¶¡Îĵġ¶ÖйúÕÜѧ¼Ò¿××Ó. ÓÃÀ¶¡ÎĽâÊÍÖйúÈ˵ÄÖǻۡ·(Confucius Sinarum Confucius, Philosophe de la Chine) ·(The Morals of Confucius, A Chinese Philosopher, who flourished above de Confucius qui repr¨¦sentent son h¨¦ritage spirituel et se og bestandighed. Confucius' laere)£» ÒëµÄ1946ÄêºÉÀ¼Îİ桶ÂÛÓï¡·(De gesprekken van Confucius)£» pembicaraan Confucius)£» [2] Spence, Jonathan: "What Confucius Said: The Analects of Confucius ConfuciusµÚ90Ò³¹ØÓÚ¡¶ÂÛÓï¡·µÄÂÛÊö£º£¨ËüÓÉ£© [6] The Analects of Confucius / translation and notes by Simon Leys. [7] The Analects of Confucius / translated and annotated by Arthur [11] Les entretiens de Confucius / trad. Ryckmans, Pierre. Paris : [13] The Analects of Confucius : Lun Yu / A literal translation with [14] The Analects of Confucius / translated by William Edward [17] The Analects of Confucius / translated from the Chinese, with an [19] The Analects of Confucius : a Philosophical Translation / Roger [20] Les entretiens de Confucius. Paris : Seuil, 1981. [21] Confucius : Entretiens du Maître avec ses disciples / traduction [22] Confucius : Entretiens avec ses disciples / trad. du chinois et [23] Confucius : Entretiens avec ses disciples. Paris : Denoël, 1975.