3. Write to your target audience. What do we mean by that? Write your dating profile as if you were addressing an actual person, that particular soul mate you have been praying about meeting. Writing this way will instill passion in your writing, and save time by weeding out those single people who you would have no interest in dating anyway. 4. Practice using a sense of humor in your dating profile. Having a sense of humor breaks down barriers and lets those reading your dating profile sense that you are a real and fun person. 5. Don’t make your dating profile too long, because that can be boring and tedious for a reader. They told me this in seminary, and we can apply this to a dating profile: Always leave them wanting more! Dating profile experts (yes, there are such things :)) suggest a profile no longer than 250 words. The breakdowen should as follows: 150 words should describe yourself; 100 words or so could describe the mate or spouse you are seeking. -- Tagged: Dating Profile tips, dating profiles Enter Google AdSense Code Here