before going to sleep; while walking; or may be when your manager bores you with his lectures! Explanation The mental state worry links with the scarcity situation. Lack of money = Worry. Enough money on hand creates a mental state of Relaxation and Calmness. When you do this Mudra, you activate your calmness. This calmness in turn, brings money into your life. A student of Naran S. Balakumar was about to be fired. He did this Mudra for few days. Within a week, his job contract was renewed and got a good hike too. His feedback is, “I didn’t know when I went to sleep. Therefore, I can’t say, whether this Mudra works or not!” The additional benefit of this Mudra is that you will sleep like a child. A child feels safe and secure under the protection of his parents. Therefore, you would feel safe and secure too. While you are Relaxed and Sleeping, the Universal Mind is Awake and it works very hard to get not only what you want, but also more than what you want! The above material is an extract from Mudra Class conducted by Naran S. Balakumar on Feb 14th, 2009. Please click the link to see the class material: http://naranheal.com/mudras.php?page=2&task=mudras 3 comments April 1, 2009 _________________________________________________________________ RSS Naran’s Home Page * Booklet of Mantras * New articles posted Dec 28th, 2009 Recent Posts * Chin Mudra * Fulfilment at Your Finger Tips * Movement Mudra * Jupiter Mudra * Acceptance Mudra Archives * December 2009 * November 2009 * August 2009 * July 2009 * April 2009 Recent Comments * kalai on Jupiter Mudra * hari on Manage Confrontation * Chris on Acceptance Mudra * shyama.awasthy on Acceptance Mudra * s.balakumar on Acceptance Mudra * indu on Acceptance Mudra * s.balakumar on Acceptance Mudra * Chris on Acceptance Mudra * s.balakumar on Acceptance Mudra * jayalakshmi raghavan on Acceptance Mudra * naranbalakumar on Acceptance Mudra * Chris on Acceptance Mudra * Chris on Manage Confrontation * No Pain No Anger « Mudra Healing on Safe and Secure * Dare 2 Do IT! June 26th 2009 « Dare 2 DO It on Safe and Secure Tags Acu-Reiki AcuReiki Anger Animal Spirit Guides Bach Bach Flower Remedy Balakumar Body Chennai Connection EFT Flower fresh Gem Gem Remedy IEIT India Intelligence Life Mantra Master Meditation Mind Money Mudra Naran NLP Pran Prana Reiki Relationship Relaxation Remedies Remedy Safe Scarcity Secure Sleep Space Switch Word Tapping Therapist Throat Worry Yoga _________________________________________________________________ Theme: Blix by Sebastian Schmieg . Blog at WordPress.com.