Librairie de l'Asie * [1]Accueil * [2]Actualité * Culture + [3]Art + [4]Ethnologie + [5]Généralités + [6]Histoire + [7]Littérature + [8]Philosophie + [9]Sociologie + [10]Socio-politique * Pays + [11]Afghanistan + [12]Bruneï + [13]Bangladesh + [14]Bhoutan + [15]Birmanie + [16]Cambodge + [17]Chine + [18]Comores + [19]Corée + [20]Ile Maurice + [21]Inde + [22]Indonésie + [23]Japon + [24]Kazakhstan + [25]Kirghizistan + [26]La Réunion + [27]Laos + [28]Madagascar + [29]Malaisie + [30]Maldives + [31]Mongolie + [32]Mayotte + [33]Népal + [34]Ouzbékistan + [35]Philippines + [36]Pakistan + [37]Singapour + [38]Sri Lanka + [39]Tadjikistan + [40]Taiwan + [41]Thaïlande + [42]Tibet + [43]Timor-oriental + [44]Turkménistan + [45]Vietnam * Région + [46]Asie du Sud-Est + [47]Asie Centrale + [48]Asie du Sud + [49]Asie de l'Est + [50]Océan Indien + [51]Monde himalayen * Religion + [52]Arts religieux + [53]Bouddhisme + [54]Confucianisme + [55]Christianisme + [56]Généralités + [57]Hindouisme + [58]Islam + [59]Jaïnisme + [60]Religions populaires + [61]Saï Baba + [62]Sikhisme + [63]Shintoïsme + [64]Taoïsme + [65]Théologie des religions * [66]Vidéo * [67]Conditions générales de vente * [68]Newsletters * [69]Contact * [70]Connexion Vous êtes ici : Moteur de recherche Rechercher sur : [Les livres.........] Votre recherche : ________________________________________ Rechercher Recherche avancée Titre : ________________________________________ Auteur : ________________________________________ Editeur : ________________________________________ Collection : ________________________________________ Page 1 sur 5 - Résultats 1 à 100 sur 436 [71]1 [72]2 [73]3 [74]4 [75]5 [76]Suivant [77]Le nouvel âge de Confucius. Modern Confucianism in China and South Korea Auteur(s) : BLANCHON (Flora) et PARK-BARJOT (Rang-Ri), (dir.) Editeur : Presses de l'université de Paris-Sorbonne [78]Transforming Gender and Development in East Asia Auteur(s) : CHOW (Esther Ngan-ling) (ed.) Editeur : NY, Routledge Bringing together a collection of original essays from top scholars in the US and Asia, this book explores the centrality of gender in the process of economic development in East Asia. Contributors demonstrate the essential parts women have played in the national growth, economic restructuring, and industrialization of East Asian countries, including South Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand. The studies are grounded in ethnography, personal narratives, field observation, and in-depth interviews. Despite lack of recognition, women's roles as workers, union organizers, wives, consumers, and producers have had substantial influence in the financial and industrial development of East Asia. Essay topics include: gender inequality in the Taiwan workplace; working-class families and economic restructuring in Hong Kong; labor disputes in South Korea; and migration, marriage, and mobility in China. With fresh and informative perspectives, this collection gives the full story on the "Asian Miracle" economy. [79]Asiatic Mythology. A detailed description and explanation of the mythologies of all the great nations of Asia. With an introduction by Paul-Louis Couchoud Auteur(s) : HACKIN HUART and others Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services This large book contains a detailed description and explanation of the mythologies of practically all regions of Asia with scholars like J.Hackin, Clement Huart, Raymonde Linossier, H. de Wilman Grabowska, Charles-Henri Marchal, Henri Maspero and Serge Eliseev, this book is a wonderful read for anybody who is or is not acquainted with the various mythologies. The mythologies that are discussed are that of Persia (Parsi mythology), Kafirs (a non muslim sect of Afghanistan), Buddhism in India, Brahmanic Mythology, Lamaism, Mythology of Indo-China and Java, Mythology of modern China and the mythology of Japan. The book has 15 plates and 354 other illustration in the text. This book is a reprint of the 1932 edition. [80]Coolies and Mandarins : China's Protection of Overseas Chinese during the Late Ch'ing Period (1851-1911) Auteur(s) : YEN (Ching-Hwang) Editeur : Singapour, Singapore Universit In the study of modern Chinese history, China's policy towards its overseas subjects has received little attention from scholars in either the Chinese speaking or English speaking worlds. The policy not only affected the fate of millions of overseas Chinese, but also the relationship between China and foreign powers. Based on documentary materials collected in Australia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, China, England and North America, this book attempts to depict a clear and coherent picture of China's overseas Chinese policy during the late Ch'ing period and provides analysis of how this policy evolved and changed over time. It assesses the performance of the Ch'ing government and shows that the failure of the Ch'ing overseas policy was inevitable. In commenting on this book, Professor Wang Gungwu of Australian National University writes: "Dr. Yen has provided for the first time in a Western language, a comparative perspective on official aspects of overseas Chinese affairs in Southeast Asia and other regions of Chinese settlements. It is an illuminating exercise done with the scholarly care we have come to expect from Dr. Yen." [81]Suicidal Behaviour in the Asia-Pacific Region Auteur(s) : KOK (Lee Peng) and TSENG (Wen-Shing) (eds.) Editeur : Singapour, Singapore Universit In addition to various biological and psychological factors, sociocultural factors have a tremendous impact on suicidal behaviour. It is therefore possible to examine patterns of suicidal behaviour as observed in various sociocultural environments. Asia and Pacific societies have many unique features - history, culture, geographic background, and recent economic development. This book examines and compares for the first time, suicidal behaviour among the various societies in these regions, which include Japan, Korea, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hawaii. This volume should be of value to health professionals and administrators, mental health workers, employers as well as the general public. [82]Politics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and China Auteur(s) : HOK-MING CHEUNG (Frederick) and MING-CHIU LAI Editeur : Leiden, Brill This volume is a collection of papers presented at the academic conference "Politics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and Asia" organized by the Department of History and New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in March 1996. Although the papers vary widely in the region and time-span of coverage-from ancient Egypt, the early Roman Empire, Norman England, to medieval China, they are joined by their concern about the relationship between politics and different religions-Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism and others-in ancient and medieval Europe and Asia and the respective intellectual and cultural interactions. Seven papers, all written by ancient and medieval historians, are collected in this volume. Professor Mu-chou Poo in his paper explores the ancient Egyptian attitudes toward foreigners and foreign culture as an effort to understand Egyptian culture from a new perspective, and as a preliminary attempt to probe into the issues concerning the nature of ancient ethnicity and cultural consciousness. Professor Yen-zen Tsai's paper looks into the way the early Roman Empire treated mystery cults under its rule. Professor Ming-chiu Lai discusses the impact of a Buddhist ritual on Chinese religious culture between the second and sixth centuries. Professor Chi-tim Lai in his paper argues that some Daoist teachings advocated a new world order, but they were not the real force that provoked the rebellions during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Professor Puay-peng Ho exhibits the political meanings of the imperial buildings in the Tang period and sheds light on the research about legitimacy in medieval China. Professor Warren Hollister's paper, which is also the keynote speech, points out that the high culture of twelfth century western Europe was largely the product of monastery. Finally, Professor Frederick Hok-ming Cheung examines the role of the Church in Anglo-Norman politics. It is hoped that the book will furnish a basis for further investigation on politics and religion in the ancient and medieval world, and inspire scholarly inquiries into the comparative dimensions of these important historical phenomena. [83]Footsteps in Deserted Valleys. Missionary Cases , Strategies and Practice in Qing China Auteur(s) : DE RIDDER (Koen) (ed.) Editeur : Leuven University Press Sounds of Footsteps in Empty Valleys' (konggu zuyin) is a Chinese expression for persons and things that are not easily met. Western missionaries working in the desolate backwaters of pre-modern China fit this description. In this book scholars from different backgrounds discuss and define various aspects, special characteristics and long-range aims of the Christian apostolate in late Qing and early republican China. The topics merge from church-state relationship, mission administration and social work to the formation, role and feelings of indigenous priests. Among the articles collected in this book are 'Conflict, Confusion and Control. Some Observations on Missionary Cases' by Prof. Dr. Ku Wei-ying (National Taiwan University), 'Body and Soul. Professional Health Care in the Catholic Missions in China between 1920 and 1940' by Dr. Dries Vanysacker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) and 'Quelques échos des prêtres chinois dans les missions de Scheut' by Prof. Dr. Françoise Aubin (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique). By the publication of this book we hope to convince the reader that the development of the Catholic Church in China is an exceptionally interesting and important subject. Yet we also acknowledge that its study is still an 'empty valley' which waits to be filled with the 'sound of footsteps' from a new generation of scholars. [84]Cheng-Zhu Confucianism in the Early Qing. Li Guangdi (1642-1718) and Qing Learning Auteur(s) : NG (On-cho) Editeur : Albany, State University of New York Press This first book-length study of the Cheng-Zhu School of Confucianism in the early Qing period explores the thought of Li Guangdi, a powerful official in the court of the Kangxi emperor. On-cho Ng undertakes close readings of Li's ideas of ultimate truths and first principles, while situating them in the context of the intellectual concerns of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century China. Addressing philosophical issues neglected in scholarship on early Qing learning, the author offers a new angle from which to view the Ming-Qing intellectual transition and the formation of early Qing thought. He argues that Cheng-Zhu learning, far from being out of step with the epochal climate of thought because of its putative preoccupation with the ultimate and the transcendent, was actually a dated reflection of, and active contributor to, early Qing thought. By tracing the contour and development of Li Guangdi's thought formulated within the bounds of inherited Cheng-Zhu teachings, this book reveals how philosophic discourses in traditional China were often dynamic, hermeneutic endeavors of reinterpreting and renewing received tradition. [85]Poverty and Growth in a South China County. Anxi, Fujian, 1949-1992 Auteur(s) : LYONS (Thomas P.) Editeur : Cornell University One of the first detailed studies of a local economy in the PRC, this book traces the development of a poverty-stricken county through the Maoist era and the first fifteen years of the post-Mao reforms, showing how central and provincial policy impinged upon the county and how local decision-makers responded to changing opportunities. [86]Amdo Tibetans in Transition. Society and Culture in the Post-Mao Era Auteur(s) : HUBER (Toni) (ed.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill This book investigates Tibetan recovery from the devastation of High Socialism and a new engagement with attempts to modernize the region in the era of reform and opening in post-Mao China. With chapters on the negotiation of culture and identity in Amdo in contributions on public debate about traditional culture, on attempts at language standardization, and on sexuality. Concerning religion, there are contributions on critical perspectives on reincarnate lamas, and on cases of revival and reinterpretation of popular rituals. Amdo Tibetan self-expression in art, literature, and performance are studied in articles on folk songs, painters and their works, and on the changing economics of cultural production. The final chapters deal with social and economic trends in two nomadic pastoral areas and with foreign aid for new Tibetan schools. A unique introduction to contemporary life and attitudes in north-eastern Tibet, invaluable for understanding modern Tibetan life in China today, how it developed, and what it is rapidly becoming. [87]Christianity in Modern China. The making of the first native protestant church Auteur(s) : CHEUNG (David) Editeur : Leiden, Brill Using mainly hitherto unstudied primary materials, this monograph studies a very significant episode in Chinese Christianity. Focusing on the origins and earliest history of Protestantism in South Fujian, this analytical-critical study investigates the evolution of the churches which pioneered in indigenisation and ecclesiastical union in China during the nineteenth century. Some subjects studied are primitive missionary objectives and methods, the relationship between the Talmage ideal and the Three-self concept, and the nature and dynamics of native religious work. Extremely useful is the critical assessment of South Fujian in terms of self-propagation, self-government, self-support and organic union. The key areas suggested for future research are also quite thought-provoking. The volume is especially valuable to social and church historians, missiologists and sociologists. [88]Missionary Heroes in Asia. True stories of the intrepid bravery and stirring adventures of missionaries with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature Auteur(s) : LAMBERT (John C.) