#[1]RSS News [2]RSS Events [www.ankama.com...........] JavaScript is currently not enabled in your Browser. In order to continue your visit on Ankama Group's websites, you must [3]enable JavaScript. [4]My account [5]Registration * [6]Download * [7]Play * [8]Become a Full Member * [9]Forum * [10]News * [11]Server Status * [12]Ladder * [13]Events * [14]Heroic Server New! * [15]Forum * [16]Polls * [17]Game Guide * [18]Story * [19]Guide * [20]Bestiary * [21]Characters * [22]Equipment * [23]Potions * [24]Professions * [25]Resources * [26]Weapons * [27]World Media * [28]Gallery * [29]Wallpaper * [30]Comic strips Contact Support * * [31]Sanctions * [32]Frauds * [33]Forum * [34]Moderators * [35]Nicknames * [36]Phishing Ladder [home_title.en.gif] [37]You'll be able to know who the best character is according to such or such criterion, compare your characteristics to that of your friends or opponents, consult the ranking of the best players, etc. [38]This is a panorama of the greatest actions made or undergone by players, monsters and other characters in DOFUS. [39]Knowing your experience level is quite a good thing. Being able to compare your characteristics with that of a friend or a future opponent is even better! [40]As the title indicates, the ranking lists the best characters according to several criteria. The data displayed on these pages are updated once a day. Therefore, it might take up to 24 hours for a modification to be taken into account. Characters with a level below 20 do not appear on the ladder. Non-subscriber characters and characters which have been inactive for more than three months are taken into account in the ranking but do not appear on the ladder. [41]Terms and Conditions - [42]Privacy policy - [43]Press - [44]Partners [45]Ankama Games © 2007. All rights reserved. To use our service you must agree to our Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy. page generated in 5 msec using 0 query(s) References Visible links 1. http://static2.dofus.com/rss/rss.en.xml 2. http://static2.dofus.com/rss/events.en.xml 3. http://www.ankama.com/error_javascript/index_en.html 4. http://www.ankama-games.com/account/?lang=en 5. http://www.ankama-games.com/register/?lang=en&g= 6. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/download/full.html 7. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/play.html 8. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/pay.html 9. http://forum.dofus.com/?lang=en 10. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/news/ 11. http://ladder.dofus.com/serverstatus 12. http://ladder.dofus.com/ 13. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/events/ 14. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/heroic-server.html 15. http://forum.dofus.com/?lang=en 16. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/polls/ 17. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/help/ 18. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/story.html 19. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/guide/ 20. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/monsters/ 21. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/characters/ecaflip/ 22. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/objects/2-items/ 23. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/objects/3-potions/ 24. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/jobs/ 25. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/objects/4-ressources/ 26. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/objects/1-weapon/ 27. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-game/world.html 28. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/online/images.html 29. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-goodies/wallpaper/ 30. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg-goodies/comics.html 31. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/sanctions.html 32. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/frauds.html 33. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/forum.html 34. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/moderators.html 35. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/nicknames.html 36. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/phishing.html 37. javascript:void(0); 38. http://ladder.dofus.com/kanama 39. http://ladder.dofus.com/versus 40. http://ladder.dofus.com/ranking 41. http://ladder.dofus.com/ 42. http://ladder.dofus.com/ 43. http://press.ankama.com/en/ankama-games/ 44. http://ladder.dofus.com/ 45. http://www.ankama-games.com/?lang=en Hidden links: 46. http://www.ankama.com/en/ 47. http://communaute.dofus.fr/ 48. http://community.dofus.com/ 49. http://community.dofus.co.uk/ 50. http://spielergemeinde.dofus.de/ 51. http://comunidad.dofus.es/ 52. http://community.dofus.com/ 53. http://community.dofus.com/mmorpg/.html 54. javascript:void(0); 55. http://www.dofus.com/mmorpg-free.html