[table_nav_01.jpg] [table_nav_02.jpg] [1]ALLOY LADDERS [table_nav_div.jpg] [2]STEP LADDERS [table_nav_div.jpg] [3]ACCESSORIES [table_nav_div.jpg] [4]ROOF LADDERS [table_nav_div.jpg] [5]OUR TERMS [table_top_02_01.jpg] [table_top_02_02.jpg] [spacer.gif] [table_top_02_03.jpg] [6][table_top_02_links.jpg] [table_top_02_04.jpg] [7][table_top_02_contact.jpg] [table_top_02_05.jpg] [table_top_02_06.jpg] [table_top_02_07.jpg] [spacer.gif] [table_top_02_08.jpg] [table_top_02_09.jpg] [table_top_02_10.jpg] [table_text_01.jpg] [table_text_02.jpg] [table_text_03.jpg] [table_text_04.jpg] [nav_left_div.jpg] [8]MULTI-PURPOSE [nav_left_div.jpg] [9]COMBI LADDERS [nav_left_div.jpg] [10]MOBILE STEPS [nav_left_div.jpg] [11]LOFT LADDERS [nav_left_div.jpg] [12]SCAFFOLD TOWERS [nav_left_div.jpg] [13]FIBREGLASS [nav_left_div.jpg] [14]WINDOW CLEANERS [nav_left_div.jpg] [15]PODIUM STEPS [nav_left_div.jpg] [16]GARDEN LADDERS [nav_left_div.jpg] [17]SPECIALIST GEAR [nav_left_div.jpg] [18]SPIRAL STAIRS [nav_left_div.jpg] [19]TELESCOPICS [nav_left_div.jpg] [20]STAGINGS [nav_left_div.jpg] [21]WORK PLATFORMS [nav_left_div.jpg] Midland Ladder Co Ltd The No.1 supplier of Top quality access equipment in the UK ALUMINIUM LADDERS Sort this list by [Product ID...] Double 2.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [22]Enlarge picture [2749_41307t.jpg] FREE! .... spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 2.5m ( 8' 0" ) Closed length... extending to 4.1m (13'4") Rungs per section ................. 9 Weight .................................... 10kg Max.load ................................ 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £72.00 [23]Add to cart [24]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [25]Enlarge picture [2749_41310t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 3.0m (9'8") Closed length... extending to 5.1m (17'0") Rungs per section .............. 11 Weight ................................. 12kg Max.load ............................. 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £82.00 [26]Add to cart [27]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [28]Enlarge picture [2749_41317t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 3.5m (11'4") Closed length... extends to 6.1m (20'3") Rungs per section ................ 13 Weight .................................... 13kg Max.load ................................ 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £92.00 [29]Add to cart [30]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [31]Enlarge picture [2749_41319t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 4.0m (13'0") Closed length... extends to 7.1m (23'4") Rungs per section ................ 15 Weight .................................... 18kg Max.load ................................ 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £105.00 [32]Add to cart [33]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [34]Enlarge picture [2749_46162t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 4.5m (14'9") Closed length... extends to 8.1m (26'7") Rungs per section .................. 17 Weight ................................... 23kg Max.load ............................... 150kg (23.5 stone) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £122.00 [35]Add to cart [36]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [37]Enlarge picture [2749_46163t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 5.0m (16'5") Closed length... extends to 8.8m (29'0") Rungs per section ................ 19 Weight .................................... 25kg Max.load ................................. 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £137.00 [38]Add to cart [39]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [40]Enlarge picture [2749_46165t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 5.5m (18'0") Closed length... extending to 9.8m (32'3") Rungs per section ............... 21 Weight .................................. 28kg Max.load .............................. 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £156.00 [41]Add to cart [42]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 2.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [43]Enlarge picture [2749_46166t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 2.0m (6'6") Closed length... extending to 4.5m (15'0") Rungs per section .............. 7 Weight ................................. 13kg Max.load .............................. 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £98.00 [44]Add to cart [45]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 2.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [46]Enlarge picture [2749_46167t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 2.5m (8'0") Closed length... extends to 5.6m (18'5") Rungs per section ....... 9 Weight ........................... 15kg Max.load .......................150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £105.00 [47]Add to cart [48]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 3.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [49]Enlarge picture [2749_46168t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 3.0m (9'8") Closed length... extends to 7.1m (23'4") Rungs per section ............. 11 Weight ................................ 21kg Max.load .............................150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £120.00 [50]Add to cart [51]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 3.5m Trade & Light Industrial ladder [52]Enlarge picture [2749_46170t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 3.5m (11'4") Closed length... extends to 8.6m (28'4") Rungs per section ................ 13 Weight ................................... 26kg Max.load ................................ 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £145.00 [53]Add to cart [54]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 4.0m Trade & Light Industrial ladder BS.EN131 [55]Enlarge picture [2749_46171t.jpg] FREE! spare pair of rubber feet (worth £7.00 ) or half price SUPAGRIP feet with this ladder! The superb TITAN CLASSIC British made aluminium ladder for Trade and medium industrial use... Box section stiles with comfortable large,"D" shaped, flat top rungs, set 250mm (10") apart..... (many of our competitors ladders have rungs spaced at 11" or even 12" apart making them very uncomfortable and difficult to climb...some even use square rungs ..very uncomfortable! check this out before ordering.... it's more important than you might think! ) Kitemarked to BSEN131 the latest European-wide industrial standard.... this is a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength....and including a spare pair of rubber feet absolutely free should you ever need to replace them ... simply the best Trade ladder available at any price... 