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services The account of missionary activities in the deserts of Mongolia, in the country of the Telugus (Andhra Pradesh, in South India) in Japan, in Taiwan (Formosa) in Tibet and in China. The contents of this book have been taken from the authors larger book entitled The Romance of Missionary Heroism. This book is a reprint of the 1910 edition. [89]Asian Christian Theologies. A research to authors, movements , sources. Volume 3 : Northeast Asia Auteur(s) : ENGLAND, KUTTIANIMATTATHIL, MANSFORD PRIOR, QUINTOS, SUH KWANG-SUN and WICKERI Editeur : NY, Orbis Books Volume 1: South Asia; Austral Asia Volume 2: Southeast Asia Volume 3: Northeast Asia In these volumes Asian theology has come of age.Michael Amaladoss Co-sponsored by the Christian Conference of Asia, the Asian Pacific Missiology and Research Program, Missio (Aachen) and The Council for World Mission, London, this ecumenical reference work provides information essential to every serious scholar and library of world Christianity, mission, and religion in Asia. Each volume opens with an historical survey of its region then focuses on individual areas, generally by present-day nations. Along with extensive bibliographies and indexes, each volume includes brief biographies of area theologians. Contents 1. Regional Summary 2. Northeast Asia 3. China 4. Hong Kong and Macau 5. Inner Asia, Tibet, Mongolia 6. Japan 7. Korea 8. Taiwan [90]Currents and Countercurrents. Korean influences on the East Asian Buddhist Traditions Auteur(s) : BUSWELL (Robert E., Jr.) (ed.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press Soon after the inception of Buddhism in the sixth or fifth century B.C.E., the Buddha ordered his small band of monks to wander forth for the welfare and weal of the many, a command that initiated one of the greatest missionary movements in world religious history. But this account of a monolithic missionary movement spreading outward from the Buddhist homeland of India across the Asian continent is just one part of the story. The case of East Asian Buddhism suggests another tale, one in which the dominant eastward current of diffusion creates important eddies, or countercurrents, of influence that redound back toward the center. These countercurrents have had significant, even profound, impact on neighboring traditions. In East Asia perhaps the most important countercurrent of influence came from Korea, the focus of this volume. Korea was subject to many of the same forces that catalyzed the growth of Buddhism on the Chinese mainland, and Korean commentarial and scriptural writings (all composed in literary Chinese) sometimes had as significant an impact in the region as texts written in China proper. Any comprehensive description of the evolution of the broader Sinitic tradition of Buddhism must therefore thoroughly consider Koreas contributions. This is the first book to explore in detail Koreas integral role in the development of Buddhism both in China proper as well as throughout the broader East Asian region. The books introduction identifies the pervasive patterns of the influence of Korean Buddhism in China, Japan, and eventually even in regions as distant from the peninsula as Szechwan and Tibet. This is followed by chapters that examine the role played by the Paekche kingdom in introducing Buddhist material culture (especially monastic architecture) to Japan and the impact of Korean scholiasts on the creation of several distinctive features that eventually came to characterize Japanese Pure Land Buddhism. The lives and intellectual importance of the monks Sungnang (fl. ca. 490) and Wonchuk (613-696) are reassessed, bringing to light their role in the development of early intellectual schools within Chinese Buddhism. Later chapters discuss the influential teachings of the semi-legendary master Musang (684-762), the patriarch of two of the earliest schools of Chan; the work of a dozen or so Korean monks active in the Chinese Tien-tai tradition; and the Huiyin monastery, located in the heart of the Southern Song but having special ties with Korea through the prince-monk Uichon (1055-1101). This illuminating and thought-provoking collection will be appreciated by scholars of Korean and Buddhist studies and will stimulate East Asia scholars in general to explore the roles played by non-Chinese East Asian peoples in the evolution of the region as a whole. [91]Religions of China in Practice Auteur(s) : LOPEZ (Donald S. Jr.) (ed.) Editeur : Princeton University Press This third volume of Princeton Readings in Religions demonstrates that the "three religions" of China--Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism (with a fourth, folk religion, sometimes added)--are not mutually exclusive: they overlap and interact with each other in a rich variety of ways. The volume also illustrates some of the many interactions between Han culture and the cultures designated by the current government as "minorities." Selections from minority cultures here, for instance, are the folktale of Ny Dan the Manchu Shamaness and a funeral chant of the Yi nationality collected by local researchers in the early 1980s. Each of the forty unusual selections, from ancient oracle bones to stirring accounts of mystic visions, is preceded by a substantial introduction. As with the other volumes, most of the selections here have never been translated before. Stephen Teiser provides a general introduction in which the major themes and categories of the religions of China are analyzed. The book represents an attempt to move from one conception of the "Chinese spirit" to a picture of many spirits, including a Laozi who acquires magical powers and eventually ascends to heaven in broad daylight; the white-robed Guanyin, one of the most beloved Buddhist deities in China; and the burning-mouth hungry ghost. The book concludes with a section on "earthly conduct." [92]New Asian Marxisms Auteur(s) : BARLOW (Tani E.) (ed.) Editeur : Durham, Duke U.P. Displaying the particular vitality of the global traditions of Marxism and neomarxism at the beginning of the twenty-first century, New Asian Marxisms collects essays by a range of scholarsincluding historians, political scientists, literary scholars, and sociologistswho offer a range of studies about the Marxist heritage, with a focus on Korea, Japan, India, and China. While some of the essays discuss key individuals in the history of the Marxist tradition or the continuing need to address outstanding problematics, others examine nationalist literature and discourse in North and South Korea, the Mao Zedong Fever of the 1990s, the poetry of Li Dazhao, and the Naxalite movement in India. Stressing the analytical importance of categories such as exploitation, alienation, and violence for any engagement with the politics of knowledge, the contributors confront the fading interest in alternatives to global consumerism by providing accounts of political struggles, cultural resistance, and theoretical strategies. Contributors. Tani Barlow, Michael Dutton, D. R. Howland, Dai Jinhua, Marshall Johnson, Liu Kang, Sugiyama Mitsunobu, You-me Park, William Pietz, Claudia Pozzana, Alessandro Russo, Sanjay Seth, Gi-Wook Shin, Jing Wang [93]Searching for Life's Meaning. Changes and Tensions in the Worldviews of Chinese Youth in the 1980s Auteur(s) : LUO XU Editeur : University of Michigan Press How did a self-centered "me generation" engage in a student movement that developed into the largest urban protest in modern Chinese history? Searching for Life's Meaning explores the profound changes in the beliefs and values of Chinese youth that occurred during the 1980s and that ultimately led to the confrontation in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Drawing on his own experience as a teacher at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China during the 1980s, as well as exhaustive research, Luo Xu investigates the social and political climate of 1980s China in order to help better define the culture that ultimately drove the events at Tiananmen. Supporting his arguments with solid primary source documents, Xu contends that the contemplation of the meaning of life, along with other philosophical questions, were integral components of the general social crisis leading up to the movement of 1989. Elegantly written and accessible to a general readership, this study will also be useful to specialists. Searching for Life's Meaning is a concise but detailed introduction to the mentalities of the Chinese generation presently assuming leadership in China. It should be valuable reading in courses on Chinese history and politics, and will be of interest to scholars in the related fields of Asian studies, anthropology, cultural studies, and youth studies. The book will also appeal to business- people and other professionals concerned with managing relations with the world's fastest growing polity. Luo Xu is Assistant Professor of History, State University of New York College at Cortland. [94]Daoist Identity. History, Lineage, and Ritual Auteur(s) : KOHN (Livia) and ROTH (Harold D.), (eds.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press What is Daoism? Who is considered a Daoist, and why? What defines Daoism: Beliefs? Practices? Sectarian concerns? Questions such as these have plagued scholars and followers alike, creating confusion and prejudice. By addressing these questions, this volume opens up the exploration of a fascinating religion. For more than two thousand years, Daoism has evolved in close interaction with the other major traditions of China--Confucianism, Buddhism, ethnic creeds, and popular religion--and adapted many of their features. To the present day, Daoism consists of a multiplicity of beliefs and practices, and continues to develop, as it has for the past millennia, through the interaction between differentiation and integration--the move to change in accordance with political, cultural, and economic developments versus the urge to create stability through belief systems, lineage lines, rituals, and myths. Daoist Identity is an exploration of the various means by which Daoists over the centuries have created an identity for themselves. Using modern sociological studies of identity formation as its foundation, it brings together a representative sample of in-depth analyses by eminent American and Japanese scholars in the field. The discussion begins with critical examinations of the ways identity was found among the early movements of the Way of Great Peace and the Celestial Masters. The role of sacred texts and literary culture in Daoist identity formation is discussed. The volume then focuses on lineage formation and the increasing role of popular religious practices, such as spirit-writing, in modern Daoism since the Song dynasty. Finally it discusses the Daoist adaptation and reinterpretation of Buddhist rites, such as the feeding of souls in hell and the use of ritual gestures, and the changes made in contemporary Daoism in relation to traditional rites and popular practices. Throughout, the authors consider issues never before discussed in Western scholarly literature, including the role of ethnic groups and their identity in the formation of Daoist communities, the contemporary daotan movement in Guangdong and Hong Kong, the evolution of medieval death rituals, and the role of poetry and literati writing in the creation of a personal identity as Daoist. [95]Confucian Spirituality. Volume One Auteur(s) : TU WEIMING and TUCKER (Mary Evelyn), (eds.) Editeur : New York, Crossroad In Confucianism a religion or simply an ethical system? This volume is the first to bring together principal scholars of Confucianism in North America to explore the religious dimensions of Confucianism. A tradition of such significant historical and geographical scope, Confucianism spans the East Asian countries of China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Singapore. The vibrant spiritual nature of Confucianism has appealed for more than 2,500 years. Insights into this spiritual richness regarding topics such as self-cultivation, education, family relationships, social commitment, and political engagement are now available for the first time in English. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [96]Confucian Spirituality. Volume Two Auteur(s) : TU WEIMING and TUCKER (Mary Evelyn), (eds.) Editeur : New York, Crossroad In Confucianism a religion or simply an ethical system? This volume is the first to bring together principal scholars of Confucianism in North America to explore the religious dimensions of Confucianism. A tradition of such significant historical and geographical scope, Confucianism spans the East Asian countries of China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Singapore. The vibrant spiritual nature of Confucianism has appealed for more than 2,500 years. Insights into this spiritual richness regarding topics such as self-cultivation, education, family relationships, social commitment, and political engagement are now available for the first time in English. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [97]Oriental and Western Siberia. A narrative of seven years of exploration and adventure in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghes steppes, Chinese Tartary and parts of central Asia Auteur(s) : ATKINSON (Thomas Witlam) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services In this work the author sketches the fascinating scenery of Siberia at a time when it was hardly known to the outside world. No date is mentioned in the book, but the time of his travels commenced around the year 1840. His area of travel was extensive: from Kokhan on the west to the eastern end of Lake Baikal, and far south to the Chinese town of Tchin-is, including the immense Chain of the Syan mountain on which he was the first European to lay eyes upon, as well as a large portion of the western Gobi desert. He traveled for seven years and a total of about 39,500 miles. The book is a narration of facts, taken from his journals kept often under conditions of extreme difficulty. It gives a lively description of the people, their customs, habits, religious practices and graphic description of the geography and flora and fauna. The book is divided into 29 chapters with 18 illustrations. There is an accompanying map of Siberia, Mongolia, Chinese Tartary and a park of central Asia to illustrate his routes. 19th century - Nineteenth century [98]Buddhism in China Auteur(s) : BEAL (S.) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services Written by the Chinese scholar Samuel Beal this book is a work written for people who wish to understand the origin and development of Buddhist thought in China. Divided into 25 chapters it starts with a discussion on the two major arms of the Buddhist canon; the Northern books (mainly Sanskrit works) and the Southern book (Pali works). The book explores the connection between India and China, the origin of the Sakya, legends of the Buddha, the religious and philosophical aspects, the theories of paradise, God, Soul, Nirvana, and ethics among others. [99]Tibet. Past and Present Auteur(s) : BELL (Charles) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services In the first of the trilogy on Tibet Charles Bell describes the history of Tibet and its relations with different countries. It also gives highly informative notes on its geography and trade, the early history, the rule of the Dalai Lamas, the British military expeditions, notes on Bhutan, its treaties with Bhutan, the flight of the Dalai Lama to India in 1910, the mission of Bell to Lhasa, Britains policy on Tibet and the relations of Tibet with China, Japan and Russia, Mongolia and Nepal. At the end of the book in appendixes are added which give the details of the various treaties that Tibet has concluded in the eighth century and then from the 18th century upto the early 20th century. [100]A Lower Ladakhi Version of the Kesar Saga. Tibetan text, English abstracts and notes Bibliotheca Indica Auteur(s) : FRANCKE (A.H.) