[1]Home > [2]Articles > [3]Design > [4]Typography [5]Fluid Web Typography: Scale & Rhythm [6]Jason Cranford Teague * By [7]Jason Cranford Teague * Dec 23, 2009 [8]Toggle Open Article Table of Contents [9]Article Contents [10]Close Table of Contents [11]Article Contents 1. [12]Web Measurements 2. [13]Type Size & Line Height 3. [14]Type Space 4. Text Alignment [15]Close Table of Contents [16]< Back Page 4 of 4 * [17]Print [18]Print * [19]Share This [20]Share This * [21]Discuss [22]Discuss [23]Close Window Jason Cranford Teague Jason Cranford Teague [24]Learn more... * [25]Articles * [26]Store * [27]Blogs [28]Fluid Web Typography: Scale & Rhythm Dec 23, 2009 [29]Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers: Creating Meaning through Syntax Jul 23, 2009 [30]Designing Webbed Environments: The Importance of the Define and Design Phases May 12, 2006 [31]Creating Web Pages for Screen, Print, and Email Apr 28, 2006 [32]How to Style Forms in CSS Mar 17, 2006 [33]What Are CSS Sprites? Mar 3, 2006 [34]Ten Things You Can Do with CSS (That You Might Not Have Known You Could Do) Dec 22, 2005 [35]Fluid Web Typography [36]Fluid Web Typography Nov 24, 2009 [37]Fluid Web Typography, Adobe Reader [38]Fluid Web Typography, Adobe Reader Nov 24, 2009 [39]Speaking in Styles: Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers [40]Speaking in Styles: Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers Jun 30, 2009 [41]Speaking in Styles: Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers, Adobe Reader [42]Speaking in Styles: Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers, Adobe Reader Jun 30, 2009 [43]CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition [44]CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition Oct 17, 2006 [45]CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, Adobe Reader, 4th Edition [46]CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, Adobe Reader, 4th Edition Oct 17, 2006 [47]DHTML and CSS Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide [48]DHTML and CSS Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide Dec 15, 2004 [49]DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition [50]DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition Feb 20, 2004 [51]DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 2nd Edition [52]DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 2nd Edition May 30, 2001 [53]10 Last-minute Gifts for Web Designers By on December 17, 2009 1 Comment Q: What do I get for the Web designer who has everything? The short answer is real estate. The slightly longer answer is, anything that helps spark their creativity. The long answer is that, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or another December holiday (I prefer [54]Saturnalia myself) the Winter Solstice is traditionally a time of gift giving. So, what to give to that Web designer you know who has everything they need to actually make Web sites? Here are 10 ideas for gifts they will love but not expect. [55]Choosing the Right Color Value By on December 14, 2009 No Comments Q: Should I use Hex or RGB values to define colors in CSS? The short answer is RGB. The slightly longer answer is that Hex values have become the de facto standard for use in CSS code and both developers and designers are used to them. The long answer is that, in the final design on the screen, there is no difference between using Hex or RGB values in your code. Which system you use is really a matter of you own personal preference (and those of the team you are working with) as to whether or not you use Hex or RGB values to define colors. [56]Expand Your Font Repertoire By on November 30, 2009 No Comments Q: Are there alternatives to Arial, Times, and Georgia for Web designers? The short answer is YES! The slightly longer answer is that most designers use Arial, Times, or Georgia, and, to a lesser degree, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Courier, and Comic Sans because they think that's all they have at their disposal, but they are wrong. The long answer is that the core Web fonts (the one listed above plus Impact and Web Dings) are used because they are almost guaranteed to be installed on the vast majority of computers your designs are likely to be installed on. One fact of life in Web design is that unless the end user's computer has access to the font file, then the browser cannot use it. [57]Pixels or Ems in Your Web Designs By on November 18, 2009 No Comments Q: What is the practical difference between px (pixel) and em (pronounced m)? When is it best to use one over the other? The short answer is that pixels measure dimensions relative to the screen while ems measure dimensions relative to type size. The slightly longer answer is that pixels are the natural unit for measuring dimensions on a screen and are often used when precise design is required. Ems are the natural unit for measuring type and used when you want to allow maximum design flexibility. [58]To CSS Reset or Not to CSS Reset By on November 10, 2009 No Comments Question: Which Global Reset for CSS Should I Use? The short answer is the simplest one possible. The slightly longer answer is that you should reset some styles, but do so with a good reason. The long answer is that the exact CSS reset you choose will depend on the needs of your design. I like to keep my own reset simple, relying on adding styles to specific tags as needed. However, there are several styles that are inconsistent or (in my opinion) poorly set in most browsers. [59]HTML 5 NOW! By on August 25, 20092 Comments Q: Can I start using HTML 5 now? The short answer is, yes. The slightly longer answer is, you can use some of the new features, but you will need to do a little [60]kludging to get it to work. The long answer is that HTML is a mark-up language meant to indicate the structure of a document. HTML 5 is the next evolutionary step in mark-up languages for the Web, but it is not implemented on most browsers that your audiences are likely to be using and it may be some time before it is. That said, there are some things you