Fichier de travail :


Forme voulue :


Définition :

    [Dans le domaine intellectuel] Conscience intellectuelle générale, faculté de comprendre les choses et d'apprécier les situations avec discernement.


Sense of Resonsibility


What gives a person a sense of responsibility, a sense of duty,
a sense of "should", "ought to", "have to", "must"? The
Spanish word "deber" may give some insight into this question.
"to owe it to oneself" (Duff. Spanish for Beginners. p. 95).
Can we say a person's sense of responsibility or duty comes as
a feeling of "owing something to oneself", of doing something
of his inner self come from? Why do some people have a lot
stronger sense of responsibility and duty than other people do?
What is the connection between this and the moral standards