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services The position of king Kesar of Central Asian myth is equal to that of Ram of the Ramayan. Numerous versions of the Kesar Saga exist in songs, and lyric poems and prose romances; a mass of literature on this subject is found in Tibet, Mongolia and China. The book starts with a prologue to the Kesar Saga and continues with the story of his birth, his marriage with a Bruguma, his journey to China and his marriage there, his victory over the giants of the north, the capture of his wife by the king of Hor and finally the defeat of Hor. There are 6 appendices that narrate the spring myth of Kesar, the winter myth; A Ladakhi Bon-pa Hymnal; Ladakhi songs; a Ladakhi pre-Buddhist marriage ritual; and, the paladins of the Kesar Saga. This book is a compilation of various articles and was put together during the years 1905 1941. [101]Malabar Manual Auteur(s) : LOGAN (William) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services An exhaustive work in 2 volumes that offers descriptions and studies on the Malabar region of Kerala. This work is a standard study for any research on this region. The first volume covers 1. the District and is further divided into 8 parts; chapter 2 covers the people and describes 7 parts the population, the literature, language, manners, custom etc; chapter 3 covers the history of Malabar; chapter 4 cover the land tenures and revenue and notices each region separately. It offers notes on the historical facts down to 1805-06 relating to the low country, a retrospective summary for the year 1805-06, system of land revenue management, land revenue history etc. Volume 2 is an appendix to volume 1. There are 21 appendices and they covers; statistics, animals, fishes, Birds, Butterflies, timber trees, roads, ports, proverbs, vocabulary, deeds, list of officials, land revenue assessment, price of paddy and other produce and a short description of the taluks of the Malabar region. The Malabar region is bound by the South Canara district in the North; Coorg and Nilgiris to the East; state of Cochin to the South and the Arabian Sea to the West. This book is a reprint of the 1887 edition. [102]Mythology and Folklore in South-East Asia Auteur(s) : KNAPPERT (Jan) (compiled by) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P The first anthology in English of South-East Asian myths, this book is an engaging look at these rich storytelling traditions. It includes new translations of some shorter tales and concise paraphrases of longer epics. There are separate sections devoted to poetry, drama, proverbs, and prose from various regions and cultures. A wide range of readers will find themselves absorbed in the romance, tragedy, drama, and adventure of South-East Asian kings, princes, princesses, heroes and heroines, and ordinary people. [103]Ah Ku and Karayuki-san : Prostitution in Singapore Auteur(s) : WARREN (James Francis) Editeur : Singapour, Singapore University Press Among the many groups of workers whose labor built Singapore in the 20th century, there may be none as marginalized in memory as the women who travelled from China and Japan to work in Singapore as prostitutes. This study sketches in the trade in women and children in Asia, and--making innovative use of Coroner's Inquests and other records--hones in on the details of the prostitutes' lives in the colonial city: the daily brothel routine, crises and violence, social relations, leisure, mobility, disease and death. The result is a powerful historical account of human nature, of human relationships, of pride, prejudice, struggle and spirit. Ordinary people tumble from the pages of the records: they talk about choice of partners, love and betrayal, desperation and alienation, drawing us into their lives. This social history is a powerful corrective to the romantic image of colonial Singapore as a city of excitement, sophistication, exotic charm and easy sex. In the years since its original publication in 1992, this book, and its companion Rickshaw Coolie, have become an inspiration to those seeking to come to grips with Singapore's past. [104]Malaysia's Demographic Transition : Rapid Development, Culture, and Politics Auteur(s) : LEETE (Richard) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P This work is a major contribution to the understandingof the demography of Malaysia--a country abundant in land and natural resources, but with a long history of a shortage of people and human resources. The book looks at changes and differentials in fertility behavior, the causes, and the consequences. It outlines the modern history of changes in Malaysia's population and the economic, social, political, and cultural context within which the changes have occurred. [105]Musical Instruments of South-East Asia Auteur(s) : TAYLOR (Eric) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P Many Western composers, including Debussy, Ravel, Messiaen, and Britten, have found inspiration in South East Asia's ancient musical traditions. Contact with a different musical language prompts many questions; this book is an attempt to set the scene and to answer the most essential of these, in as non-technical a way as possible. It focuses on the instruments themselves, set in the context of their musical function and of the history, beliefs, and social customs which the music expresses. [106]Modern Art in Thailand : Nineteenth and Twentieh Centuries Auteur(s) : POSHYANANDA (Apinan) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P This book offers, for the first time, a comprehensive account of the development of modern art in Thailand. Its central focus is to trace the main thread of eclecticism that characterizes modern Thai art, and to show how foreign influences, as well as Buddhism, local traditions, and folk cultures, served as catalysts in the development of styles. [107]South-East Asian Ceramics : Thai, Vietnamese, and Khmer. from the Collection of the Art Gallery of South Australia Auteur(s) : RICHARDS (Dick) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P This book provides an accessible introduction to the glazed ceramic traditions of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, highlighting their origins and distinctive stylistic and technical character. [108]Tradition and Reform : Land Tenure and Rural Development in South-East Asia Auteur(s) : CLEARY (Mark) and EATON (Peter) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P The majority of the population of South-east Asia depends on the land for its living. Land is held in a multitude of different ways--through tribal custom, as individual owner-occupier units, through plantations. In many parts of the region landlessness is a major social and political issue. Using a wide range of case studies, this book examines the different landholding systems of the region and argues that a combination of traditional and reformed tenure systems offers the best prospects for improving the welfare of the rural population. [109]Old Penang Auteur(s) : HAYES HOYT (Sarnia) Editeur : Singapour, Oxford University P In 1786, Penang was part of the Muslim state of Kedah. But with the arrival of English trader Francis Light, it underwent both a change of name, to Prince of Wales Island, and status, becoming a major mercantile and shipping post, and the springboard for British expansion into South-East Asia. Illustrated throughout with contemporary paintings and drawings, the book traces Penang's history from the eighteenth century to the 1930s, and fully captures its stunning natural beauty and simmering cosmopolitan atmosphere. [110]The Kuomintang Movement in British Malaya, 1912-1949 Auteur(s) : YONG (C.F.) and MCKENNA (R.B.) Editeur : Singapour, Singapore Universit The Kuomintang (KMT)--the first legalized political party and movement in modern Malaysian and Singaporean history-- is studied against the background of British colonial rule, the changing political circumstances and fortunes in China and the rising and waning of Malayan Chinese nationalism from 1894. While it highlights the development of the Malayan KMT Movement in terms of leadership, organization and ideology, it also analyzes changing British colonial policy and management techniques toward the Movement. [111]Essays into Vietnamese Pasts Auteur(s) : TAYLOR (K. W.) and WHITMORE (John K.), (eds.) Editeur : Cornell University A collection of essays demonstrating ways to read the pasts of Vietnam through detailed analyses of its art, chronicles, legends, documents, and monuments. The many voices heard throughout the book undermine the idea of a single Vietnamese past. Essayists include Tran Quoc Vuong and Shawn McHale (who considers the refashioning and expansion of women's roles in society that occurred through the medium of the printed word from the years 1918 to 1934). Six papers deal with the writing (in both stone inscription and paper manuscript) and language in premodern Vietnam. All essays, while varied in presentation, considerations, and interpretations, are connected by their common concerns with language and text--its hermeneutic and epistemological possibilities--and the way in which texts are reedited or recopied to reflect contemporary concerns, reveal modern voices, and shape newer minds. [112]The Parsis of India. Preservation of Identity in Bombay City Auteur(s) : PALSETIA (Jesse S.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill The Parsis of India examines a much-neglected area of Asian Studies. In tracing keypoints in the development of the Parsi community, it depicts the Parsis history, and accounts for their ability to preserve, maintain and construct a distinct identity. For a great part the story is told in the colonial setting of Bombay city. Ample attention is given to the Parsis evolution from an insular minority group to a modern community of pluralistic outlook. Filling the obvious lacunae in the literature on British colonialism, Indian society and history, and, last but not least, Zoroastrianism, this book broadens our knowledge of the interaction of colonialism and colonial groups, and elucidates the significant role of the Parsis in the commercial, educational, and civic milieu of Bombay colonial society. [113]The Hmong of China. Context, Agency, and the Imaginary Auteur(s) : TAPP (Nicholas C.Th.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill This first ethnography of the Hmong in China is based on Nicholas Tapps extensive fieldwork in a Hmong village in Sichuan. Basing his analysis on the concepts of context and agency, Tapp discusses the paradoxical ambivalence at the heart of Hmong culture. A paradox arises in the historical and ethnographic construction of the identity of the Hmong by conscious contrast with, and in opposition to, a majority Han Chinese identity at the same time that large parts of Hmong culture are shared with the Chinese and may be the results of historical processes of adoption, absorption, mimesis, or emulation. Tapp examines the Hmong rituals of shamanism, ancestral respect, and death and provides details on livelihood, kinship, local organization, and intellectual culture. The book is enhanced with thorough accounts of ceremonies, rituals, and folktales, with translations of Hmong songs and stories. [114]Warfare in Inner Asian History (500-1800) Auteur(s) : COSMO (Nicola di) (ed.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill Military developments in Inner Asia lay at the basis of the rise of a number of Ancient and Early Modern Empires. This is the first scholarly work to embrace Inner Asian military history across a broad spatial and chronological spectrum, from the Turks and Uighurs to the Pechenegs, and from the Mongol invasion of Syria to the Manchu conquest of China. Based on previously unknown and until now underestimated sources, the contributors to this volume explore the context, development, and characteristic features of Inner Asian warfare, making original contributions to our understanding of Asian and world history. [115]A reconstruction of proto-Ainu Auteur(s) : VOVIN Editeur : Leiden, Brill This volume offers a reconstruction of the Proto-Ainu language based on the comparative method and internal reconstruction. The book is divided into three parts, the first is dedicated to the reconstruction of Proto-Ainu phonology (vocalism, consonantism, and prosody), the second represents a vocabulary of reconstructed Proto-Ainu lexical items, and the third deals with the problem of the genetic affiliation of the Ainu language. This problem has been approached in the present study from the point of view of the systematic comparisons of reconstructions, not the straight comparisons of the forms attested exclusively in modern languages, which was the major set-back of the previous scholarship on the genetic affiliation of the Ainu language. This volume also includes the nineteenth-century vocabulary of the Kuril Ainu by I. Voznesenskii, previously unknown to the scholars. [116]The Foundations of Japan's Modernization. A comparison with China's Path towards modernization Auteur(s) : YODA Editeur : Leiden, Brill Tracing and evaluating the development in the history of Japanese culture and society that permits Japan's rapid and continuing modernization, Professor Yoda provides a new and original approach to the modernization of Japan. He starts from the assumption that Japan was better equipped for modernization because pre-modern Japan had already started to abandon Confucian influences. In his account of modernization during the Meiji-period he focuses on general patterns inherent in Japanese culture and society enabling Japan to integrate foreign elements without having to follow foreign models slavishly. "Patterns in culture", such as the Japanese preference for juxtaposing the new and the ancient, are contrasted with China's preference for discarding past institutions in revolutionary processes. The transferability of paradigms such as "absolutism" is accepted with some modifications. In the major descriptive part of the work, the history of economic, political, institutional modernization is presented on the basis of quotations from original Japanese (and Chinese) sources, arranged within the methodological framework of universal historical concepts, indigenous cultural patterns and specific conditions in both countries. The book is composed of two articles previously published in Japanese and Chinese, two new chapters written especially for the volume, and