Fichier de travail :


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Définition :

    [Dans le domaine intellectuel] Conscience intellectuelle générale, faculté de comprendre les choses et d'apprécier les situations avec discernement.

egrees Work at Home |Sense| of Humor Written by

"When you lose your |sense| of humor, you lose

better tool than a |sense| of humor. To suppor

ained, "If I had no |sense| of humor, I would l

ing and stress is a |sense| of helplessness, po

k of control. But a |sense| of humor can put on

. Those with a good |sense| of humor have a goo

f humor have a good |sense| of life.Although it

at he is not, and a |sense| of humor to console

. That is, it makes |sense| to take our work an

itizens with a good |sense| of humor and a posi

. Those with a good |sense| of humor are cheerf

Summarizing, a good |sense| of humor keeps us l

as we maintain our |sense| of humor, we'll nev

if you have a good |sense| of humor? Frank Tyg

hether you posses a |sense| of humor is your re