can do now to prepare for the future. [61]Big Things Ahead for HTML 5 By on August 17, 2009 No Comments Q: Will HTML5 or XHTML5 be the next big thing or just another collection of past standards and browser war fodder? The short answer is that, yes, [62]HTML 5 is the next big thing. The slightly longer answer is that it's going to be a while before you have to start worrying about HTML 5. The long answer is that, as with all standards, before it becomes relevant, the browser makers have to implement it and then you'll have to wait even longer before legacy browsers are no longer an issue. So, you have some time before you have to run out and buy a new HTML 5 Visual QuickStart Guide. The good news is that HTML 5 has gone to great lengths to stay backwards compatible, so you can begin to learn and implement it today. [63]Everyone is a Web Designer By on August 10, 2009 No Comments Q: What is a Web Designer anymore? It was easier to make Web sites all by yourself, even 5 years ago, but now there is just too much technology for one person to handle. If I want to make a Web site for a very small business, don't have I to be web "developer" now? The short answer is that everybody is a Web designer now. The slightly longer answer is that Web designers are practitioners of a highly specialized discipline that requires years of study to truly master. The long answer is that a good Web designer is a good designer, and this can come "naturally" or from training, but is not medium-dependent. However, a professional Web designer has to understand the medium well enough to know its strengths and limitations. Any designer can pump out something that looks brilliant when displayed in a Web browser window, but is slow to load, static when loaded, and completely unusable. [64]Frames are Dead, Long Live Iframes! By on July 24, 2009 No Comments Q: Is there a suitable alternative to frames? My wife is president of a local woman's club. She and I administer the club's web site, and the ladies like the list of links down one side of the pages. But I read that frames have been deprecated. Regardless, I want to keep the site simple. The short answer is yes-- use iframes. The slightly longer answer is no, not exactly, but we can get close. The long answer is there are a variety of ways to add content to your Web pages, but the question is: once it's on the page what are you going to do with it (or to it)? [65]Q: If I ask ten different web designers what pixel dimensions to use for web pages and whether to make them fixed-width or "stretchy," I get ten different answers. What's your answer, and why? By on July 20, 2009 No Comments The short answer is fixed at 974 pixels (px) wide. The slightly longer answer is whatever it takes to get the job done. The long answer is that asking a Web designer what size a Web page should be is like asking a painter what size a canvas should be or an architect how large a a building should be. While it's not purely a matter of taste--there are certain physical and ergonomic constraints--personal preference accounts for the wide variety of answers you might hear. [66]Ask me, ask me, ask me By on July 1, 2009 No Comments Do you have a question about Web standards, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, interaction design, user experience, or Web typography? Maybe you just want to know "How'd they do that?" Ask me questions, and each week I will select a question to answer via my Peachpit.com blog. [67]Ask the Web Designer: Why Can't I Use Any Font I Want in My Web Designs? By on June 30, 2009 No Comments The short answer is that you can. The slightly longer answer is that you can't, at least not in any meaningful way yet. The long answer is that the ability to download fonts has actually been a part of the CSS standard (the language used to create Web designs) for over 10 years. The snag comes with what font formats a given browser supports. [NOTE: You may want to stop reading now, as the rest of this explanation might make your eyes bleed in frustration.] [68]Fluid Web Typography This chapter is from the book [69]Fluid Web Typography Jason Cranford Teague shows how giving careful consideration to the measurements and scale you are designing for is what separates good Web typography from great Web typography. Text Alignment Text alignment is generally taken for granted on the Web--left alignment suits most purposes most of the time. In order to create a sense of rhythm and movement on your page, helping to guide the reader's eye around and adding visual interest to the page, a little alignment variation can go a long way. Set body text alignment to minimize gaps and maximize scanning Text alignment in Web pages is, by default, to the left, with ragged edges on the right. Justified text--sometimes called newspaper columns, where both edges of the text are aligned--is rare on the Web. text-align: left; text-align: justify; In print, justified text is created using a variety of techniques including word spacing, letterspacing, hyphenation, and glyph reshaping. In addition, well-formed justification is calculated on a paragraph level to prevent "rivers" of white space flowing down the middle. On the Web, unfortunately, justification is simply created by adding small amounts of space between words. On the screen, where you can only add whole pixels, this often results in uncomfortably large amounts of space between some words, especially in narrower columns. Hyphenation is inexplicably absent from CSS. While it is proposed for inclusion in CSS 3, no work has currently been done on it. When choosing to use left or justified alignment, keep in mind these factors: * Justified text is often seen as more formal and structured, while left alignment is more informal and approachable. * Justified text reinforces the grid structure of a page but can be harder to scan, since it often creates rivers of white space throughout the text, which interrupts the eye path. * Left-aligned text adds an element of white space to the right edge, softening the overall appearance of the page. Combining Alignments [70]craigmod.com