background information provided by Professor Radtke. [117]China Bibliography. A research guide to reference works about China past and present Auteur(s) : ZURNDORFER Editeur : Leiden, Brill This volume serves as a guide to all facets of China study: from advice on choosing an appropriate literary dictionary to finding the most recent yearbooks that offer statistical data about the contemporary economy. China Bibliography does not restrict itself to one particular `discipline', but considers the development of Chinese civilization as a whole, from its imperial beginnings to the present, and therefore demonstrates how one would find information about Chinese history, literature, religion, linguistics, collectanea, as well as present day PRC economic and political policies. Because this book also explains how bibliographical data on China has accumulated over the last 300 years (including within China itself), it also may help the reader understand the significance of a particular type of reference work. [118]Conflict and accomodation in early modern East Asia. Essays in honour of Erik Zürcher Auteur(s) : BLUSSE Editeur : Leiden, Brill This collection of essays written by his former students and colleagues represent the many foci of interest that Erik Zurcher has shared with them during his tenure as professor at Leiden University. They include discussions of Confucian philosophy, Buddhist and Christian polemics, the spread of Jesuit literature and anti-Christian attitudes among the literati, Ming aphorisms, the Chinese pictorial of skulls and skeletons, the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's eightieth birthday celebrations, Sino-Korean relations, and the "little traditions" in Chinese historical development, secret societies and kongsi. The book demonstrates how Zurcher inspired a wide range of interests in problems of Chinese history from heterodoxy, to local development, to hsiao-shuo traditions, but always in the highest traditions of philological scholarship. [119]Chinese Outcasts : Discrimination and Emancipation in Late Imerial China Auteur(s) : HANSSON Editeur : Leiden, Brill Outcasts and pariahs are known to exist in several Asian countries but have usually not been associated with traditional Chinese society. Chinese Outcasts shows that some Chinese were in fact treated as outcasts or semi-outcasts. They include the boat people of South China and certain less well-known groups in different regions, including the "musicians' households" and the "fallen people". The reasons for their inferior status and perceived impurity is examined, as well as the intent behind a series of imperial emancipation edicts in the 1720s and 30s. The edict provided an escape route from inferior legal status but failed to put a quick end to customary social discrimination. [120]Chinese Women in the Imperial Past. New perspectives Auteur(s) : ZURNDORFER Editeur : Leiden, Brill The present volume is the result of a Leiden University workshop on women in imperial China by a group of international scholars. In recent years Chinese women and gender studies have attracted more and more attention, and this book is one of the first efforts to focus on major aspects of this subject. It covers a wide range of topics and disciplines, including bibliography, demography, history, legal studies, literature, history of medicine, and philosophy. Chinese Women in the Imperial Past can rightly be seen as connected with the new Brill journal NAN NÜ, Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China, which was founded to provide the scholarly community with a lasting forum in which the subject of Chinese women and gender can be dealt with in its own right. [121]May Fourth Movement in Shanghai. The making of a social movement in modern China Auteur(s) : CHEN Editeur : Leiden, Brill [122]Seeking Mahadevi. Constructing the Identities of the Hindu Great Goddess Auteur(s) : PINTCHMAN (Tracy) (ed.) Editeur : Albany, State University of New York Press While Hindus recognize and revere a variety of different goddesses, they also tend to speak of one Great Goddess, Mahaµdeviµ, as a singular divine being who is the unity underlying all female deities. In this book, ten scholars reflect on both the diverse depictions of Mahaµdeviµ found in textual and devotional environments and the ways that the singularity and multiplicity of the divine Hindu feminine are negotiated. Seeking Mahaµdeviµ covers various geographical locations, from the Punjab and Bengal in North India to Kerala and Tamilnadu in the South, and makes use of evidence from ancient texts and contemporary interviews, male-authored documents and women's possession experiences, myth, ritual, and folklore. Arguing that Mahaµdeviµ has multiple, context-dependent identities that are constructed through human interpretive activity, this book highlights the great diversity of ways that those who worship Mahaµdeviµ conceive of and portray her. [123]Opening Up. Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform in Shanghai Auteur(s) : FARRER (James) Editeur : Chicago, University of Chicago Press From teen dating to public displays of affection, from the "fishing girls" and "big moneys" that wander discos in search of romance to the changing shape of sex in the Chinese city, this is a book like no other. James Farrer immerses himself in the vibrant nightlife of Shanghai, draws on individual and group interviews with Chinese youth, as well as recent changes in popular media, and considers how sexual culture has changed in China since its shift to a more market-based economy. More and more men and women in China these days are having sex before marriage, creating a new youth sex culture based on romance, leisure, and free choice. The Chinese themselves describe these changes as an "opening up" in response to foreign influences and increased Westernization. Farrer explores these changes by tracing the basic elements in talk about sex and sexuality in Shanghai. He then shows how Chinese youth act out the sometimes-contradictory meanings of sex in the new market society. For Farrer, sexuality is a lens through which we can see how China imagines and understands itself in the wake of increased globalization. Through personal storytelling, neighborhood gossip, and games of seduction, young men and women in Shanghai balance pragmatism with romance, lust with love, and seriousness with play, collectively constructing and individually coping with a new culture based on market principles. With its provocative glimpse into the sex lives of young Chinese, then, Opening Up offers something even greater: a thoughtful consideration of China as it continues to develop into an economic superpower. [124]The Embarrassment of Slavery. Controversies over Bondage and Nationalism in the American Colonial Philippines Auteur(s) : SALMAN (Michael) Editeur : Berkeley, University of California Press A series of controversies over the existence and meaning of slavery shaped American colonialism and nationalist resistance in the Philippines. While American officials claimed colonialism would free Filipinos from various forms of slavery and American anti-imperialists countered that colonialism itself would constitute new kinds of bondage, the first generation of Filipino nationalists had already appropriated anti-slavery rhetoric in their struggles with Spanish colonialism in the late nineteenth century. From these contentions about slavery as a political metaphor, new disputes erupted when American officials "discovered" the practice of slavery among minority groups, such as the Moro (Muslim) societies of the southern Philippines and animist groups in upland northern Luzon. Michael Salman reconstructs these controversies and charts the successive emergence of slavery as an embarrassment for American colonial officials, Filipino nationalists, and American anti-imperialists. The Embarrassment of Slavery examines, for the first time, the salience of slavery and abolition in the history of American colonialism and Philippine nationalism. In doing so, it also makes major contributions to the global and comparative study of slavery, abolition, colonialism, and nationalism. This book also expands our understanding of slavery and abolition by explaining the link between the globalization of nationalism and the spread of antislavery as a hegemonic ideology in the modern world. [125]In Pursuit os Status. The Making of South Korea's "New" Urban Middle Class Auteur(s) : LETT POTRZEBA (Denise) Editeur : Cambridge, Harvard University Press The members of South Korea's middle class define themselves by the choices they make about occupation, family, lifestyle, education, and marriage. Lett examines each of these to show how the middle class has adapted traditional ways of asserting status to modern life. "[This] is perhaps the best introduction to contemporary Korea's social stratification and urban life that has been published in English." --American Ethnologist [126]From Culture to Ethnicity to Conflict. An Anthropological Perspective on International Ethnic Conflict Auteur(s) : ELLER (Jack David) Editeur : University of Michigan Press In the post-Cold War era, the most common and often the most violent conflicts are ethnic conflicts. Many people, including many scholars, see ethnic conflicts as a return to the past, as contests between ancient and well-defined groups with long-standing grievances and animosities. Jack David Eller argues instead that these conflicts are a defining phenomenon of the "new world order"--that they are, in many ways, modern-day inventions based only loosely on "traditional" cultures and hostilities. From Culture to Ethnicity to Conflict presents in-depth case studies on Sri Lanka, the Kurds, Rwanda and Burundi, Bosnia, and Quebec, along with two theoretical introductory chapters that offer the reader the tools to understand the relationship between "culture" or "tradition" and contemporary ethnic conflicts. Eller finds that ethnicity is not a simple instantiation of "traditional" culture, nor is conflict a simple consequence of ethnicity. Rather, each is constructed out of certain raw cultural materials, through a process of remembering, forgetting, interpreting, and inventing. Ultimately, Eller demonstrates, these groups are fighting not about culture, but with culture. No other book combines the level of analysis offered here with in-depth case studies of several important examples. It will appeal to anyone with an interest in understanding these conflicts. It will be assigned reading for students and scholars of cultural diversity and ethnic conflict in anthropology, history, political science, and peace and conflict studies. Jack David Eller is Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Denver/Teikyo Loretto Heights University. [127]Twenty-First Century World Order and The Asia Pacific . Value Change, Exigencies, and Power Realignment Auteur(s) : HSIUNG (James C.) (ed.) Editeur : New York, Palgrave Cast against the background of the global system's political volatility at the dawn of the new millennium, Twenty-First Century World Order and the Asia Pacific looks at how some of the identifiable system-wide trends (e.g., globalization, democratization, fragmentation, etc.) may find repercussions in the region. The book also addresses the question of "comprehensive security," in comparison with other regions, in a wide range of areas including economic security (geoeconomics), environmental security (ecopolitics), and human security. In addition, the book offers a reassessment of the much touted rise of Asia, more particularly China. It discusses the possible link between this shift in the world's power configuration and the projected rise of "social justice" as a guiding force for international relations in general. [128]Chinese Women and Rural Development. Sixty Years of Change in Lu Village, Yunnan Auteur(s) : BOSSEN (Laurel) Editeur : Lanham, Rowman&Littlefield Rich in historical perspective on women and men in the context of economic development, this ethnography provides a unique window on rural China since the 1930s. Laurel Bossen uses her detailed knowledge to explore theories regarding such momentous changes as the demise of footbinding, the transformation and feminization of farming, the rise of family planning, and the question of missing daughters. Based on anthropological research conducted during the 1990s in Lu Village and informed by the classic 1930s study of the same village by Fei Xiaotong, China's most famous anthropologist, Chinese Women and Rural Development goes beyond the enduring myths and cardboard images of women as either victims or heroes. Highlighting women's work in a complex farming economy and their choices in marriage and family, the book portrays individuals confronting in their daily lives a variety of changes, ranging from drastic to gradual. Bossen examines the economic, social, and political practices both upholding and altering the boundaries of gender in the face of shifting state and market forces over time. Throughout, Lu Village women defy stereotypes, yet their stories, rooted in the reality of Yunnan province, express the commonalities and continuities of gender in rural China. [129]Remaking the Chinese State. Strategies, Society, and Security Auteur(s) : CHAO (Chien-min) and DICKSON (Bruce J.), (eds.) Editeur : Londres, Routledge After more than twenty years of economic and political reform, China is a vastly different country than that left by Mao. Almost all the policies and practices of era have been abandoned, with the goals of revolution in foreign and domestic policy being replaced by an emphasis on economic modernization, radical social transformation and an increasingly significant international role. Yet, despite these dramatic changes, other fundamental features of China's policy remain unchanged. This book explores the strategies of reform in China and their implications for its domestic and foreign policies. It challenges the misconceptions that no political reforms are taking place and that China is eagerly embracing capitalism. It also challenges the view that China does not abide by international norms and practices on military and security matters. [130]The Feminine Sacred in South Asia. Le sacré au féminin en Asie du Sud Auteur(s) : TAMBS-LYCHE (Harald) (ed.) Editeur : New Delhi Papers presented at the 13th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, held at Toulouse, during August-September 1994 [131]The Anthropology of Buddhism and Hinduism. Weberian Themes Auteur(s) : GELLNER (David N.) Editeur : New Delhi This collection of essays both engages with Max Weber's work, and attempts to use his general approach, combined with detailed ethnography from Nepal and Japan, to attack critical questions in the anthropology and sociology of Buddhism and Hinduism. This book will appeal to specialists in religious studies, South Asia, Max Weber, and to anthropologists more generally. [132]Islam and Muslims in South Asia Auteur(s) : AHMAD (Zafar) Editeur : Delhi This book is a solid work of scholarly analysis of Islamisation and an important contribution to the study of Muslims in South Asia. It also examines religious change in South Asian Islam and the development of Islamic tradition. [133]Angkor Auteur(s) : GRANJEAN (Jean-Pierre) (photographies de) Editeur : Olizane This palm-sized point-of-purchase book, featuring an assortment of color and black-and-white photographs of the ruins of the ancient city of Angkor and Angkor Wat, its stunning temple, feels something like a handheld tourist slideshow, courtesy of a slightly better picture-taker than most. Lacking a real narrative thread (the only text is in the brief introduction) or a particular photographic sensibility, the pictures-closeups of bas relief figures, portraits of natives, panoramic shots of temple and sky-express a genuine but rather vague romance for the ruins of far away places. Grandjean seems to love the details and shapes of Angkor Wat, the twisting trees and crumbling, intricate stonework, but he fails to find much that is undocumented there, and thus falls back on a generic soft focus sensibility (literal focus is clear and sharp) to capture it. The final product is polished and concise, but ultimately fits snugly into what feels like a larger New Age tourist economy. