Editions SID Editions SID Accueil Ouvrages Orthodontie française Revue d'orthopédie dento-faciale Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques Abonnements RECHERCHER ____________________ [Ouvrages..........................] OK Recherche avancée Accueil > Ouvrages > Sciences fondamentales – Anatomie > McMinn's Interactive Clinical Anatomy : Head and Neck - CD-ROM, 2nd edition McMinn's Interactive Clinical Anatomy : Head and Neck - CD-ROM, 2nd edition Auteurs(s) : Patricia Reynolds, Peter H. Abrahams Année de parution : 2001 Here is a unique source of head and neck anatomy on a single, fully integrated CD-ROM. It incorporates world class illustrative material and text from a wide range of Mosby products, notably: * McMinn's Colour Atlas of Head & Neck Anatomy * McMinn's Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy * Life Before Birth 2/e (England) * Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy 2/e (Weir & Abrahams) * Clinical Anatomy Principles (CLASS textbook) * Functional & Clinical Anatomy (McMinn et al) * Human Histology 2/e (Stevens & Lowe) * CAT Clinical Medicine 2/e (Forbes & Jackson) * CA Surface Anatomy (Backhouse) · · Key learning aids include clinical notes, a 3-D reconstruction of the teeth and jaws, animations, video clips, interactive labelling and an MCQ quiz. The design and interface has been completely overhauled to permit easier navigation and overall ease of use. CLICK ON 'SAMPLE CHAPTER AVAILABLE ONLINE' TO VIEW SOME SAMPLE SCREEN GRAB Version imprimable Patricia Reynolds CD ROM 135.00 € COMMANDER Editions SID - 9, rue Christine 75006 PARIS - sidedition@orange.fr Contact | Mentions Légales