4.0m (13'0") Closed length...extends to 10.1m (33'3") Rungs per section ................15 Weight ................................... 32kg Max.load ............................... 150kg (23.5 stone) Special Offer!... Fantastic NEW! "SUPAGRIP" articulated rubber safety feet factory fitted to this ladder for only £15 ( that's half price ) ...LIMITED OFFER... see accessories page now ! Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £169.00 [56]Add to cart [57]View cart _________________________________________________________________ 2.0m Zarges Skymaster Combination Ladder [58]Enlarge picture [2749_58565t.jpg] The Mother of all combination ladders... Zarges invented it... many have copied it...we've sold them all over the years, we now supply only the skymaster range...it's simply the best..no compromises so no problems... use it as a triple ladder, a freestanding ladder, a stairwell ladder ...it's amazing!! Conforms to BS EN131 The European-wide Trade & Industrial Standard Max.Static Load = 150kg (23.5 stone) Closed Height ........2.0m Freestanding Ht......3.0m Fully extended .......4.1m Weight ............... .13.8kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £175.00 [59]Add to cart [60]View cart _________________________________________________________________ 2.4m Zarges Skymaster Combination Ladder [61]Enlarge picture [2749_58566t.jpg] The Mother of all combination ladders... Zarges invented it... many have copied it...we've sold them all over the years, we now supply only the skymaster range...it's simply the best..no compromises so no problems... use it as a triple ladder, a freestanding ladder, a stairwell ladder ...it's amazing!! Conforms to BS EN131 The European-wide Trade & Industrial Standard Max.Static Load = 150kg (23.5 stone) Closed Height = 2.4m Freestanding Ht. = 4.1m Fully extended = 5.8m Weight = 17.5kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £199.00 [62]Add to cart [63]View cart _________________________________________________________________ 3.0m Zarges Skymaster Combination Ladder [64]Enlarge picture [2749_58567t.jpg] The Mother of all combination ladders... Zarges invented it... many have copied it...we've sold them all over the years, we now supply only the skymaster range...it's simply the best..no compromises so no problems... use it as a triple ladder, a freestanding ladder, a stairwell ladder ...it's amazing!! Conforms to BS EN131 The European-wide Trade & Industrial Standard Max.Static Load = 150kg (23.5 stone) Closed Height = 3.0m Freestanding Ht. = 5.0m Fully extended = 6.9m Weight = 23.3kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £240.00 [65]Add to cart [66]View cart _________________________________________________________________ 3.6m Zarges Skymaster Combination Ladder [67]Enlarge picture [2749_58568t.jpg] The Mother of all combination ladders... Zarges invented it... many have copied it...we've sold them all over the years, we now supply only the skymaster range...it's simply the best..no compromises so no problems... use it as a triple ladder, a freestanding ladder, a stairwell ladder ...it's amazing!! Conforms to BS EN131 The European-wide Trade & Industrial Standard Max.Static Load = 150kg (23.5 stone) Closed Height = 3.6m Freestanding Ht. = 6.1m Fully extended = 8.6m Weight = 28.8kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £280.00 [68]Add to cart [69]View cart _________________________________________________________________ 4.1m Zarges Skymaster Combination Ladder [70]Enlarge picture [2749_58569t.jpg] The Mother of all combination ladders... Zarges invented it... many have copied it...we've sold them all over the years, we now supply only the skymaster range...it's simply the best..no compromises so no problems... use it as a triple ladder, a freestanding ladder, a stairwell ladder ...it's amazing!! Conforms to BS EN131 The European-wide Trade & Industrial Standard Max.Static Load = 150kg (23.5 stone) Closed Height = 4.1m Freestanding Ht. = 6.9m Fully extended = 9.7m Weight = 36.4kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £347.00 [71]Add to cart [72]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 2.2m aluminium diy ladder [73]Enlarge picture [2749_40417t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 2.2m (7'4") Closed length... extending to 3.7m (12'0") Weight = 7kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £60.00 [74]Add to cart [75]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 2.8m aluminium diy ladder [76]Enlarge picture [2749_41237t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 2.8m (9'2")Closed length...extending to 4.8m (15'10") Weight = 9kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £70.00 [77]Add to cart [78]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.4m DIY aluminium ladder [79]Enlarge picture [2749_41290t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 3.4m (11'0")Closed length... extending to 6.0m (19'4") Weight = 12kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £80.00 [80]Add to cart [81]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.9m DIY aluminium ladder [82]Enlarge picture [2749_41301t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 3.9m (13'0")Closed length... extending to 7.1m (23'5") Weight = 15kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £95.00 [83]Add to cart [84]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.4m DIY aluminium ladder [85]Enlarge picture [2749_41302t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 4.4m (14'10")Closed length... extending to 8.3m (26'3") Weight = 20kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £120.00 [86]Add to cart [87]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 2.2m DIY Aluminium ladder [88]Enlarge picture [2749_41303t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 2.2m (7'4")Closed length... extending to 5.1m (16'9") Weight = 12kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £90.00 [89]Add to cart [90]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 2.8m DIY Aluminium ladder [91]Enlarge picture [2749_41304t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 2.8m (9'2")Closed length... extending to 6.9m (22'6") Weight = 19kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £108.00 [92]Add to cart [93]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 3.4m DIY Aluminium ladder [94]Enlarge picture [2749_41305t.jpg] A superb high quality British made aluminium ladder for home use. Box section stiles with comfortable "D" shaped flat top rungs, all alloy fittings make for a lightweight ladder with exceptional strength.... simply the best DIY ladder available at any price... 