14- 15: Title: The Rhythm of Political Oratory 16- Author: [14]Varvara Danilina -- 28- My doctoral dissertation was completed after four years of research on 29: the rhythm of British and American political oratory. I sought to 30- establish the rhythmic norm for political public speech and to find -- 35- political science. 36: There is no single linguistic perspective on speech rhythm. For 37- instance, such distinguished scholars as D. Crystal and D. Abercrombie -- 39- to Moscow University school of thought, to which I belong, speech 40: rhythm is created by a blend of phonetics, syntax and meaning of an 41- utterance. As a result of my research, I established rhythmic -- 54- own contribution consisted in adapting this method to the study of 55: public speech, describing the typical rhythm of political oratory, and 56: challenging some popular assumptions about speech rhythm. 57: As for the impact of speech rhythm upon listeners, I started by 58- analyzing audiences in order to understand psychological, social and -- 74- Congress in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. 75: To analyze the reactions of these audiences to the rhythm of Prime 76- Minister Major and President Bush's parliamentary addresses I used M. -- 81- These phrases and syntagmas happened to be quite similar in terms of 82: rhythm to other stretches of speech in the same addresses. Moreover, 83- there proved to be little rhythmic difference between John Major and 84- George Bush's speeches. In short, my research demonstrated that there 85: is no direct interconnection between the rhythm of a public address and 86- audience responses.