Americas Town film treatment with a cast including the American superstars Tom Colditz escapes: Britain 109, America 0 Few Americans were held at the top security camp and, more Though latecomers to the global conflict, America has long portrayed Playstation generation that America overcame Germany and Japan Navy even before America's entry into the war. studied America's self-image in war films, says Hollywood's take on scepticism and caution. Exploring American myths and narratives is Conflicts such as in the Balkans are difficult for American audiences American "heroes" have had it tough since Vietnam heroic American which that war put on ice for a long time." American male a welcome respite. "They're getting quite a good press. In the past 25 years American Hollywood Americanisation of World War II. "I'd put it down to insular American audiences. Americans want to see films about Americans. That's where the money is." balance for America's wartime allies would probably make few inroads "To get made at all, most British films need at least one American Not all Hitler's enemies were American in American schools. It's quite possible that Saving Private Ryan is 20 Aug 99 | Americas News Front Page | Africa | Americas | Asia-Pacific | Europe | Middle