3.4m (11'0")Closed length... extending to 8.6Mm (28'2") Weight = 21kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) (choose any weekday - to suit you) Price: £135.00 [95]Add to cart [96]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 2.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder (Class 1) [97]Enlarge picture [2749_156680t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 2.5m Extended length = 4.2m Weight = 12kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £89.00 [98]Add to cart [99]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.0m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder (Class 1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 3.0m Extended length = 5.2m Weight = 14kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £110.00 [100]Add to cart [101]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 3.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder (Class 1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 3.5m Extended length = 6.25m Weight = 17kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £130.00 [102]Add to cart [103]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.0m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.0m Extended length = 7.25m Weight = 20kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £148.00 [104]Add to cart [105]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.5m Extended length = 8.25m Weight = 27kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £175.00 [106]Add to cart [107]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 4.5m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [108]Enlarge picture [2749_156704t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.5m Extended length = 8.25m Weight = 27kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £280.00 [109]Add to cart [110]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.0m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 5.0m Extended length = 9.25m Weight = 30kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £215.00 [111]Add to cart [112]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.0m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [113]Enlarge picture [2749_156707t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Extra wide sections afford superb stability and comfort, while heavy duty box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs make this ladder the best class 1 ladder available anywhere Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This rope operated model features our unbeatable "Supagrip" articulated swivel feet fitted as standard together with wall running wheels at the top for easy extending .....This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Closed length ......... 5.0m Extended length .... 9.25m Duty Rating ............. 130kg Max static load ....... 175kg Weight = 32kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £299.00 [114]Add to cart [115]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 5.5m Extended length = 10.1m Weight = 33kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £250.00 [116]Add to cart [117]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 5.5m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [118]Enlarge picture [2749_156708t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 5.5m Extended length = 10m Weight = 35kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £349.00 [119]Add to cart [120]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Double 6.0m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [121]Enlarge picture [2749_156709t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 6.0m Extended length = 11m Weight = 52kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £395.00 [122]Add to cart [123]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 2.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 2.5m Extended length = 6.0m Weight = 24kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £138.00 [124]Add to cart [125]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 3.0m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 3.0m Extended length = 7.5m Weight = 27kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £179.00 [126]Add to cart [127]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 3.5m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 3.5m Extended length = 9.0m Weight = 32kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £207.00 [128]Add to cart [129]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 4.0m Heavy - Duty Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.0m Extended length = 10m Weight = 38kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £265.00 [130]Add to cart [131]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 4.0m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [132]Enlarge picture [2749_156714t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.0m Extended length = 10m Weight = 52kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £398.00 [133]Add to cart [134]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 4.5m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [135]Enlarge picture [2749_156715t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 4.5m Extended length = 11.5m Weight = 60kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £460.00 [136]Add to cart [137]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 5.0m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder [138]Enlarge picture [2749_156717t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 5.0m Extended length = 13m Weight = 66kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £499.00 [139]Add to cart [140]View cart _________________________________________________________________ Triple 5.5m Rope Operated Heavy Industrial Alloy Ladder ( Class1 ) [141]Enlarge picture [2749_156718t.jpg] The Ultimate in Strength and rigidity can be expected from our top of the range industrial alloy ladders. Manufactured to the highest standard BS2037 class 1, Box section stiles with comfortable flat topped "D" shaped rungs and solid rubber feet... Heavy duty electro-plated steel fittings, give an immediate feel of 'built to last' quality... This range of ladders are at home on building sites, in manufacturing facilities, in fact anywhere where nothing but the best will do... Check out our range of swivel feet in the accessories section which can be factory fitted to this ladder if required... Closed length = 5.5m Extended length = 14.5m Weight = 73kg Our price includes vat and free delivery to your door !! (UK Mainland) Price: £545.00 [142]Add to cart [143]View cart _________________________________________________________________ [144]ALLOY LADDERS [145]STEP LADDERS [146]ACCESSORIES [147]ROOF LADDERS [148]OUR TERMS [149]MULTI-PURPOSE [150]COMBI LADDERS [151]MOBILE STEPS [152]LOFT LADDERS [153]SCAFFOLD TOWERS [154]FIBREGLASS [155]WINDOW CLEANERS [156]PODIUM STEPS [157]GARDEN LADDERS [158]SPECIALIST GEAR [159]eXTReMe Tracker [160]Website Builder - Freestart Premier Websites References 1. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=1&pno=0 2. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=2&pno=0 3. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=3&pno=0 4. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=4&pno=0 5. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=5&pno=0 6. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/links.php 7. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/contact.php 8. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=6&pno=0 9. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=7&pno=0 10. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=8&pno=0 11. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=9&pno=0 12. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=10&pno=0 13. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=11&pno=0 14. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=12&pno=0 15. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=13&pno=0 16. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=14&pno=0 17. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=15&pno=0 18. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=16&pno=0 19. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=17&pno=0 20. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=18&pno=0 21. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=19&pno=0 22. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41307.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 23. javascript: addToCart('1BS225D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 24. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 25. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41310.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 26. javascript: addToCart('1BS230D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 27. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 28. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41317.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 29. javascript: addToCart('1BS235D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 30. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 31. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41319.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 32. javascript: addToCart('1BS240D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 33. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 34. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46162.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 35. javascript: addToCart('1BS245D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 36. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 37. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46163.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 38. javascript: addToCart('1BS250D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 39. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 40. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46165.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 41. javascript: addToCart('1BS255D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 42. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 43. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46166.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 44. javascript: addToCart('2BS220T', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 45. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 46. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46167.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 47. javascript: addToCart('2BS225T', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 48. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 49. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46168.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 50. javascript: addToCart('2BS230T', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 51. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 52. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_46170.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 53. javascript: addToCart('2BS235T', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 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65. javascript: addToCart('3SKY3', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 66. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 67. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_58568.jpg', '248', '375', '-NaN-'); 68. javascript: addToCart('3SKY36', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 69. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 70. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_58569.jpg', '248', '375', '-NaN-'); 71. javascript: addToCart('3SKY4', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 72. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 73. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_40417.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 74. javascript: addToCart('DIY22D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 75. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 76. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41237.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 77. javascript: addToCart('DIY28D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 78. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 79. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41290.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 80. javascript: addToCart('DIY34D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 81. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 82. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41301.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 83. javascript: addToCart('DIY39D', '1', '0', '', '&search=', 'www.midlandladders.net/', ''); 84. http://www.midlandladders.net/www.midlandladders.net/info.php?p=&pno=0&cat=&ack=2&search=&sought= 85. javascript: openwindow('http://www.midlandladders.net/cdata/2749/img/2749_41302.jpg', '350', '475', '-NaN-'); 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