27- 28: Effects of pre-exercise listening to slow and fast rhythm music on 29- supramaximal cycle performance and selected metabolic variables -- 46- We examined the effect of listening to two different types of music 47: (with slow and fast rhythm), prior to supramaximal cycle exercise, on 48- performance, heart rate, the concentration of lactate and ammonia in 49- blood, and the concentration of catecholamines in plasma. Six male 50: students participated in this study. After listening to slow rhythm or 51: fast rhythm music for 20 min, the subjects performed supramaximal 52- exercise for 45 s using a cycle ergometer. Listening to slow and fast 53: rhythm music prior to supramaximal exercise did not significantly 54- affect the mean power output. The plasma norepinephrine concentration 55: immediately before the end of listening to slow rhythm music was 56- significantly lower than before listening (p < 0.05). The plasma 57- epinephrine concentration immediately before the end of listening to 58: fast rhythm music was significantly higher than before listening (p < 59- 0.05). The type of music had no effect on blood lactate and ammonia 60- levels or on plasma catecholamine levels following exercise. In 61: conclusion, listening to slow rhythm music decreases the plasma 62: norepinephrine level, and listening to fast rhythm music increases the 63- plasma epinephrine level. The type of music has no impact on power -- 85- Dopamine agonist ; Neurotransmitter ; Catecholamine ; Human ; Bicycle 86: ergometer ; Music ; Rhythm ; Dopamine ; Norepinephrine ; Epinephrine ; 87- Physical performance ; Heart rate ; Physical exercise ;