Evidence for the Big Bang * 2) [20]Evidence Before beginning the examination of the evidence surrounding current theory says, why it was developed and what is the evidence. observations, arguing that they lead naturally to the idea of an even though we have good evidence that the cosmological principle is evidence that the universe contains a great deal of dark matter problem (made especially unnecessary when evidence began to show for those keeping track). The first clue that Dark Energy was 2) Evidence sections where we discuss the evidence for the two most exotic aspects One of the major pieces of evidence for the Big Bang theory is background stars. However, [139]those models do not lead to the While this matches our basic cosmological assumption, it does lead to of evidence for BBT. Unfortunately, the life time of stars (which is have passed through the cluster to get to us, this is strong evidence universe), they provide significant evidence that this effect is real Like the rest of cosmology, the current evidence for dark matter comes behavior, providing another clue that not only is dark matter indeed revealed evidence for dark matter; see the press releases existed). However, as more evidence accumulated from large scale As the evidence for dark matter mounted and particle physics was able case. Unlike dark matter, the only evidence for dark energy comes from to save a theory. Further, the evidence for dark energy comes from a First, we look at the observational evidence. make that leap without stronger evidence. For many cosmologists, that evidence came in the form of the 1998 supernovae results. Two teams, A good summary of the various lines of evidence supporting the the case of finding intersections between mutual lines of evidence to improvement is evidence that the theory does, indeed, hold together. Ironically, however, this facile objection does lead to a much more evidence for the existence of a creator - they point out, e.g., that redshifts, like the [287]2dF galaxy survey, they found no evidence of evidence than the previous version, but it fails on a number of far from the only evidence of dark matter. As we [298]detailed earlier, there is a wide variety of evidence for dark matter, not all more direct evidence against MOND. The hot X-ray emitting gas around can address the available evidence. Work is still underway, but there evidence as well as GR tests within our solar system and galaxy). deal of evidence available showing that the universe indeed expands, text, including, for example, the [306]Tolman test. Evidence collected article by [318]Scranton et al (2003) which found evidence for the to resolve the evidence for an ancient universe with their demand that observational evidence. A more detailed rebuttal of Gentry's model can finding models which can explain the current evidence as well as A. G. Riess et al., Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Hubble Space Telescope: Evidence for Past Deceleration and Constraints R. Scranton et al., Physical Evidence for Dark Energy 20. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/astronomy/bigbang.html#evidence 62. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/astronomy/bigbang.html#evidence 355. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/astronomy/bigbang.html#evidence