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Thesis Submission and Examination


Submission of Thesis for Examination/Re-examination






Please click here for general guidelines on format of thesis. Candidates who wish to apply for an extension of the word limit for their theses will have to seek approval from their supervisors and Heads of Departments.






Deadline for Submission

Candidates have to submit their theses for examination (after being approved by the supervisor(s) and Head of Department) by the maximum period of candidature or such date as stipulated by the supervisor(s) or the University, whichever date is earlier.  A grace period of up to 2 weeks can be given by the Registrar’s Office [request must be supported by the supervisor(s)] without the need for candidate to apply for extension of his/her candidature. However, this does not exempt the candidate from the administrative fee payable when applications for extension of candidature is done after the expiry of candidature.

However, candidates who are unable to do so by the approved submission deadline should consult their supervisor(s) first before applying for extension of their candidature by completing the downloadable prescribed form(s).  The application must be submitted through the supervisor(s), Head of Department and the Faculty’s Vice-Dean (Graduate Studies), preferably 2 months before the expiry of the candidature.

Candidates who wish to submit their thesis before the minimum period of candidature must submit a written request to the Registrar, through the supervisor(s), Head of Department and the Vice-Dean (Graduate Studies) for approval before submission.






Thesis Submission Date & Fees Payable

Tuition and miscellaneous fees are payable until the thesis is submitted for examination.  However, the insurance premium will continue to be payable for full-time students unless the student converts his/her candidature to part-time.

For self-financing research candidates, the tuition fees payable for the semester in which the thesis is submitted for examination depends on the thesis submission date (i.e. the date of receipt of thesis by the Student Service Centre or date of supervisor’s signature in the Thesis Submission Form, whichever is later) as follows:

Date of Submission

Tuition Fees Payable

By end of Instructional Week 2


During first half of semester
Sem 1: 4th week to 30 September
Sem 2: 3rd week to 31 March

Half of fees for the semester

During second half of semester
Sem 1: 1 October to end of semester
Sem 2: 1 April to end of semester

Full fees for the semester

Exemption of fees will take effect from the semester after the thesis is submitted for examination, except if the thesis is submitted during the first two Instructional weeks of the semester.

Note:   For research scholars, the last day of award will be the date the thesis is submitted to the Registrar’s Office or the date of the supervisor’s signature on the Thesis Submission Form, whichever is earlier.






Procedures for First Submission of Thesis for Examination

i. Once the thesis is ready for submission, please submit the following at the Student Service Centre (Level 1, Yusof Ishak House) during office hours:
  • 3 soft bound copies (Master’s thesis); or 5 soft bound copies (Doctoral thesis)
  • Thesis Submission Form (57/2000A)
  • Payment receipt of thesis examination fee and outstanding fees (if any)*
  • Your latest Student Account Statement (only for payment of examination fees done by cheque or NETs)
  • Feedback Form on Research Guidance – obtain from the respective Department or Faculty/School

ii. For students who are sponsored by the Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship and A*Star International Graduate Scholarship, please submit the items mentioned above to the Registrar's Office (Level 4, Lee Kong Chian Wing, University Hall)


*Note for Payment:

Please print a copy of your latest student account statement and complete the Thesis Examination Fee Payment Form.

For payment by cheque, please crossed it and make it payable to “National University of Singapore” (with your name & registration number written on the reverse side of the cheque) before sending it to Office of Financial Services , University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing, #UHT-03-01, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077.

For payment by NETs, please bring the Thesis Examination Fee Payment Form to the Student Service Centre (Level 1, Yusof Ishak House) from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm.






Procedures for Re-submission of Thesis for Further Examination

Once the thesis is ready for re-submission, please submit the following at the Student Service Centre (Level 1, Yusof Ishak House) during office hours:

  • 1-2 copies of soft bound revised thesis (will be indicated in the letter)
  • 1-2 copies of soft bound original thesis (will be indicated in the letter)
  • Supervisor’s Report on Amended Master’s/Ph.D. Thesis (RO.86/03) duly signed and completed (if applicable).