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [134]Religious Minorities in South Asia. Selected essays on post-colonial situations Auteur(s) : HUSSAIN (Monirul) and GHOSH (Lipi), (eds.) Editeur : New Delhi This book has brought together a collection of carefully selected essays on religious minorities in South Asia with emphasis on the post-colonial situation covering Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Authors from around the South Asian region, France and UK use fresh empirical data to present portraits of religious minorities in each South Asian country individually. It is not a study of minority in isolation; it situates the religious minorities in the larger context of post-colonial history, society and polity. This two-volume work explores the relationship between the religious minorities and majorities on one hand and the relationship between the religious minorities and the state on the other. In the process it has not only reflected seriously on the minority situation but also on the actual functioning of social and political systems in South Asia. Hence, it has a great cross-disciplinary appeal. This work makes a major contribution to debate about reshaping our social, political and constitutional institutions operating in South Asia as we enter the 21 century. (jacket) [135]Agra Historical & Descriptive with an account of Akbar and his court and of the modern city of Agra Auteur(s) : LATIF (Syad Muhammad) Editeur : New Delhi, Asian Educational Services This wonderful volume on Agra is the Labour of Love of author Syed Md. Latif who does not hide his passion for the city of Agra and the Mughals, esp Akbar. Written in 1896, this book is divided into four parts: historical, descriptive, Akbar and its court and, finally, a short note on the modern city of Agra. The historical section discusses briefly the dynasties before the mughals and then notices each mugal separately. The descriptive section offers copies notes on the Agra fort, The Taj, Fatehpur Sikri, Sikandra and a few other specimens of mughal architecture. The empror Akbar and each of his nine jewels and also described individually. The book is illustrated with 47 line drawings of the mughal dynasty and the principal architectural monuments of the city and its suburbs. Through the book we find details of the orders, or firmans, and the various engraving that adorn the monuments and graves given in the original Persian or Arabic, and that along with its translations into English. The book was written consulting all the major Persian biographies and works of the mugal emperors as well as later English sources. [136]Japan in the Muromachi Age Auteur(s) : HALL (John Whitney) and TOYODA (Takeshi), (eds.) Editeur : Cornell University A specialist in European history, wishing to deepen his knowledge of the Japanese background, should not fail to seek out this book, for it is a passport to an initial understanding of an age that is visibly linked to some extent with the modern civilization of Japan. English Historical Review It is almost impossible to find ways to praise this work which its producers have not already thought of themselves, and they are telling the truth. . . . The genius of Professor Hall, an overpowering force in the construction of such studies on modern and Tokugawa Japan, is evident once more. Pacific Affairs The Muromachi age may well emerge in the eyes of historians as one of the most seminal periods in Japanese history. So concluded the participants in the 1973 Conference on Japan. The proceedings, as edited for this volume, reveal this new interpretation of the Muromachi age (1334-1573), which was among the most neglected and misunderstood chapters in Japanese history. Both Western and Japanese scholars looked upon the period chiefly as an interlude between a classical era (the Heian period) and an early modern age (the Tokugawa period), the interim being regarded as a time of social confusion and institutional decay. As they learned more, historians saw the Muromachi age giving rise to new patterns that became important elements in a distinctly Japanese tradition; e.g., the arts of noh drama, suiboku painting, landscape gardening and the tea ceremony were perfected during Muromachi times. The volume brings together the work of Japanese and American specialists and shows that many features of Edo-period culture were anticipated by Muromachi developments. Although the volume was first published nearly three decades ago, it remains of great interest for anyone wanting to know more about Japan's historical development. [137]Prophets of Peace. Pacifism and Cultural Identity in Japan's New Religions Auteur(s) : KISALA (Robert) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press This study, undertaken in the wake of the Persian Gulf War, looks at a representative group of Japanese New Religions and explores their concepts and practices of peace. The author cites evidence pointing to the prevalence of a mistaken notion of the implications of the pacifist position, a situation that both reflects and contributes to the confusion surrounding popular debates on pacifism in Japan. This book is an attempt to correct that misperception by providing a critical study of the social ethic of the Japanese New Religions--a topic that has been largely ignored in research on new religious movements worldwide. Focusing on six groups, Professor Kisala draws on the literature that presents their doctrine and surveys their believers to describe their approach to the question of peace. The results of this fieldwork are placed within the dual framework of Western peace studies and the modern Japanese intellectual tradition, highlighting the issues of pacifism and the cultural approach to peace in Japan. In his analysis of these results, he offers some observations on the role of religion in contemporary Japanese society and advocates a more positive engagement in the debate on Japan's role in international security arrangements. [138]Laying Claim to the Memory of May. a Look Back at the 1980 Kwangju Uprising Auteur(s) : LEWIS (Linda S.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press The Kwangju Uprising--"Korea's Tiananmen"--is one of the most important political events in late twentieth-century Korean history. What began as a peaceful demonstration against the imposition of military rule in the southwestern city of Kwangju in May 1980 turned into a bloody people's revolt. In the two decades since, memories of the Kwangju Uprising have lived on, assuming symbolic importance in the Korean democracy movement, underlying the rise in anti-American sentiment in South Korea, and shaping the nation's transition to a civil society. Nonetheless it remains a contested event, the subject still of controversy, confusion, international debate, and competing claims. As one of the few Western eyewitnesses to the Uprising, Linda Lewis is uniquely positioned to write about the event. In this innovative work on commemoration politics, social representation, and memory, Lewis draws on her fieldwork notes from May 1980, writings from the 1980s, and ethnographic research she conducted in the late 1990s on the memorialization of Kwangju and its relationship to changes in the national political culture. Throughout, the chronological organization of the text is crisscrossed with commentary that provocatively disrupts the narrative flow and engages the reader in the reflexive process of remembering Kwangju over two decades. Highly original in its method and approach, Laying Claim to the Memory of May situates this seminal event in a broad historical and scholarly context. The result is not only the definitive history of the Kwangju Uprising, but also a sweeping overview of Korean studies over the last few decades. --Ce texte fait référence à l'édition Relié . [139]Foundations of Confucian Thought. Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453 B.C.E. Auteur(s) : PINES (Yuri) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press This ambitious work focuses on the world of Chinese thought during the Chunqiu (Springs and Autumns) period (722-451 B.C.E.), the two and a half centuries directly preceding and partly overlapping the time of Confucius, China's single most influential thinker. Ideas developed by Chunqiu statesmen and thinkers formed the intellectual milieu of Confucius and his disciples and contributed directly to the intellectual flowering of the Zhanguo (Warring States) era (453-221 B.C.E.), the formative period of the Chinese intellectual tradition. This study is the first attempt to systematically reconstruct major intellectual trends in pre-Confucian China. Foundations of Confucian Thought is based on an exploration of the Zuo zhuan, the largest pre-imperial historical text. Relying on meticulous textual and linguistic analysis, Yuri Pines argues that hundreds of the speeches of Chunqiu statesmen recorded in the Zho zhuan were not invented by the compiler of the treatise but reproduced from earlier sources, thus making it an authentic reflection of the Chunqiu intellectual tradition. By tracing changes in ideas and concepts throughout the Chunqiu period, Pines reconstructs the dynamics of contemporary political and ethical discourse, distilling major intellectual impulses that Chunqiu thinkers bequeathed to their Zhanguo descendants. [140]Le palanquin des larmes Auteur(s) : CHOW CHING LIE Editeur : J'ai Lu In the half century after 1945, South Korea went from an impoverished, largely rural nation ruled by a succession of authoritarian regimes to a prosperous, democratic industrial society. No less impressive was the country's transformation from a nation where a majority of the population had no formal education to one with some of the world's highest rates of literacy, high school graduates, and university students. Drawing on their premodern and colonial heritages as well as American education concepts, South Koreans have been largely successful in creating a schooling system that is comprehensive, uniform in standard, and universal. The key to understanding this educational transformation is South Korean society's striking, nearly universal preoccupation with schooling--what Koreans themselves call their "education fever." This volume explains how Koreans' concern for achieving as much formal education as possible appeared immediately before 1945 and quickly embraced every sector of society. Through interviews with teachers, officials, parents, and students and an examination of a wide range of written materials in both Korean and English, Michael Seth explores the reasons for this social demand for education and how it has shaped nearly every aspect of South Korean society. He also looks at the many problems of the Korean educational system: the focus on entrance examinations, which has tended to reduce education to test preparation; the overheated competition to enter prestige schools; the enormous financial burden placed on families for costly private tutoring; the inflexibility created by an emphasis on uniformity of standards; and the misuse of education by successive governments for political purposes. [141]Mohandas Gandhi. Essentials writings. Selected with an introduction by John Dear Auteur(s) : GANDHI (Mohandas) Editeur : NY, Orbis Books A seminal selection of Gandhis work with an incisive biography. A timely book that will go a long way in understanding Gandhis approach to nonviolence. A must read for all peacemakers. Arun Gandhi, Founder Director, M.K.Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), acknowledged as one of the great souls of the twentieth century and leader of the Indian independence movement, defined the modern practice of nonviolence. These writings reveal the heart and soul of a man whose message of nonviolence bears special relevance to all spiritual seekers today. John Dear is a Jesuit priest, author, and veteran of many nonviolent campaigns. His books inlcude Living Peace, Jesus the Rebel, Disarming the Heart, and The God of Peace. He lives in New York City. [142]Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen Auteur(s) : YIJIANG DING Editeur : New York, Columbia U.P. Is China moving toward a liberal democracy? How does Western engagement with China contribute to this enormous cultural shift? While still one of the most memorable and inflammatory moments in late 20th-century political history, the 1989 protest in Tiananmen Square seems to have accomplished little toward promoting political reform in contemporary China. However, the past decade has witnessed a tremendous shift in the way Chinese society and the Chinese economy are organized, and few would dispute that the country is experiencing a dramatic transition. Yijiang Ding assesses this extraordinary change in terms of changes in the formal conception of "democracy," and illustrates how this central reconstruction has drastically altered the former unity of state and society under the Leninist model. Drawing on new Chinese scholarship and political theory, Ding presents a sweeping and multidimensional picture of modern China at the political crossroads. [143]Taiwan in perspective Auteur(s) : LEE (Wei-Chin) (ed.