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    Signification, ce que quelque chose veut dire.


Word sense


In linguistics, a word sense is one of the meanings of a word.

For example a dictionary may have over 50 different meanings of the word play [1], each of these having a different meaning based on the context of the word usage in a sentence. For example:


In each sentence we associate a different meaning of the word "play" based on hints the rest of the sentence gives us.

Computers or people that read words one a time must use a process called word sense disambiguation (Ide and Véronis, 1998; Navigli, 2009) to find the correct meaning of a word.


Polysemy is the property of having multiple senses. It differs from homonymy, where two different words (lexemes) happen to have the same spelling and pronunciation.

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* semantics - study of meaning
* lexical semantics - the study of what the words of a language denote and how it is that they do this
* word sense disambiguation - the task of automatically associating a sense with a word in context
* sememe - unit of meaning
* linguistics - the scientific study of language, which can be theoretical or applied.
* sense and reference


* N. Ide and J. Véronis Word Sense Disambiguation: The State of the Art, Computational Linguistics, 24, 1998, pp. 1-40.
* R. Navigli. Word Sense Disambiguation: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, 41(2), 2009, pp. 1-69.


* ”I don’t believe in word senses” -- Adam Kilgarriff (1997)
* WordNet(R) - A large lexical database of English words and their meanings maintained by the Princeton Cognitive Science Laboratory.

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