Final Amended Thesis

If your thesis does not require further examination please submit the following to the Student Service Centre by the stipulated deadline:

  • Supervisor’s Report on Amended Master’s/Ph.D. Thesis (RO.86/03) duly signed and completed (if applicable).
  • Report on Amended Ph.D. Thesis (after Oral Examination) (RO.87/03) duly signed and completed (if applicable).
  • Detailed summary of amendments made (if applicable).
  • CD-ROM which stores the soft copy of the final approved thesis (in PDF format).  The candidate’s name, thesis title and degree should be labelled on the CD-ROM. If more than one CD-ROM is used, each CD-ROM should be labelled as Part 1, Part 2, etc.
  • Electronic Thesis Submission Form (RO.85/03) duly signed and completed (if applicable)








Process of Thesis Examination



(Important: Please note that you should not, under any circumstances, communicate with any examiner on matters related to your thesis examination.) 



Nomination of Thesis Examiners

Candidates should inform their supervisor(s) who should in turn notify the Head of Department at least one month before the thesis is expected to be submitted for examination.  This is to allow sufficient time for the approval of the proposed examiners, so that the thesis can be sent for examination upon submission.






Period of Thesis Examination

A Master’s thesis will be examined by two examiners (one of whom may be an external examiner, as decided by the Head of Department and the Vice-Dean) while a Ph.D. thesis will be examined by three examiners (at least one external examiner).  Ph.D. candidates are required to attend an oral examination after the thesis has been examined.  (Candidates are to bring a copy of the thesis for the oral examination).

Examiners are given 2 months from the date of receipt of thesis to complete the examination of the thesis and submit an evaluation report.  Reminders will be sent by the Registrar’s Office to examiners who fail to submit their evaluation reports by the deadline. Students may check the status of their thesis examination online.






Outcome of Thesis Examination

i. After all the examiners’ reports are received:

Master’s thesis


Candidate will be asked to collect thesis and to consult supervisor(s) on the amendments, if any.  Depending on the outcome of the examination, the revised thesis may be sent for further examination.




Ph.D. thesis


If there are no/minor amendments, candidate will be informed that oral examination is being scheduled in four to six weeks’ time, subject to availability of the Oral Panel members.  A copy of the Faculty’s guideline on the oral presentation will also be given to the candidate.



However, if major revision is recommended by the examiner(s), the candidate may be asked to revise and resubmit the thesis for further examination before the oral examination is scheduled.  After the oral examination, the candidate will be informed by the Oral Panel on the amendments to the thesis and the person(s) to advise the candidate on the amendments, if applicable.

Please note that if major revisions to the thesis are required, the candidate may have to pay fees for 1 semester, even if the period granted to do the revision is less than 6 months. If the candidate is unable to complete the revisions in 6 months, he/she may be required to pay another semester's fees.

ii. After examination/re-examination, if no or only minor amendments are required, the final approved thesis must be uploaded electronically.  One printed copy of the final approved thesis should be submitted to the supervisor. 





Award of Degree


You will be considered for award of degree by the Board of Graduate Studies:

  • if all minor/major revisions are incorporated in the thesis to the satisfaction of the supervisor(s) and the Oral Panel member (if applicable); and
  • after the uploaded electronic thesis has been verified by the respective Department/Faculty.

After the degree has been awarded by the Board of Graduate Studies, the Chancellor’s approval will be sought for the degree to be conferred in writing.  The approximate timeframe for approval by Board of Graduate Studies and Chancellor is about two months after your uploaded thesis has been verified.






Do remember to inform the Registrar’s Office of any change in your mailing address by updating it online so that the outcome of the thesis examination can be communicated to you promptly.

For All Students:

Examination Directory

Examination Schedule, Semester 1
Examination Schedule, Semester 2
For Graduate Students only:
Thesis Submission and Examination
Instructions on Electronic thesis/Dissertation Submission
Online Systems for:
  - Application for Thesis Submission
- Query for Thesis Examination Status
- Graduate Examination Results
Downloadable Prescribed Forms
For Non-Graduating Students only:
Examination Results
Mailing Address for Examination Result
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