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill Ever since the end of China's civil war in 1949, Taiwan has embarked on its own distinct, divergent path of development. In light of its remarkable achievements and inherent difficulties, therefore, Taiwan should not be considered a renegade province of China, but a society with a democratically-elected government that has taken a route different from the rest of China in developing its own cultural norms and values. This book examines the issues of democratic transition, political imprisonment and the political economy in Taiwan. [144]Chinese Concepts of Privacy Auteur(s) : McDOUGALL (Bonnie S.) and HANSSON (Anders), (eds.) Editeur : Leiden, Brill Privacy is a basic concept in discussions on the concept of human rights. This first book on the (traditional) Chinese approach to the subject shows that concepts of privacy have been part of discourse in China from the earliest recorded times to the present, with varying contents, mechanisms, functions and values at different times and among different groups of people. Individual chapters examine inscriptions on early bronzes, medical case histories in the Ming and Qing dynasties, fictional representations of privacy experiences, discussions on public and private virtue by Liang Qichao, the role (or absence) of privacy issues in letters in early imperial China, and the function and values of privacy, secrecy and seclusion in the correspondence between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping. As the first treatment of Chinese concepts of privacy in any language, the book is interdiscipinary by nature and pays particular attention to the terminology and methodology of privacy studies. [145]The Aborigenes of Taiwan. The Puyuma : from headhunting to the modern world Auteur(s) : CAUQUELIN (Josiane) Editeur : Londres, RoutledgeCurzon The first comprehensive study of the Puyuma people of Taiwan, this book is based on extensive field research over a period of twenty years. The study looks at the historical changes in the status and definition of these people in relation to the central state, the criteria by which people determine their own ethnic identity, and the evolution of that identity through history. The increasing awareness in the West of the importance of ethnic relations makes this an especially timely book. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- [146]Malay Political Leadership Auteur(s) : SHOME (Anthony S.K.) Editeur : Londres, RoutledgeCurzon This book demonstrates how particular values and 'notions of leadership', that underpinned traditional Malay leadership, have played a crucial role in the political evolution of the modern Malaysian nation. [147]Return to Roots : Emancipation of Indian Muslims Auteur(s) : LAL (K.S.) Editeur : New Delhi Return to Roots : Emancipation of Indian Muslims is an attempt to educate Indian Muslims in this direction. The authors earlier book, Indian Muslims: Who are they (1990), and the present one go together. The first discusses how Indian Muslims came into being, the second dwells on how they can return to their roots and to peace. Naturally there is some repetition in the two books, particularly with regard to the making of the Indian Muslim Community. V.S. Naipaul also deals with a similar theme. He does not deal with India but with Islamic countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and Pakistan. But his study is very relevant to India also because Indian Muslims world-view is similar to the world-view of Muslims in other Islamic countries. His two books, Among the Believers (1980) and Beyond Belief: Excursions among the converted peoples (1998), also go together. They comprise oral history. Naipaul has found that countries which were once overrun by the revealed religions, are trying to seek their old links, their old religions. The phenomenon is world-wide. Europe and the Americas, in particular South America, which were once flooded with revealed religions are trying to rediscover their old deities, their old tribes. But it is different in Islamic countries. There Islamic fundamentalism suppresses freedom of inquiry. Among Muslims, the converts learn to lose regard for the land of their birth and the culture of their ancestors. They try to erase their past, and though they were once victims of an aggression, they are now on the side of the aggressor. This is exactly what has happened in India too. But India never became an Islamic country. Its ethos has continued to remain Hindu. Even Indian Muslims have not lost their Hindu moorings altogether. So, India can still be saved to live in peace. Arab Muslims call Indian Muslims Hindus. So also do the precision-seeking French. Therefore, if in place of asserting their separate identity, Indian Muslims could gather enough courage to reassert their original identity, all differences will disappear and peace will return to this vast landfrom Afghanistan to Bangladesh and from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. (jacket) [148]The Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions, 1880-1914 Auteur(s) : PORTER (Andrew) (ed.) Editeur : Eerdmans Christian missions have long been associated with the growth of empire and colonial rule. For just as long, the nature and consequences of that association have provoked animated debate over such themes as "culture" and "identity." This volume brings together studies of changing attitudes and practices in Protestant missions during the hectic decades of European imperial and territorial expansion between 1880 and 1914. Written by acknowledged experts, "The Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions" includes chapters on the imperial and ecclesiastical ambitions of the high-church Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; the role of empire as an arena for working out Christian understandings of atonement; the international politics of the missionary movement; conflicting understandings of race, missionary strategies, and the transfer of Western scientific knowledge; Indian nationalist responses to Christian teaching; and changing interpretations of Western missionary methods in China and of female missionary roles in South Africa. [149]Indonesian Islam. Social change through contemporary fatawa Auteur(s) : HOOKER (M.B.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press Indonesian Islam is an important and timely book based on approximately 2,000 fatwa (pl. fatawa)--an opinion on a point of law or dogma given by a person with recognized authority (ijaza)--demonstrating that classical Islamic reasoning is an alternative to state defined Islam and is capable of dealing with contemporary challenges in ethics and morality in a consistent and rational way. The book provides a comprehensive survey of how modern Indonesian Islamic thinking has responded to changes in social practices since the 1920s, and how authorities have ruled on diverse subjects ranging from football pools to land sales and milk banks. The author examines in detail the development and nuances of Islamic thinking, both by reference to local tradition and comparatively, by reference to the classical Arabian texts, therefore providing an important contribution to deepening popular understanding of Islam in Indonesia. The author's detailed analysis of fatwa is unprecedented in the study of Indonesian Islam. To date there is no comparable analysis of modern fatwa available in book form anywhere in the world, making this volume an invaluable resource for anyone who studies Indonesia. Professor Hooker describes the fatwa as method and doctrine, religious duty, the status and obligation of women, Islam and medical science, offenses against religion, and issues specific to Indonesian Islam. Responses to fatwa cover such contemporary issues as abortion, organ transplants, insurance, and the status of women. [150]Education Fever. Society, politics, and the pursuit of schooling in South Korea Auteur(s) : SETH (Michael J.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press In the half century after 1945, South Korea went from an impoverished, largely rural nation ruled by a succession of authoritarian regimes to a prosperous, democratic industrial society. No less impressive was the country's transformation from a nation where a majority of the population had no formal education to one with some of the world's highest rates of literacy, high school graduates, and university students. Drawing on their premodern and colonial heritages as well as American education concepts, South Koreans have been largely successful in creating a schooling system that is comprehensive, uniform in standard, and universal. The key to understanding this educational transformation is South Korean society's striking, nearly universal preoccupation with schooling--what Koreans themselves call their "education fever." This volume explains how Koreans' concern for achieving as much formal education as possible appeared immediately before 1945 and quickly embraced every sector of society. Through interviews with teachers, officials, parents, and students and an examination of a wide range of written materials in both Korean and English, Michael Seth explores the reasons for this social demand for education and how it has shaped nearly every aspect of South Korean society. He also looks at the many problems of the Korean educational system: the focus on entrance examinations, which has tended to reduce education to test preparation; the overheated competition to enter prestige schools; the enormous financial burden placed on families for costly private tutoring; the inflexibility created by an emphasis on uniformity of standards; and the misuse of education by successive governments for political purposes. [151]Establishing a Pure Land on Earth. The Foguang buddhist perspective on modernization and globalization Auteur(s) : CHANDLER (Stuart) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press With more than 150 temples in thirty countries, Foguangshan has developed over the last thirty-five years into one of the world's largest and most influential Chinese Buddhist movements. Each year millions of devotees participate in the ceremonies, educational programs, and social service projects organized by the disciplines of Master Xingyun--a religious leader known not only for his charisma and energy, but also for his close ties to Taiwan's power elite, his positive attitude toward big business, and his involvement in both national and international politics. The result of two years of fieldwork in Foguangshan temples in Taiwan, the U.S., Australia, and South Africa, this volume is an unprecedented examination of the inner workings of a dynamic and innovative religious movement. Based on direct observations, private interviews, and careful textual and historical analysis, Stuart Chandler looks at the challenges faced by Master Xingyun and his followers as they try to adhere to traditional practices and values while tapping into the advantages afforded by modern, global society. Foguangshan's slogans ("Humanistic Buddhism" and "Establishing a Pure Land on Earth") are placed in historical context to reveal their role in shaping the groups attitudes toward capitalism, women's rights, and democracy, as well as toward the traditional Chinese virtue of filial piety and the Chinese Buddhist concept of "links of affinity" (jieyuan). Chandler goes on to analyze Foguangshan's educational system and its understanding of how precepts relate to contemporary problems such as abortion and capital punishment. The book's final chapters consider the cultural and political dynamics at play in Foguangshan's ambitious attempt to spread Humanistic Buddhism around! the world and how its followers have reinterpreted the Buddhist ideal of homelessness to take advantage of the spiritual potentialities of people's lives as global citizens. Anyone with an interest in modern Buddhism or Chinese religion and culture will find Establishing a Pure Land on Earth an accessible, in-depth study of one of the most important Buddhist movements of the twenty-first century. [152]The Five Years' Crisis, 1866-1871. Korea in the maelstrom of western imperialism Auteur(s) : KIM (Yongkoo) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press This book relates to the initial period of clashes between the Oriental and Western civilizations on the Korean peninsula. It is also a history concerning a clash of worldviews or mentalities. Current Korean reactions to everyday international interactions are governed by an unexpressed compulsion that is a byproduct of the Korean worldview. This typical Korean mentality regarding foreign powers remains in essence unchanged since Korea's first encounters with the Western "barbarians" in the 1860's. This mindset, the lens through which actors perceive international problems, can be clarified by investigating related diplomatic documents. In the present work, Professor Yongkoo Kim attempts to elucidate the role of the respective mindsets of the Koreans and Western nations in shaping the course of early interactions between the two. Throughout this book, Professor Kim has tried to maintain a balanced view on this unfortunate period in history by guarding against chauvinistic interpretations of Korean diplomatic history that impute all the mishaps to foreign powers, as well as against so-called colonial versions which deny the autonomous capabilities of the Korean people. [153]Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples. India, China, Tibet, japan Auteur(s) : NAKAMURA (Hajime) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press There is hardly any book equal to Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples in terms of its thorough and systematic presentation of the intricate thought patterns of Asian peoples. --Ce texte fait référence à l'édition Broché . [154]Korean Society. Civil society, democracy and the state Auteur(s) : ARMSTRONG (Charles K.) (ed) Editeur : Londres, Routledge The second half of the Twentieth Century has seen South Korea transformed from an impoverished, war-ravaged nation to one of the most successful economies in East Asia. This has been accompanied by a military authoritarian regime to a vibrant democracy. [155]Religion and Chinese Society (2 volumes) Auteur(s) : LAGERWEY (John)(ed) Editeur : Hong Kong, The Chinese U.P. / EFEO I. Ancient and Medieval China II. Taoism and Local Religion in Modern China [156]Religions of Japan in Practice Auteur(s) : TANABE (George J. jr.) (ed.) Editeur : Princeton University Press The latest offering in the Princeton Readings in Religions series rises to the same high standards as previous volumes on India and China. Editor Tanabe (Practically Religious) has gathered 45 documentsAranging from legends and prayer rituals to sermons and theological treatisesAto illustrate the dynamic, living character of Japanese religion. Rather than classifying the documents according to religious traditions (Shintoism, Buddhism, Confucianism), Tanabe has divided them into sections that reflect the ways that people use certain texts in religious practices. In the first section, "Ethical Practices," Mary Evelyn Tucker provides a translation of Confucian scholar Kaibara Ekken's (1630-1714) "Precepts on Family," in which the teacher offers advice on raising children, serving parents and things to do in the morning ("Every day we should get up early, wash our hands and face, and first inquire about the health of our parents."). Other writings in the section deal with such matters as syncretism, monastic discipline, celibacy and nationalism. A second section, "Ritual Practices," contains documents related to the gods and spirits and to faith. For instance, William E. Deal offers a translation of "Tales of Birth in the Pure Land," legends that accompany birth rituals in Amida, or Pure Land, Buddhism. A final section collects documents concerned with "Institutional Practices," including excerpts from imperial histories and tales of great heroes. Perhaps the most fascinating offering in this section is H. Byron Earhart and Etsuko Mita's translation from Our Master Teshima Ikuro, a record of Ikuro's (1910-1973) call to the Christian ministry and the subsequent development of his preaching style combining the elements of his Japanese heritage with his Christian religion. Tanabe's collection is one of the finest anthologies available of primary documents illustrating the diversity and liveliness of Japanese religions. Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [157]Asian Religions in Practice. An Introduction Auteur(s) : LOPEZ (Donald S. Jr.) (ed.) Editeur : Princeton University Press Princeton Readings in Religions is a new series of anthologies on the religions of the world, representing the significant advances that have been made in the study of religions in the last thirty years. This volume brings together the introductions to the first five volumes of this acclaimed series: Religions of India in Practice (1995), Buddhism in Practice (1995), Religions of China in Practice (1996), Religions of Tibet in Practice (1997), and Religions of Japan in Practice (1999). The introductions to these volumes have been widely praised for their accessible, clear and concise overviews of the religions of Asia, providing both historical context and insightful analysis of Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and Bon, as well as many local traditions. The authors of the chapters are leading scholars of Asian religions: Richard Davis (India), Stephen Teiser (China), George Tanabe (Japan), and Donald Lopez (Buddhism and Tibet). They bring together the best and most current research on their topics, while series editor Donald Lopez provides an introduction to the volume as a whole. In addition to providing a wealth of detail on the history, doctrine, and practice of the religions of Asia, the five chapters offer an opportunity for sustained discussions of the category of "religion." [158]Imperial Encounters. Religion and Modernity in India and Britain Auteur(s) : VAN DER VEER (Peter) Editeur : Princeton University Press Picking up on Edward Said's claim that the historical experience of empire is common to both the colonizer and the colonized, Peter van der Veer takes the case of religion to examine the mutual impact of Britain's colonization of India on Indian and British culture. He shows that national culture in both India and Britain developed in relation to their shared colonial experience and that notions of religion and secularity were crucial in imagining the modern nation in both countries. In the process, van der Veer chronicles how these notions developed in the second half of the nineteenth century in relation to gender, race, language, spirituality, and science. Avoiding the pitfalls of both world systems theory and national historiography, this book problematizes oppositions between modern and traditional, secular and religious, progressive and reactionary. It shows that what often are assumed to be opposites are, in fact, profoundly entangled. In doing so, it upsets the convenient fiction that India is the land of eternal religion, existing outside of history, while Britain is the epitome of modern secularity and an agent of history. Van der Veer also accounts for the continuing role of religion in British culture and the strong part religion has played in the development of Indian civil society. This masterly work of scholarship brings into view the effects of the very close encounter between India and Britain--an intimate encounter that defined the character of both nations. [159]Taliban. Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia Auteur(s) : RASHID (Ahmed) Editeur : Yale University Press This is the single best book available on the Taliban, the fundamentalist Islamic regime in Afghanistan responsible for harboring the terrorist Osama bin Laden. Ahmed Rashid is a Pakistani journalist who has spent most of his career reporting on the region--he has personally met and interviewed many of the Taliban's shadowy leaders. Taliban was written and published before the massacres of September 11, 2001, yet it is essential reading for anyone who hopes to understand the aftermath of that black day. It includes details on how and why the Taliban came to power, the government's oppression of ordinary citizens (especially women), the heroin trade, oil intrigue, and--in a vitally relevant chapter--bin Laden's sinister rise to power. These pages contain stories of mass slaughter, beheadings, and the Taliban's crushing war against freedom: under Mullah Omar, it has banned everything from kite flying to singing and dancing at weddings. Rashid is for the most part an objective reporter, though his rage sometimes (and understandably) comes to the surface: "The Taliban were right, their interpretation of Islam was right, and everything else was wrong and an expression of human weakness and a lack of piety," he notes with sarcasm. He has produced a compelling portrait of modern evil. --John Miller [160]Jihad. The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia Auteur(s) : RASHID (Ahmed) Editeur : Yale University Press In the aftermath of September 11, as Americans tried to figure out what they were up against, many of them turned to Ahmed Rashid's masterful book Taliban, the single best account of Afghanistan's murderous regime. With Jihad, Rashid offers an indispensable companion volume on five of Afghanistan's neighbors--Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--and "the New Great Game" about to be waged over them between China, Russia, and the United States. "The vast, empty landscape dotted with oases of vibrant populations and political ferment, sitting on the world's last great untapped natural energy reserves, is almost as unknown to Westerners as it was to Europeans in the Middle Ages," writes Rashid, a Pakistani journalist with extensive experience reporting from the region. He describes the area's "growing instability," which he credits to a strain of militant Islam just like the form propagated by the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. One of the most interesting parts of Jihad concerns Juma Namangani, a shadowy rebel leader in Uzbekistan who has "cultivated an air of mystery that [is] even more extreme than that of the secretive [Taliban leader] Mullah Omar." Rashid concludes that radical Islam will remain popular in Central Asia as long as the governments there are oppressive. We ignore this part of the world at our peril, and there is no better guide to it than Rashid. --John Miller [161]Yellow Music. Media culture and colonial Modernity in the Chinese Jazz Age Auteur(s) : JONES (Andrew F.) Editeur : Durham, Duke U.P. Yellow Music is the first history of the emergence of Chinese popular music and urban media culture in early-twentieth-century China. Andrew F. Jones focuses on the affinities between yellow or pornographic musicas critics derisively referred to the decadent fusion of American jazz, Hollywood film music, and Chinese folk formsand the anticolonial mass music that challenged its commercial and ideological dominance. Jones radically revises previous understandings of race, politics, popular culture, and technology in the making of modern Chinese culture. The personal and professional histories of three musicians are central to Joness discussions of shifting gender roles, class inequality, the politics of national salvation, and emerging media technologies: the American jazz musician Buck Clayton; Li Jinhui, the creator of yellow music; and leftist Nie Er, a former student of Lis whose musical idiom grew out of virulent opposition to this Sinified jazz. As he analyzes global media cultures in the postcolonial world, Jones avoids the parochialism of media studies in the West. He teaches us to hear not only the American influence on Chinese popular music but the Chinese influence on American music as well; in so doing, he illuminates the ways in which both cultures were implicated in the unfolding of colonial modernity in the twentieth century. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [162]Way and Byway. Taoism, Local Religion and Models of Divinity in Sung and Modern China Auteur(s) : HYMES (Robert) Editeur : Berkeley, University of California Press Using a combination of newly mined Sung sources and modern ethnography, Robert Hymes addresses questions that have perplexed China scholars in recent years. Were Chinese gods celestial officials, governing the fate and fortunes of their worshippers as China's own bureaucracy governed their worldly lives? Or were they personal beings, patrons or parents or guardians, offering protection in exchange for reverence and sacrifice? To answer these questions Hymes examines the professional exorcist sects and rising Immortals' cults of the Sung dynasty alongside ritual practices in contemporary Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as miracle tales, liturgies, spirit law codes, devotional poetry, and sacred geographies of the eleventh through thirteenth centuries. Drawing upon historical and anthropological evidence, he argues that two contrasting and contending models informed how the Chinese saw and see their gods. These models were used separately or in creative combination to articulate widely varying religious standpoints and competing ideas of both secular and divine power. Whether gods were bureaucrats or personal protectors depended, and still depends, says Hymes, on who worships them, in what setting, and for what purposes. [163]One Quarter of Humanity. Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities, 1700-2000 Auteur(s) : LEE (James Z.) and WANG (Feng) Editeur : Cambridge, Harvard University Press One Quarter of Humanity Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities James Z. Lee and Wang Feng This book presents evidence about historical and contemporary Chinese population behavior that overturns much of the received wisdom about the differences between China and the West first voiced by Malthus. Malthus described a China in which early and universal marriage ensured high fertility and therefore high mortality. He contrasted this with Western Europe, where marriage was late and far from universal, resulting in lower fertility and higher demographic responsiveness to economic circumstances. The result in China was thought to be mass misery as part of the population teetered on the brink of a Malthusian precipice, whereas in the West conditions were less severe. In reality, James Lee and Wang Feng argue, there has been effective regulation of population growth in China through a variety of practices that depressed marital fertility to levels far below European standards, and through the widespread practices of infanticide and abortion. Moreover, in China population behavior has long been primarily a consequence of collective intervention. This collective culture underlies four distinctive features of the Chinese demographic pattern--high rates of female infanticide, low rates of male marriage, low rates of marital fertility, and high rates of adoption--that Lee and Wang trace from 1700 to today. These and other distinctive features of the Chinese demographic and social system, they argue, led to a different demographic transition in China from the one that took place in the West. James Lee is Associate Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology. Wang Feng is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Irvine. October 61/8 x 91/4 29 line illus., 1 map, 16 tables 288 pp. [164]Invitations to Love. Literacy, Love Letters, and Social Change in Nepal Auteur(s) : AHEARN (Laura M.) Editeur : University of Michigan Press Invitations to Love provides a close examination of the dramatic shift away from arranged marriage and capture marriage toward elopement in the village of Junigau, Nepal. Laura M. Ahearn shows that young Nepalese people are applying their newly acquired literacy skills to love-letter writing, fostering a transition that involves not only a shift in marriage rituals, but also a change in how villagers conceive of their own ability to act and attribute responsibility for events. These developments have potential ramifications that extend far beyond the realm of marriage and well past the Himalayas. The love-letter correspondences examined by Ahearn also provide a deeper understanding of the social effects of literacy. While the acquisition of literary skills may open up new opportunities for some individuals, such skills can also impose new constraints, expectations, and disappointments. The increase in female literacy rates in Junigau in the 1990s made possible the emergence of new courtship practices and facilitated self-initiated marriages, but it also reinforced certain gender ideologies and undercut some avenues to social power, especially for women. Scholars, and students in such fields as anthropology, women's studies, linguistics, development studies, and South Asian studies will find this book ethnographically rich and theoretically insightful. Laura M. Ahearn is Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers University. [165]Self and Sovereignty. Individual and Community in South Asian Islam since 1850 Auteur(s) : JALAL (Ayesha) Editeur : Londres, Routledge Self and Sovereignty explores the role of individual Muslim men and women within India and Pakistan from 1850 through to decolonization and the partition period. Commencing in colonial times, Jalal explores and interprets the historical processes through which the perception of the Muslim individual and the community of Islam have been reconfigured over time. She examines the relationship between Islam and nationalism and the individual, regional, class and cultural differences that have shaped the discourse and politics of Muslim identity. As well as fascinating discussion of political and religious movements, culture and art, this book includes analysis of: -press, poetry and politics of late nineteenth century India -the politics of language and identity - Hindu, Urdu and Punjabi -Muslim identity, cultural difference and nationalism -the Punjab and the politics of Union and Disunion -the creation of Pakistan Covering a period of immense upheaval and