Craig Mod combines right-and left-justified columns of text to create motion and rhythm around his page. [71]04-17.jpg [72]Click to view larger image Center or right-justify text for effect and variety More rarely used, centering or right-justifying text can create a specific feeling on the page. text-align: center; text-align: right; Centering and right aligning text is integrally dependent on the design you are creating and how you want your readers to scan the page. While using a variety of justifications helps create rhythm and motion on your page, it can quickly seem cluttered or obnoxious. Always have a specific purpose for the variance of alignment, and use it sparingly. Here are a few ideas: * Bulleted or numbered lists should not be centered or right aligned, as this makes them harder to scan by moving the beginning of each line around. * Center section or module titles/headers if you want to make your site look a little different. Generally, section titles are best when left aligned, but centering them gives your designs a unique feel and may also improve scannability. * Right-align text in the left column of a page or table if it helps show a closer relationship between the elements in adjacent columns. Centered Section Titles [73]jontangerine.com Jon Tangerine combines centered subheadings with justified text in his blog (detail shown) to create solid structure with visual movement. [74]04-18.jpg [75]Click to view larger image Increase margins for longer quotations and style the citation Short quotes of less than three lines are included in a paragraph surround by quotation marks, requiring no other special formatting. In HTML, the blockquote tag is used to set off a block of text as a quotation, generally of two lines of text or longer. The quotation should be styled to distinguish it from other text by indenting its left and right margins and increasing the top and bottom margins. The amount of left/right indentation is based on the width of the column and then adjusted so that it does not conflict with any other indents. A good measure to offset blockquotes is to double the font size (2em), although more or less space may be required for wider or narrower columns: blockquote { margin: 2em; } note.jpg In this chapter, we are only considering spacing issues with blockquotes and citations. Chapters 5 and 6 offer other ways to style text, including weights, italics, backgrounds, and borders. These can be deployed to creatively display longer quotations. This will clearly space the blockquote away from the rest of the text, but it's also up to the copywriter to make it clear that the text is a quote and to supply its source, possibly using the cite tag, which indicates a citation. Turning the cite tag into a block-level element and right-aligning it when it is included in a blockquote creates a strong style. blockquote cite { display: block; text-align: right; } Blockquote Ideas [76]css-tricks.com/examples/Blockquotes CSS-Tricks has a page of blockquote ideas with sample code. The code above will force any text marked by the citation tag to a new line and right-align it. [77]04-20.jpg [78]Click to view larger image Set footnotes and scientific or mathematical annotations using positioning rather than vertical alignment Vertical text alignment allows you to adjust the position of inline text in relation to its natural baseline, shifting it up or down. For footnotes, mathematics, and scientific notation, it will not be enough to simply raise or lower the characters; you will also need to reduce their size relative to the surrounding text. These styles can be applied to the superscript and subscript tags, setting the vertical position to the baseline and then setting a position relative to that: sup, sub { font-size: .5em; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; } sup { top: -.65em; } sup.math { top: -.8em } sub { top: .2em; } Although vertical-align provides several values to set the vertical position of the text, these have proved to be unreliable in multi-column layouts. The exact values will vary depending on the font, and you may also need to add some left/right margins to add breathing room. [79]04-21.jpg [80]Click to view larger image Type Inspirations: Jon Tangerine Beautiful typographic contrast. Insightful typography editorials. [81]jontangerine.com Jon is a designer living in Bristol, UK, with some of the cleanest pure Web typography I've seen. On top of this, his information and opinions on Web typography are required reading for anyone interested in the ongoing issues we face. [82]04-22.jpg [83]Click to view larger image How he does it: Jon uses a font stack of Web safe fonts, including Cochin, Baskerville, and Palatino Linotype, down to Georgia. He then combines a wide variety of sizes, styles, weights, and colors all scaled and spaced within a strong grid to provide clear eye paths and legible text. [84]04-25.jpg [85]Click to view larger image [86]04-26.jpg [87]Click to view larger image [88]04-27.jpg [89]Click to view larger image [90]04-28.jpg [91]Click to view larger image [92]< Back Page 4 of 4 * [93]Share This [94]Share This * [95][save_16.png] [96]Your Account Discussions Make a New Comment You must [97]log in in order to post a comment. 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The long answer is that, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or another December holiday (I prefer [122]Saturnalia myself) the Winter Solstice is traditionally a time of gift giving. So, what to give to that Web designer you know who has everything they need to actually make Web sites? Here are 10 ideas for gifts they will love but not expect. [123]Kara Murphy [124]Just in time for the holidays: Our video-a-day giveaway By [125]Kara Murphy on December 16, 2009 No Comments It's the holiday season, and I bet some of you are already thinking of your New Year's resolutions. If one of them is to learn something new in the field of Web design, development, presentation, branding, and much more, then you're in luck. 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