sometimes-devastating violence, this work is an important and enlightening insight into the history of Muslims in South Asia. [166]Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life. Hindus and Muslims in India Auteur(s) : VARSHNEY (Ashutosh) Editeur : Yale University Press What kinds of civic ties between different ethnic communities can contain, or even prevent, ethnic violence? This book draws on new research on Hindu- Muslim conflict in India to address this important question. Ashutosh Varshney examines three pairs of Indian cities--one city in each pair with a history of communal violence, the other with a history of relative communal harmony--to discern why violence between Hindus and Muslims occurs in some situations but not others. His findings will be of strong interest to scholars, politicians, and policymakers of South Asia, but the implications of his study have theoretical and practical relevance for a broad range of multiethnic societies in other areas of the world as well. The book focuses on the networks of civic engagement that bring Hindu and Muslim urban communities together. Strong associational forms of civic engagement, such as integrated business organizations, trade unions, political parties, and professional associations, are able to control outbreaks of ethnic violence, Varshney shows. Vigorous and communally integrated associational life can serve as an agent of peace by restraining those, including powerful politicians, who would polarize Hindus and Muslims along communal lines. [167]Mon Van Genechten (1903-1974) Flemish Missionary and Chinese Painter. Inculturation of Christian Art in China Auteur(s) : SWERTS (Lorry) and DE RIDDER (Koen) Editeur : Leuven University Press In this beautifully illustrated book, with some color & many black and white photos, the life & work of the Flemish missionary artists known in Chinese as Fang Xisheng is studied, including his education in the Netherlands as an etcher and mural painter and then his career in China as a missionary, where he mastered the techniques of Chinese traditional arts & crafts and taught as a professor of the arts at the Catholic University of Beijing [168]François de Rougemont, s.j., Missionary in Ch'ang-Shu (Chiang-Nan). A study of the Account Book (1674-1676) and the Elogium Auteur(s) : GOLVERS (Noël) Editeur : Leuven University Press This book reconstructs the life of a Jesuit missionary in a small island residence in China (Ch'ang-shu, Suchou Prefecture), primarily but not exclusively on the basis of the evidence of a newly rediscovered private account book covering the period from October 1674 to May 1676. [169]China Off Center. Mapping the Margins of the Middle Kingdom Auteur(s) : BLUM (Susan D.) and JENSEN (Lionel M.), (eds.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press China Off Center takes as its fundamental assumption that contemporary China can only be understood as a complex, decentralized place, where the view from above (Beijing) and from tourist buses is a skewed one. Instead of generalizing about China, it demonstrates that this diverse national terrain is better conceived as it is experienced by Chinese, as a set of many Chinas. To that end, this anthology of interpretive essays and ethnographic reports focuses on the everyday, the particular, the local, and the puzzling. Among the many topics covered are ethnic minorities, linguistic diversity, competing regional loyalties, sexuality, gender and work, the floating populations, rock and roll, qigong (spiritual and martial arts), and popular religion. Together with contextualizing introductions, the readings provide students with a compelling look at some little-known but significant aspects of China from the past decade; for those already familiar with China, they furnish an assortment of uncommon viewpoints in a single, convenient volume. "A highly unusual collection of essays, one which is sure to generate lively discussion. Its most exciting element is the generous coverage of areas and topics that are usually completely ignored but which will take on increasing importance in the coming years." --- Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania "China Off Center topples the myth of Chinese monolithism, and opens the way to a view of China that is more plural, more human, and more true. Geographical, cultural, spiritual, economic, and sexual diversity -- these themes are crucial for all who would understand China as a complex reality instead of a polemical symbol. The book presents scholarly writing that is at once authoritative and a pleasure to read." --- Andrew J. Nathan, Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science, Columbia University --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre. [170]Rickshaw Coolie. A people's history of Singapore 1880-1940 Auteur(s) : WARREN (James Francis) Editeur : Singapour, Singapore University Press Between 1880 and 1930 colonial Singapore attracted tens of thousands of Chinese immigrant laborers, brought to serve its rapidly growing economy. This book chronicles the vast movement of coolies between China and the Nanyang, and their efforts to survive in colonial Singapore. Focusing in on one particular occupation, of rickshaw coolie, this study unveils the devastating poverty of the Chinese sojourner in the colonial city, the disjunctions between colonial order and the reality of life on the streets. Drawing on a broad range of sources, including Coroner's records overlooked for many years, and making use of the technique of collective biography, this book brings to life the texture of experience, the ironies and despair of the laborers of urban Singapore. In the years since its original publication in 1986, Rickshaw Coolie has become an inspiration to those seeking to come to grips with Singapore's past. [171]Re-understanding Japan. Chinese Perspectives, 1895-1945 Auteur(s) : LU YAN Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press To many Chinese, the rise and expansion of Japanese power during the years between the two Sino-Japanese wars (1895-1945) presented a paradox: With its successful modernization, Japan became a model to be emulated; yet as the country's imperial ambitions on the continent grew, it posed an ever-increasing threat. Drawing on an extraordinary array of source materials, Lu Yan shows that this attraction to and apprehension of Japan prompted the Chinese to engage in a variety of long-term relationships with the Japanese. Re-understanding Japan examines transnational and transcultural interactions between China and Japan during those five dramatic and tragic decades at the intimate level of personal lives and behavior. At the center of Lu's study are four diverse yet significant case studies: military strategist Jiang Baili, literary critic and essayist Zhou Zuoren, Guomindang leader Dai Jitao, and romantic poet turned Communist Guo Moruo. In their public and private lives, these influential Chinese formed lasting ties with Japan and the Japanese. While their writings reached the Chinese public through the print mass media and served to enhance popular understanding of Japan and its culture, their activities in political, cultural, and diplomatic affairs paralleled significant turns in Sino-Japanese relations. Based on archival documents, personal memoirs, correspondence, interviews, and contemporary literary works, Re-understanding Japan delineates diverse approaches in Chinese efforts to engage Japan in China's modern reforms. Although they recognized the importance of Japan, these Chinese nevertheless could not agree on which Japanese model to emulate or what approach to take to deal with the Japanese threat. Regardless of whether their experiments succeeded or failed, however, the thoughts and actions of these men, as recounted in this skillfully layered analysis, illustrate the different paths taken by Chinese to rediscover and re-understand Japan in modern times. [172]Ambition and Identity. Chinese Merchant Elites in Colonial Manila, 1880-1916 Auteur(s) : WILSON (Andrew R.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press What binds overseas Chinese communities together? Traditionally scholars have stressed the interplay of external factors (discrimination, local hostility) and internal forces (shared language, native-place ties, family) to account for the cohesion and "Chineseness" of these overseas groups. Andrew Wilson challenges this Manichean explanation of identity by introducing a third factor: the ambitions of the Chinese merchant elite, which played an equal, if not greater, role in the formation of ethnic identity among the Chinese in colonial Manila. Drawing on Chinese, Spanish, and American sources and applying a broad range of historiographical approaches, this volume dissects the structures of authority and identity within Manila's Chinese community over a period of dramatic socioeconomic change and political upheaval. It reveals the ways in which wealthy Chinese merchants dealt in not only goods and services, but also political influence and the movement of human talent from China to the Philippines. Their influence and status extended across the physical and political divide between China and the Philippines, from the villages of southern China to the streets of Manila, making them a truly transnational elite. Control of community institutions and especially migration networks accounts for the cohesiveness of Manila's Chinese enclave, argues Wilson, and the most successful members of the elite self-consciously chose to identify themselves and their proteges as Chinese. Ambition and Identity forces us to reexamine the processes of identity formation in the modern era. Manila's Chinese elite manipulated the aspirations and prejudices of colonial rulers and the desires of China's government to satisfy their own ambitions and further the security and prosperity of those under their leadership. Rather than having institutions and ethnic distinctions imposed on them by the colonial regime or by Beijing, or simply replicating strategies from their native-places, they demonstrated a subtle hand in constructing the identities that largely defined what it was to be "Chinese" in colonial Manila. [173]The Melodrama of Mobility. Women, talk, and class in contemporary South Korea Auteur(s) : ABELMANN (Nancy) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press How do people make sense of their world in the face of the breakneck speed of contemporary social change? Through the lives and narratives of eight women, The Melodrama of Mobility chronicles South Korea's experience of just such dizzyingly rapid development. Abelmann captures the mood, feeling, and language of a generation and an era while providing a rare window on the personal and social struggles of South Korean modernity. Drawing also from television soap operas and films, she argues that a melodramatic sensibility speaks to South Korea's transformation because it preserves the tension and ambivalence of daily life in unsettled times. The melodramatic mode helps people to wonder: Can individuals be blamed for their social fates? How should we live? Who can say who is good or bad? By combining the ethnographic tools of anthropology, an engagement with prevailing sociological questions, and a literary approach to personal narratives, The Melodrama of Mobility offers a rich portrait of the experience of compressed modernity in the non-West. [174]Religion in Modern Taiwan. Tradition and innovation in a changing society Auteur(s) : CLART (Philip), JONES (Charles B.) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press Religion in Modern Taiwan takes a new look at Taiwan's current religious traditions and their fortunes during the twentieth century. Beginning with the cession of Taiwan to Japan in 1895 and the currents of modernization that accompanied it, the essays move on to explore the developments that have taken place as Buddhists, Daoists, Christians, non-Han aborigines, and others have confronted, resisted, and adapted to (even thrived in) the many upheavals of the modern period. An overview of Taiwan's current religious scene by distinguished "Taiwan hand" Julian Pas is followed by Charles B. Jones' comprehensive look at the state of religion in the country prior to the end of World War II and the return of Taiwan to Chinese sovereignty. The remaining essays probe aspects of change within individual religious traditions. Christian Jochim demonstrates the vitality and flexibility of Confucianism as it found its place in Taiwanese religious life in the last half of the twentieth century. In his discussion of shanshu (morality books), Philip Clart shows how their content varied between the 1920s and 1980s in response to differences in the economic and social structuring of family life. Paul Katz' essay examines the development of the cult of the Royal Lords (wangye) and the changes it underwent since 1945, while Taiwanese scholar Lee Fong-mao bridges the line between popular religion and Daoism in his investigation of Daoist priestly families in central Taiwan. The volume shifts its focus to Buddhism with Andre Laliberte's essay on the relationship between three prominent Buddhist organizations and the Kuo Min Tang and Barbara Reed's look at Guanyin narratives in the devotional lives of modern laypeople. Murray A. Rubinstein and Huang Shiun-wey round out the collection with considerations of the politically active Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and of the religious life of Taiwan's aboriginal Ami tribe, respectively. The final chapter, by Randall Nadeau and Chang Hsun, analyzes changes that took place in the scholarly study and interpretation of religion in Taiwan during the course of the twentieth century. Religion in Modern Taiwan will be read with interest by students and scholars of Chinese religion, religion in Taiwan, and the modern history of Taiwan and by those concerned with issues of religion and modernization. [175]Practical Pursuits. Religion, politics, and personal cultivation in nineteenth-century Japan Auteur(s) : SAWADA (Janine Tasca) Editeur : Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press A well-written, thoroughly researched book that will become a seminal work in the study of modern Japanese religion. [176]The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in their Local Setting Auteur(s) : HEMER (Colin J.) Editeur : Eerdmans This modern classic by Colin Hemer explores the seven letters in the book of Revelation against the historical background of the churches to which they were addressed. Based on literary, epigraphical, and archaeological sources and informed by Hemers firsthand knowledge of the biblical sites, this superb study presents in the clearest way possible a picture of the New Testament world in the later part of the first century and its significance for broader questions of church history. 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